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PPPs pollution from Point Sources can be avoided. Results from the TOPPS project Manfred Roettele OECD – RRSG-Meeting February 25th 2009 San Francisco. T rain O perators to P revent P oint S ources. Content of the presentation. 3. RISK MITIGATION CHALLENGES
PPPs pollutionfrom Point Sourcescanbeavoided Results from the TOPPS projectManfred Roettele OECD – RRSG-MeetingFebruary 25th 2009 San Francisco Train Operators to Prevent Point Sources
Content of the presentation 3. RISK MITIGATION CHALLENGES Improvementofinfrastructure Improvementofequipment Change ofoperatorsbehaviour 4. KEY ELEMENTS OF A SUSTAINABLE STRATEGY 1.TOPPS – PROJECT • Context • Participants • Tasks 2. BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES – (BMPs) • Point source significance • BMPs • Key risk areas
TOPPS – PROJECT – Funded by EU- LIFE and ECPA • Objectives: • Common BMPs (stewardship+risk mitigation) • Training / Demonstration materials • Dissemination of BMPs • Proposal for a sustainable strategy to avoid point sources • TOPPS fits with the EU • legislative framework Water Framework Directive Thematic Strategy on sustainable use of pesticides MachineryDirective
TOPPS – PROJECT – 15 EU countries / 18 cooperators PartnersBelgium POVLT, Pcfruit Poland ISK, IMUZ Denmark DAAS Germany LWK-NRW France Arvalis, Cemagref UK Harper Adans Univ Col. Spain Univ Catalunia CEIB Italy Univ Turin DEIAFA 9 Subcontractors NL, PT, CZ, SK, Hu, Se, FI, FI SE DK H UK NL TOPPS PL BE CZ DE FR SK IT FR ES PT
TOPPS – PROJECT - Tasks Upscaling /ProposalGapsRisk managementSustainable approach BMPsDissemination FarmersAdvicersStakeholders AwarenessSurveys StakeholdersFarmersPilot areas Common BMPs Best Management Practice DemonstrationsTraininig materials Inventory Materials Experts Database November 2005 October 2008
Bad Practice: Unattended product, overflow from sprayer filling
Significance of Point sources - widely underestimated Studies show point sources can contribute > 50 % to the contamination of surface water (BE,DE,UK) Perceived Point Source significance ? Chance for easiest reduction ? Topps stakeholder survey n= 600 (10 countries)
TOPPS – BMPs : about 300 experts involvediterative process: TOPPS team - national stakeholders - EU stakeholders Correct Behaviour three main perspectivesBehaviour, technique, infrastructure applied to working processes Improved Equipment Improved Infrastructure ...along working processes – ensure consistency Transport Storage Before spraying During spraying After spraying Remnant management
Key risk area – filling (Mitigation infrastructure, equipment) On farm most common practice In the field low investment • Fill on dedicatedplace • Fillonlyifprecautionarymeasurestakentocollectanyspills • Avoidanydrainagetosurfacewater • Varysiteoffillingplace • Keep adequatedistancestowaterbodies 85% fill in theirfarmyard on hardsurfaces
Key risk area: Cleaning inside tank Reduction of residual volumes will reduce point source risks .......even when air blows at the nozzle, some spray liquid is still in the sprayer..... !!!(technical limitation, tank design, dimensioning of pipes and booms Current standards for Fieldsprayers If the cleaning is not done properly some of these residual volumes may end up in the water Arable Farmers clean their sprayers 7 to 10 times / season* *TOPPS farmer surveys 2007
Key risk area: Cleaning inside + outside Rinse three times or use continuous rinsing procedure(TOPPS clean)Clean water tank is a necessity Spray diluted solution out in fieldwhere you have started to spray Clean sprayer from outside in the field (attached cleaning lance)especially important for air assisted sprayers Bring as little contaminated liquid as possible back to the farm
Key risk area – remnant management (Infrastructure) Collectionandtreatmentofdiluted PPP contaminatedwater Slurry tank: Collectionanddistribution in field(DE, DK) Collection tank: Dilutedcontaminated liquid spread out in thefield (naturalbiobed – DK) Biobed : Collectionandbioactivematrixdegrades PPP contaminatedliquids (recommendedforbiggerfarms) Biofilter : applies same principlesasbiobed (recommendedforsmallerfarms, specialityproducers) Biopurificationsystemsareapproved in FR, UK, SE andpartly in BE. Research andapprovalprocesses in other countries not yetfinalised.
Application technique is part of the Crop protection process and therefore also part in the efforts to mitigate risks Focus in sprayer development has been primarily on improvements in application precission etc., variations found in practice on mitigation aspects are much higher (low level of regulation) Two main development dimensions improvements of the precission, reliability and control of the application Reality in field Big improvements were made in application techniques improvements on safety aspects (risk mitigation) Picture H.Kramer, LWK-NRW
Technical risk mitigation opportunities need to be realised • Some key technical devices should be made mandatory • Rinse water tank (sufficient capacity) • Internal and external cleaning device (High preasure) • Better measurement of water volume • Filling and container cleaning devices (Induction bowls) • Sprayer design should be optimized for lowest residual volume • Filling and cleaning on farm require precautionary measures (place with collection facilities, bioremediation) • Clear recommendations on remnants management Improved Equipment Improved Infrastructure 19
Technique is only a risk mitigation enabler – key factor is the correct behaviour of the operator Challenge ! Correct behaviour starts with the correct information in the minds How can we get awareness and information to those operators which are not reached by information and advice today ? Farmers perception of point source risks by work processes 5 high,1 low 20 to 50 % of operators have no idea of the significance of different entry sources (6 surveys pilot areas) Who trainstheadvisers ? Howcan agro- environmental advicebemademoreattractive? (Example: French pilot area study (n=150) similar pattern in other catchments
... Key is to change behaviour Sustainable strategy to avoid point sources starts with the BMPs Correct Behaviour BMPs development dimensionsfor behaviour change BMPstransfer BMPsimplementation TOPPS - KEY MESSAGES • Develop training modules for Advisers and utilize all advice capacities(Certified, documented, private + public advisors: Example BASIS?) • Create a market for agro - environmental advice • Offer operator training modules on water protection (voluntary/mandatory)(Certified, documented, apply audit tools. Example: Aquasite Arvalis?) • Define water protection targets, control processes and measure progress
Ideastobuild on TOPPS A consistent water management approach is needed POINT SOURCEcan be avoided DIFFUSE SOURCEcan be reduced • Key Areas • Run off • Leaching • Drainage • Drift • Key Areas • Filling • Cleaning • Remnant managment Awarenes/Res Budgets Significance AWARENESS LOWMeasures:Technique InfrastructureBehaviour AWARENESS VARIABLE Measures:Drift reduction techniques Buffer zones Behaviour GENERALLY APPLICABLE APPLICABLE IN SENITIVE AREAS
IMPLEMENTATION REMAINS THE CHALLENGE ! Thanksforyourattention Acknowledgementforsupportto Life, ECPA, the TOPPS partners andmanysupportivestakeholders Right focus, strategy, support and good will avoid point sources STAY ON TOPPS – www.TOPPS-life.org