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Claes Rosengren Managing Director Gävle Dala Energikontor Energy Agency Björkhagsgatan 10, 813 32 Hofors Tel: +46 290 - 241 60, +46 70 - 414 05 45 Fax: +46 290 - 290 01 claes.rosengren@xkl.se www.gde-net.se. Some facts about the energy agency Started 1998 7 employees
Claes Rosengren Managing Director Gävle Dala Energikontor Energy Agency Björkhagsgatan 10, 813 32 Hofors Tel: +46 290 - 241 60, +46 70 - 414 05 45 Fax: +46 290 - 290 01 claes.rosengren@xkl.se www.gde-net.se
Some facts about the energy agency Started 1998 7 employees Turn-over about 1 M euro per year An actor within the counties of: Dalarna – 15 local authorities (276.000 inhabitants) Gävleborg – 10 local authorities (276.000 inhabitants) Renewables’ share in the region: ab. 35%
Regional actor; energy guidance We support and develop the local authority energy consultancy - as a commission of the Swedish Energy Agency - in the counties of Dalarna and Gävleborg + 6 neighbouring local authorities in two other counties ” The primary task of local authority energy consultancy is to provide consumers with independent advice on energy matters”!
Regional actor; renewable energy We affect enterprises and organizations – with the purpose to increase the share of renewable energy in the counties of Gävleborg and Dalarna! The renewable energy comes from sun, wind and water, for instance through: solar collectors for heating solar photovoltaics for electricity ”sun-stored” biofuel for heating, electricity and vehicle-fuel wind power for electricity hydro power for electricity
Objectives: Energy efficiency Renewable energy sources Increased growth Increased employment Sustainable environment
The principals? • Association of Local Authorities of Gävleborg • Association of Local Authorities of Dalarna • County Administrative Board of Gävleborg • County Administrative Board of Dalarna • Swedish Energy Agency
The staff • Claes Rosengren, Managing Director • Anders Backman, Project Manager • Ulla-Karin Enbom, Project Manager • Lars Persson, Project Manager • Bengt-Olof Danielsson, Project Manager • Mattias Gustafsson, Project Controller • Margaretha Fredholm, Adm. Controller
The energy-situation in a ”nut-shell” • Population increasing fast • Energy-demand increasing very fast • Fossil oil decreasing – oil-price increasing • Production of electricity ”shaky” – electricity-price increasing • Fossil gas decreasing – not stable to develop • Green-house effect increases! • Supply and demand unbalanced - dangerous • Catch the alternatives! • Grow biomass – use the sun – globally! • Biomass is needed for all sorts of energy!
Some actual tasks/projects • - Pellet-heating – Future-heating stage 2 national • Bioheat – UWX stage 3 EU Mål 2 North • Converting to biofuels local district-heating • BioDriv X feasibility study on biofuels in Gävleborg • EnergiIntelligent Dalarna regional energy-cooperation • Solar cells and miniwindpower for clusters of buildings • Energy-services Performance Contracting for official and private buildings • Energy-declarations new law for property owners • Energy-education various schools • Co-advertising within the energy-sector Vi i Villa m fl • FEEDU school-project EU-project • Regbie+bioenergy use EU-project
BioDriv Xis a feasibility study • a project within Gävle Dala Energy Agency (GDE) • principal is the Association of Local Authoritiesof Gävleborg • Gävleborgs Kommuner & Landsting (GKL) • financed by • Association of Local Authoritiesof Gävleborg • County Council(Landstinget Gävleborg) • County Administrative Board • (Länsstyrelsen Gävleborg) • several enterprises and organizations
Participants in BioDriv X • ”Community” • Landstinget Gävleborg, Länsstyrelsen Gävleborg and • Gävleborgs Kommuner & Landsting • Energy enterprises • Gävle Energi AB, Sandviken Energi AB, Neova AB, • Fortum Värme AB, E.On (incl Karskär Energi) • Industries • Korsnäs AB, Vallviks Bruk AB, Stora Enso Pulp AB • Raw-material deliverers • LRF (Farmers’ Association), Mellanskog (Forest Owners’ Assoc.), Naturbränsle AB (Sawmills and Forest Owners Assoc.), • Sveaskog AB (Government), Stora Enso Skog AB (Private company) • Fuel company • OKQ8
Organization Project leader is Ulla-Karin Enbom från GDE The project board is represented by following persons and organizations: GDE and GKL: Claes Rosengren coordinator Landstinget: Jörgen Blomkvist county council Länsstyrelsen: Carina Åkerberg growth secretariat Torbjörn Holmgren environment unit LRF: Mats Dahlström Sw. Farmers’ Assoc. Skogsstyrelsen: Göran Rune Sw. Board of Forestry Almi: Åke Ericsson supports enterprises HiG: ? ”county college” Energimyndigheten: Anders Lewald Sw. Energy Agency Secretary: Kent Jonelind county council
Secretariat for Growth Market/ Technique/ Juridical tasks Raw material / Biological manifold Project leader and Project Board Suitable enterprises ”Environment vehicles”/ Infrastructure NEX Local authorities Biofuels • Main tasks and working structure:
What will be studied? • Examine the various conditions without influence • from certain conditions or qualifications • Questions are to be answered, for instance: • How great are the potentials of different raw materials within the county but even in the neighbouring areas? • What amounts can we expect from forests, farmlands, peatlands and from organic waste? • What is the state of the art and the forecast on technical solutions for producing biomass-based alternatives to petrol, dieseloil and fossil gas?
Continued: What will be studied? • What kinds of biofuels are most desirable, considering existing infra-structure, industries, filling stations etc? • What’s the calculated cost per litre or kWh for producing different volumes of the different biofuels? • Advantages and disadvantages for different biofuels; ethanol, methanol, FT-diesel, DME (di methyl ether), RME (rapeseed methyl ester) and biogas – considering market, production, patents, raw material potential etc?
The aim of the feasibility study, • which will run for about one year from the start in May 2006, is • ”the county” will have enough knowledge to be able to choose biofuels that can be produced at one or several places in the county • to find interested and suitable actors, who can be expected to participate in financing, establishing and running at least one biofuel plant in the county
The progress of the study – so far • BioDriv X has: • it’s own “News Letter” • established contacts with many interesting experts and organizations • started expert groups in the project • arranged an ethanol study-tour to ”BioFuel Region” • arranged conferences on BioDriv X in the county • produced a report on raw material potential
Potential from the farmlands • Now: cereals, grazing fields, fallow fields • Then? – cereals, straw, energy crops…
Potential in Gävleborg • Total annual production: 15,3 TWh (excl peat) • Total annual use: 11,6 TWh (incl peat) • Total annual potential: 4,4 TWh (4,1 + peat) • Annual consumption of petrol+diesel oil in Gävleborg: 2,9 TWh
Thank you for your attention! • Dank u! Merci! Gracias! Grazie! • Tack! Danke! Takk! Kiitos! • Efcharisto!