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Environmental Consultants in Madison

Environmental Consultants in Madison. Rebecca Van Roo and John Dockrey. Rapid Improvement Associates. “Partnering to benefit our world and your bottom line”. Warren Gaskill (Kevin Little) Commercial & Private Funding - companies Celebrate Environment through the Economy

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Environmental Consultants in Madison

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  1. Environmental Consultants in Madison Rebecca Van Roo and John Dockrey

  2. Rapid Improvement Associates “Partnering to benefit our world and your bottom line” • Warren Gaskill (Kevin Little) • Commercial & Private Funding - companies • Celebrate Environment through the Economy • Effective Environmental Practices • Planning, Educating, Development

  3. Madison Environmental Group “Works with individuals and organizations to improve communities and the environment” • Sonya Newenhouse • Commercial, Private, & Government Funding • Affordable Green Options • Creativity, Practicality, Interdisciplinary • Community, Transportation, Green Building • Educating

  4. Rapid Improvement Associates: Projects • International Interests

  5. US – China Environmental Fund • Organizational Alignment • Tailored for the Unique Needs of China • Environmental Planning & Economic Development • Accounting & Reporting Practices • Website Development • Education & Panda Conservation

  6. Rapid Improvement Associates: Projects • International Interests • Energy Efficiency

  7. SenseDat Meter™ • Low-Cost Software and Hardware Development • Observable Patterns of Energy Use

  8. SenseDat Meter™ The software provides easy to read graphs for each day, when electricity is being turned on/off and energy consumption in kWh. The information can be transferred into Excel to show patterns of peak demand as well as daily costs.

  9. SenseDat Meter™ • Low-Cost Software and Hardware Development • Observable Patterns of Energy Use • Greenhouse Gas Emission Costs • 30 Systems Installed • For the Client & the Environment – Net Benefits

  10. Rapid Improvement Associates: Projects • International Interests • Energy Efficiency • Environmental Science Education

  11. Environmental Science Education • Partnership with 10 Chicago Public Schools • Energy Education into After School Programs • Utilize SenseDat Meter™ Technology • Nurture Life Long Habits for “Greener” Practices

  12. Rapid Improvement Associates: Projects • International Interests • Energy Efficiency • Environmental Science Education • Sustainable Woods Network

  13. Forestry – Sustainable Woods Network • Facilitate Link Between Consumers & Private Woodland Owners • Web-Based Wood Inventory Tracking Database • Website For Consumers – Product Showcase • Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Washington

  14. Madison Environmental Group: Projects • Neighborhood – Community Involvement

  15. EnAct • Community Based • Tools to Adopt Economical and Environmentally-Friendly Lifestyle Practices • Sustainable Living • Reduce Waste, Conserve Energy & Water, Reduce Car Use, Healthy & Sustainable Food Choices

  16. EnAct - Results Money SavedHousehold Average: $278 Program Total: $55,648 Solid Waste ReducedHousehold Average: 175 poundsProgram Total: 35,002 pounds (17.5 tons) Landfill Space ConservedHousehold Average: 3.91 cubic feet Program Total: 781 cubic feet Single-Occupancy Vehicle Miles Reduced Household Average: 1,369 vehicle miles Program Total: 273,886 vehicle miles Metro Bus Trips IncreasedHousehold Average: 27 one-way tripsProgram Total: 5,533 one-way trips Electricity Saved Household Average: 459 kilowatt-hours Program Total: 91,819 kilowatt-hours Natural Gas SavedHousehold Average: 35 thermsProgram Total: 6,991 therms Water ConservedHousehold Average: 10,663 gallons Program Total: 2,132,606 gallonsGreenhouse Gas (CO2)Emissions ReducedHousehold Average: 2,201 pounds   Program Total: 440,376 pounds (220 tons) http://www.enactwi.org/results.htm

  17. Madison Environmental Group: Projects • Neighborhood – Community Involvement • Greener Transportation

  18. Community Car • Member-based Car Share Service • 4 Hybrids, 1 Sedan, 1 Pick-up • Convenient Locations • Use Car Only When Needed • Economical

  19. Madison Environmental Group: Projects • Neighborhood – Community Involvement • Greener Transportation • Construction Waste Recycling

  20. Construction Waste Recycling • Creative Solutions for Construction Waste • Work with Habitat For Humanity Restore • Example: Overture Center • - J.H. Findorff & Son • - Recycling 77% of the Construction Wastestream • - August 2005- 4.95 tons of cardboard, 54.71 tons of wood, 4165 tons of • Concrete recycled • Total Disposal Costs if NO RECYCLING (hauling + tipping):$129,416 • Actual Disposal Costs WITH RECYCLING:$97,601 • Savings:$31,815

  21. What Can You Do? Become a vegetarian Invest in a Home instead of a Car after graduation -Sonya Newenhouse -Sonya Newenhouse Only buy things you need -Warren Gaskill Find out the “how” and “where” of what you are buying -Warren Gaskill

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