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中国物理学会 - 2014 高能物理年会 中国武汉. Colored Zee- Babu Model @ LHC & low energy experiments. 徐繁荣 台湾大学 物理系 2014. 4. 21. Outline. Introduction of colored Zee- Babu model Neutrino mass Lepton flavor violating processes Higgs production and decay Collider search Summary.
中国物理学会 - 2014高能物理年会中国武汉 Colored Zee-Babu Model @ LHC & low energy experiments 徐繁荣 台湾大学 物理系 2014. 4. 21
Outline • Introduction of colored Zee-Babu model • Neutrino mass • Lepton flavor violating processes • Higgs production and decay • Collider search • Summary In collaboration with Prof. W.-F. Chang, C.-F. Wong, S.-C. Liou (新竹清华) Fanrong Xu
Introduction • Nonzero neutrino mass: a market full of opportunities/risks • There are lots of ideas to provide neutrino mass seasaw mechanism: type I via singlet fermion; type II via triplet scalar; type III via triplet fermion. radiative seasaw mechanism: Zee model (single + 2nd doublet) Zee-Babumodel (2 singlets) • Zee-Babu model colored Zee-Babu model Fanrong Xu
Colored Zee-Babu Model • Initial idea: Babu-Leung, NPB619 (2001) 667 “Classification of effective neutrino mass operators” • Developed: Kohda-Sugiyama-Tsumura, PLB 718 (2013) 1436 leptoquark: diquark: Fanrong Xu
Neutrino mass in cZBM only contributes • Mass formula Fanrong Xu
LFV (I): • General form: dipole interaction • The coefficients in cZBM: both gives contribution • A byproduct: (g-2) of muon and electron: Fanrong Xu
LFV (II): • General form: vector and dipole interaction in SM Illana-Riemann, PRD 63, 053004 (2001) • The effective coefficients from cZBM Fanrong Xu
Higgs production and decay • The mixing of scalars affect • Combing LHC Higgs data, we can constrain ( , Fanrong Xu
The known constraints • The existed global constraints on and : Carpentier-Davidson, EPJC 70 (2010) 1071 • A general constraint on from meson mixing M. Bona, et.al. [Utfit Collaboration], JHEP03(2008) 049 • Mass of LQ and DQ from direct search Fanrong Xu
Experimental Status MEG Collaboration, 2013 BaBar Collaboration, 2010 DELPHI Collaboration, 1997 Muon (g-2) Collaboration, 2006 Hanneke et. al., PRA2011 Super-Kamiokande Collaboration, 2011 Daya Bay Collaboration, 2013 KamLand Collaboration, 2011 MINOS Collaboration, 2011 JUNO M. Morescoet. al., JCAP2012 Fanrong Xu
A global fitting • For a goodness fit, we define function as C.L.: in 3 (12) free parameters’ case. • Scan of parameters starts from an orthogonal relation in neutrino mass • Parameter scenarios: (diag/non-diag, NH/HI, ); • For the diag, the favored pattern is Fanrong Xu
An example (preliminary) • In the scenario of (diag-, NH, ), the predictions for the low energy experiments based on C.L. parameter space: Fanrong Xu
An example (preliminary) • In the scenario of (diag-, IH, ), the predictions for the low energy experiments based on C.L. parameter space: Fanrong Xu
Collider phenomenology • diquark direct search without SM background • With input parameter from previous global fitting we find it is almost hopeless to detect the diquarksignal (FeynRules + MadGraph) Fanrong Xu
Summary • A new proposed model, cZBM, is systematically studied. • We are able to obtain allowed parameter satisfying all current experiments’ constraints. • Although Z still stays in the LEP era, it plays an important role in selecting parameter. • We show in one set of example, (diag-, NH/IH, ) and are close to current bound; is not easy to be measured; charged lepton AMDM cannot be explained in this model; a typical collider signal, , is largely suppressed. • In the scenario of nondiag-, there probably be large collider signal. Fanrong Xu
Thank You Fanrong Xu