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Knowledge Programme Benefits Realisation Plan. January 2013. Benefits Management. The MSP (‘Managing Successful Projects 2011’) guide suggests the following process:. MSP benefits management methodology:.
Knowledge Programme Benefits Realisation Plan January 2013
The MSP (‘Managing Successful Projects 2011’) guide suggests the following process: MSP benefits management methodology: Reviewing benefits data delivered, ensuring benefits strategy is in line with corporate objectives and adding/removing tracking as required, identifying additional benefitsBenefits/disbenefits are likely to change more frequently than previously as the Department moves to a more frequwent schedule of aligning priorities with Ministerial priorities Benefits identification and structuring and alignment with strategic objectives Planning for benefits tracking, review and optimisation Tracking benefits The Department will have accountability for the delivery of benefits, and specifically, accountability will lie with business managers who have the operational power to make any necessary decisions and implement required organisational change. Management of benefits realisation will be conducted by BSU.
Definition of benefits The DfE Review (in particular annex 6 – knowledge management and annex 6a – knowledge management maturity assessment) highlighted several key benefits. The benefits described in The Knowledge Management Programme Business Case were revisited and further key benefits were identified after consultation with key stakeholders. The Knowledge Management Maturity Model was also used to develop benefits definitions by mapping each substrand to a desired outcome. Knowledge Management Maturity Model categories and desired outcomes Knowledge Sharing Benefits • Teams know where to locate knowledge if needed • Staff increase skill base for future use and know where to locate knowledge, if needed • Stakeholder relationships are maintained and intelligence quality is increased • Less time wasted looking for key informationKey information is up-to-date and work is based on fewer incorrect assumptions Developing Knowledge Benefits • Increased new joiner retention and job satisfaction (through induction improvement) • Increased staff morale (through public acknowledgement of good KM practices) • Increased sense of inclusion (following SCS lead) Exploring Knowledge Benefits • Improvements in specific processes (team-specific and shared), resulting in more efficient ways of working such as: • Reduction in re-work, mistakes and wasted time as a result of fewer errors (lessons learned, learning from history) • Less wasted time as a result of demand anticipation • Expertise is routinely sought, saving time and effort • Quality of work improved as a variety of high-quality information resources are exploited Knowledge Capture Benefits • Improving the process of knowledge capture will allow: • Increased exploitation of knowledge from staff leaving • Faster location and more secure storage of key information (through Workplaces) {less clogging of system if links sent} • better utilisation of staff expertise (staff are easier to locate through MySites) • Knowledge from previous projects easy to locate to inform future work The 4 benefit categories will allow more effective ways of working including better decision making, improved staff satisfaction, compliance with statutory regulations & enhanced reputation in line with the DfE strategic objectives
Benefits derivation from the Knowledge Management Maturity Model Enabler Desired outcome Category Benefit DfE objective/ministerial priority • Integrated Desktop increased uptake of knowledge capture tools Training costs reduced Move to integrated desktop (more social-media style interface) • New interface • Homogenous Intranet interface adopted throughout DfE Move to new interface Secure value for money (reduce spend – in response to budget cut) ICT equipment made available (non-cashable benefit?) Decommissioning and reuse of ICT hardware • Hardware and software • Cost savings resulting from decommissioning of hardware • Update of IWP & related s/ware More links than docs circulated Push for staff to send links to docs not add large email attachments Bandwidth load decreased • Increased declaration of records - DfE compliance with Public Records Act more likely. Better compliance with statutory obligations eg. DPA, 20 year rule DISBEN – drawbacks of IWP eg. Spreadsheet, length of name, • Use of WorkPlaces Declaration of records without manual intervention ‘Single version of the truth’ used IL markings used (distinguish open records from sensitive records) More IL markings used Better data handling & risk management Improved continuity during staff transitions Move towards flexible deployment(need for swift response to changing ministerial priorities) • Increased exploitation of knowledge from staff leaving Less time taken by new staff learning their role • Leaver’s Handover Handover note docs, team activities & processes held centrally New staff effective more quickly Staff conduct end of activity processes eg. Publishing lessons learned activities & declaring records • Past project records are easily locate & inform future projects Increased findability of key info • End of project Faster, less bureaucratic decision-making • Capturing Knowledge Faster location of expertise • Finding experts via MySites People (expertise) can be more easily identified Staff entries include areas of expertise, skills, sector knowledge Faster location of key information Less time used looking for key info • Use of key information Key info is made available across DfE & regularly updated Key information is up-to-date Key info is up—to-date Need to create a more adaptable, multi-skilled workforce (raising staff capability) Knowledge captured held centrally, appropriately managed & shared in planned fashion • Cross-team & external knowledge sharing Improved quality of stored info. Stakeholder relationships maintained, intel. quality raised Staff know where to locate knowledge, if needed Increased accessibility of key info Teams involved in improving existing networks (Teams hold seminars on cross-cutting issues with colleagues across DfE. Teams actively promote their work) • Team KM culture • Sharing Knowledge Staff increase knowledge base for future reference Creating innovative, well-evidenced policies Stakeholder engagements captured & shared pan-DfE. Teams promote work Key information is up-to-date and work is based on fewer incorrect assumptions • Stakeholder management Lessons learned are referenced, action plans developed & improvements implemented for significant pieces of work Improved focus on good KM practices • Lessons learned Existing staff effectiveness increased • Learning from history Horizon scanning is routinely done within teams as part of business planning • Demand anticipation results in more efficient use of time • Horizon scanning • Exploring Knowledge Staff review the corporate memory before starting a piece of work • A variety of high-quality information resources are exploited to improve quality of work • Use of external information sources Systematic use of external resources is part of normal working Team is able to identify expertise to further its work from across DfE via MySites, knowledge in Work Places, personal contacts, word of mouth • Draw on expertise • Expertise is routinely sought, saving time and effort Team & corporate induction developed to give new joiners clear view of DfE & their role. Access to current & historical knowledge & key player meetings Increased new joiner retention and job satisfaction (through induction improvement) • Induction SCS uses action plan to drive improvements in how the team manages its knowledge, ensure effective induction & handovers & endorses compliance within DfE policies • Developing Knowledge Systematic and documented knowledge exchange for grade 5 and above • SCS Behaviours Increased staff retention, efficiency & morale (through good KM acknowledgement) • Staff morale improves (KM success acknowledgement) • KM Recognition Most members of staff demonstrate good KM skills
Benefits categorised according to suggested classification Benefit Corporate objective/ministerial priority ICT equipment made available (non-cashable benefit?) Economic benefits(A financial improvement, releasing cash, increased income or the better use of funds (for example, credit rating) Secure value for money (reduce spend – in response to budget cut) Savings accrued from more efficient search? Reduction in training costs Better compliance with obligatory statutory requirements eg. DPA, 20 year rule DISBEN – drawbacks of IWP eg. Spreadsheet, length of name, Better data handling and risk management ‘Single version of the truth’ used Move towards flexible deployment(need for swift response to changing ministerial priorities) Improved continuity during staff transitions Effectiveness benefitsDoing things better or to a higher standard (for example, fewer failures) Existing staff effectiveness increased Need to create & maintain a more adaptable, multi-skilled workforce (raising staff capability) New staff become effective more quickly Improved quality of info stored for use Increased accessibility of key info Increased findability of key info Creating innovative, well-substantiated policies Increased staff retention, efficiency & morale (through good KM acknowledgement) Faster, less bureaucratic decision-making Efficiency benefitsDoing more for the same or the same with less (for example, processing more enquiries but with the same number of people). Faster location of key information Bandwidth load decreased Training costs reduced (staff learn from each other)
Financial Benefits This table sets out some indicative financial savings if one hour of searching for information is saved per annum per member of staff. The data is taken from the Equality Data released as part of the Estates Review. The number of sites and number of staff is in the process of reduction. Av. grade is SEO. Av.SEO salary = £35,031.5 (national pay band data) + 8,757.875 (25% : pension etc.) = £43,789.375. £43,789.375 / 52 = £842.103365 / 36 = £23.39 per hour SEO salary Saving over course of one year = £23.39 x 3718 = £86,964.02
Knowledge Management Maturity ModelSuggestedKey Performance Indicators The Knowledge Management Maturity Model was used to develop high-level KPIs by mapping KPIs to each substrand. These will be used as a starting-point for consultation with key stakeholders and further KPIs and metrics will be derived. Knowledge capture when staff leave DfE or change role Documentation of handover notes & team activities & processes held centrally Planned use of WorkPlace capabilities More links than docs circulated. IL markings used. IAO consulted Declaration of records without manual intervention Completion of MySites profiles Staff entries include areas of expertise, skills, sector knowledge Storage & publication of completed stage records held in central locations Staff conduct end of activity processes eg. Publishing lessons learned activities & declaring records Knowledge captured held centrally, appropriately managed & shared in planned fashion Stakeholder engagement information sharing Stakeholder engagements captured & shared pan-DfE. Teams actively promote work Structured storage & sharing of ‘useful’ info. Teams involved in improving existing networks. Teams hold seminars on cross-cutting issues with colleagues across DfE. Teams actively promote their work Key info available across DfE & regularly updated Availability of up-to-date key information New joiner satisfaction with induction Team & corporate induction developed to give new joiners clear view of DfE & their role. Access to current & historical knowledge & key player meetings SCS uses action plan to drive improvements in how the team manages its knowledge, ensure effective induction & handovers & endorses compliance within DfE policies SCS knowledge management engagement Acknowledgement of good KM skills Most members of staff demonstrate good KM skills Lessons learned are referenced, action plans developed & improvements implemented for significant pieces of work Lessons learned (& related action plan) utilisation Staff review the corporate memory before starting a piece of work Search of corp. memory before starting new work Anticipation of future knowledge needs Horizon scanning is routinely done within teams as part of business planning Identification of expertise Team is able to identify expertise to further its work from across DfE via My Sites, knowledge in Work Places, personal contacts, word of mouth Systematic use of external resources is part of normal working Location of information through specialist resources
Knowledge Management Maturity ModelSuggestedKey Performance Indicators The Knowledge Management Maturity Model was used to develop KPIs by mapping KPIs to each substrand. ICT equipment made available (non-cashable benefit?) Economic benefits Savings accrued from more efficient search? Upgraded doc. Storage system used More secure doc. Storage (IL markings) Improved continuity during staff transitions Existing staff effectiveness increased Effectiveness benefits New staff become effective more quickly Improved quality of info stored for use Increased accessibility of key info Increased findability of key info Increased staff retention, efficiency & morale (through good KM acknowledgement) Faster location of key information Efficiency benefits Easier storage of key info Bandwidth load decreased Training costs reduced (staff learn from each other)
Once KPIs and metrics are agreed with BSU stakeholders, baseline data will be collected from across the organisation using a variety of data sources After hand over of benefits tracking in April, BSU will be responsible for benefits tracking including collecting data for future tracking. Baseline Methodology Baseline data for each metric for each KPI will be collected pre- and post 1 month of IWP 2.0 go live Data will be logged as baseline information 13 Baseline Data Sources* Interviews with key stakeholders Report(s) on WorkPlaces useage Staff survey
Future benefits tracking reports will consist of collated KPI data against baseline data, findings and headlines/recommendations slides Qualitative and quantitative data will be collected quarterly. It will be held in a table held centrally. Reports will consist of headlines and recommendations KPI data will be collated quarterly and/or annually basis 15
Track > Review > Action Agree ACTIONS to influence programme activity to maximise benefits delivery Update benefits tracking activities as necessary and agree with PM Board. TRACK KPIs to understand the benefits delivered KPIs will be assessed and the data compared to the baseline data (surveys). Data will be collected quarterly. REVIEW the benefits information against forecast and informed by current environment Assess benefits data derived against projected data and in context of current DfE environment To accrue grater benefits if they appear and to adjust if benefits don’t meet targets 17
KM programme benefits realisation timeline Nov 12 Feb 13 Jun 13 Sept 13 Mar 14 Dec 12 Jan 13 Mar 13 Dec 13 Draft Maturity Model Complete annual benefits tracking Complete quarterly benefits tracking Complete quarterly benefits tracking Complete quarterly benefits tracking Draft Maturity Model Lite version Complete initial baseline tracking data and toolkit Benefits strategy doc signed off Establish stakeholder group to get buy-in and agree approach Hand over tracking to BSU Meet with stakeholder group Establish start point for base lining benefits