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Action Plan Skills Building: Module 4 Implementing and Evaluating the Action Plan. January 2013. Module 1: Getting Started. Module 2: Defining Purpose and Scope. Module 3: Planning the Details. Module 4: Implementing and Evaluating. Action Plan Skills Building Workshop.
Action Plan Skills Building:Module 4Implementing and Evaluating the Action Plan January 2013
Module 1: Getting Started Module 2: Defining Purpose and Scope Module 3: Planning the Details Module 4: Implementing and Evaluating Action Plan Skills Building Workshop
Learning Objectives • Strengthen skills to: • Market the action plan • Secure resources • Take the necessary steps to ensure successful implementation
Outline • Obtaining high-level commitment • Implementing activities and monitoring and evaluation
Obtaining high-level commitment • Commitment & approval at national high-level: • general and/or specific • needs to be obtained at various stages of the action plan development process • may take the form of written agreements, ministerial directives, legislative amendments, etc. • Can be followed by external high level commitment
Assessing Potential Bottlenecks to Commitment • Obstacles or bottlenecks could include: • Competing priorities that might threaten support for the AP • a lack of awareness about the topic or issue • contradictory or duplicative mandates (or lack of a mandate) related to the AP
Raising Awareness of Benefits of Taking Action • Communicate AP intentions to those who have decision making power • AP itself can provide good overview of the benefits • Link to other national priorities(e.g. national development plan) • Tailor to specific audiences, e.g. one-page summary specifically for busy decision makers
Example: Ministerial Briefing Notes • Briefing notes should include: • a succinct statement of the case or issue • essential background information, current status • recommendations made or directions sought, if any
Securing Adequate Human and Financial Resources • Resources are essential for implementation • “In-kind” and national resources are essential contributors • AP’s value will be evaluated against other competing national requirements • Relate AP to otheressential or high priority national activities such as sustainable development • Stress that the benefits outweigh the costs
Implementing Planned Activities • Having gained approval and support for the action plan, initiate implementation, e.g.: • Selectproject team leader & team members • Initial team meetingto agree process • Aresub-groups necessary? e.g. for stockpile disposal, reduction of emissions, etc. • Prepare“inception” or “start-up” documentto summarise goal, objectives and major activities, as well as list of participants
Monitoring and Evaluation • Monitoring the implementation phase helps to ensure that the AP is on schedule • Has each milestonebeen met according to schedule? • Have certain activitiesbeen more challenging than expected and did this affect the quality? • Are there times where the estimated costshave exceeded expectations?
Monitoring and Evaluation (cont.) • Evaluate from time to time attainment of objectives(goal) • if indicatorsmet, safe to say objectives being achieved • if indicators demonstrate certain objectives not met, assess what went wrong, revise action plan
Monitoring and Evaluation: Three Important Steps • Measure Progress • against milestones, the planned schedule, budget, etc • evaluate effectiveness based on indicators 2. Analyse the situation • to determine cause of any positive or negative deviations 3. Determine necessary action, modifications...adjust AP if necessary
AP Progress Reports and Final Report Provides “history” and “feedback” for future action • Purpose and scope of the AP • Progress or evaluation(using milestones, indicators, etc.) • Deviationsfrom the initial AP (quality, time, cost, etc.)? • Are/were the expenditures according to plan? • Lessons learntfor further actions? • Conclusions(including any reports/publications)
AP Skills Building Guidelines Mod 1. Getting Started: Preparatory Tasks and Considerations • Mod 2. Defining Action Plan Purpose and Scope • Establishing the Problem Statement & Goal • Conducting a Situation and Gap Analysis • Setting Objectives and Indicators Mod 3. Planning the Details: Activities, Timelines, Resources, and More… • Mod 4. Implementing and Evaluating the Action Plan • Obtaining Commitment • Implementing Activities and Monitoring and Evaluation
Thank you Chemicals and Waste Management ProgrammeUnited Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR)Palais des Nations1211 Geneva 10Tel: +41 22 917 1234Fax: +41 22 917 8047Email: cwm@unitar.org