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This update outlines Cornwall Council’s new approach on Social Value with key points, implications, and specific actions for Chamber of Commerce engagement. Learn how Social Value will be integrated into procurement activity.
Social Value update for Chamber of Commerce • Steve Sandercock (December 2017)
Social Value Key points: • Cornwall Council updating approach on Social Value – two key documents, both the Policy and also guidance to both those involved from the Council but also Suppliers • Consultation with key partners, and wider with supplier network • Based on consultation looking to adopt the Policy in Spring 2018
Social Value – Policy & Guidance Key implications where it will apply: • In a proportional and relevant way for goods, works and services arrangements, mandatory for above EU threshold tenders (Services threshold of £164k and discretionary below this). • At each of the stages in relation to commissioning, tendering and contract monitoring/ management • In cases of providing funding third parties via grant payments and or devolution of goods, works or services to others. • In consideration of placing work direct with our Group of Companies, e.g. Cormac / Cornwall Housing / Cornwall Airport etc. • In the tendering decisions when we look to set aside our formal approach as defined under the Contract Procedure Rules. • In a manner that makes positive contributions linked to our strategic priorities and / or our communities.
Social Value – Policy & Guidance In procurement activity will see following evaluation weightings (depending on proportionality and relevance): • Below Official Journal of European Union Threshold (for Services - current £164k) – Discretionary duty to consider Social Value only – if applied up to a maximum 5% of total evaluation weighting. • Above Official Journal of European Union Threshold for Services (current £164k) for Goods, Works and Services to apply a minimum 3% to maximum 15% of total evaluation weighting towards Social Value. For more details and an opportunity to comment see here: http://www.cornwall.gov.uk/business/commercial-services-and-selling-to-the-council/responsible-procurement/
Some specific actions / next steps: • Consideration of community needs and links to the Council’s Strategies • Incorporated in business as usual, to include: Ensuring Investment and Commercial Board capture and record Social Value considerations Supplier Questionnaire and Intention to Award templates capture need to consider social Value considerations; Contract Procedure Rules suitable updated. • Update website and “how to sell guidance”; also to do an update in the Supplier Newsletter around the changes. Internally to update Commercial Training to reference Social Value. • Hold six monthly update meetings with Chamber of Commerce and Federation of Small business looking at Social Value outcomes and lessons learnt. To provide at least one annual engagement briefing with supplier representatives group. • Put in place formal arrangement to capture and disseminate Social Value lessons learnt • Undertake a comprehensive review of preferred standards for the Council in relation to ethical considerations in specification
Other chances to comment • Cornwall Council’s Commercial Services web pages • Your views welcomed – see here for more details on how to comment: https://www.netigate.se/a/s.aspx?s=517617X110991379X76668
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