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Explore factors impacting species decline, advise governments on environmental issues, balance human productivity and conservation, promote responsible wildlife interactions. Plan for project feasibility and cost-effectiveness.
TASK OBJECTIVES • You need to: • Consider how to balance the needs of the public with the needs of your species • Research different factors that may be causing the decline of your species • Talk to the Parliamentary Campaigns Advisor and discuss how you could advise the government about the environmental issues surrounding your species • Think of ways to overcome threats to your species, whilst not affecting, or if possible, improving, human productivity. • Consider how you could deliver these objectives, and the cost of them. Your team and Project Manager need to agree to the costs, so your ideas need to be appealing and convincing. Conservation Scientist Promotes safe and responsible interactions with wildlife, nature, land and people • A Conservation Scientist can: • Think of ways to balance human use of natural resources whilst still protecting the environment • Look at the health of soil, water conservation, plant and animal patterns, human impact, or any range of factors that may affect the environment • Work to maintain and achieve the most balanced relationship between humans and nature • Help make decisions to protect and preserve natural resources for the public • Advise and consult with farmers and private land owners about the best ways they can improve their land and productivity without damaging the environment SHOPPING LIST How much money would you need to spend? Can you prioritise this list? Are there ways to save money on these costs (e.g. Online resources instead of printed)? Could the costs be shared with another team member who has a similar need? Further research: http://www.rspb.org.uk/phoenix/careers/scientist.aspx http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Environmental_policy http://www.defra.gov.uk/environment/climate/
TASK OBJECTIVES • You need to: • Consider how to maintain a good public image of your organisation • Think of ways a campaign can gain funds for your species • Talk to other members of your team to work out the message that you need to get across • Write campaign material, such as press releases and web articles • Consider how you could deliver these objectives, and the cost of them. Your team and Project Manager need to agree to the costs, so your ideas need to be appealing and convincing. Public Affairs Manager Plans and directs national public campaigns to raise awareness of a cause • A Public Affairs Manager can: • Identify their main audience groups and think of the best way to communicate with them • Be creative and write appealing and successful press releases and other articles • Build and sustain the organisation’s image and identity, including their branding and use of logos • Organise special events to gain publicity and generate income • Work closely with other team members to ensure that all public messages are consistent • Closely work with outside agencies. They will have contacts in the press and media industry and need to maintain these relationships. SHOPPING LIST How much money would you need to spend? Can you prioritise this list? Are there ways to save money on these costs (e.g. Online resources instead of printed)? Could the costs be shared with another team member who has a similar need? Further research: http://www.rspb.org.uk/phoenix/careers/publicaffairs.aspx http://www.wikihow.com/Write-a-Press-Release http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Target_audience
Project Manager • TASK OBJECTIVES • You need to: • Understand everybody’s role within the team • Work closely with each member of your team to decide how to take action for your species • Draw up a timeline of how the project will be planned and delivered on a national scale • Identify any problems that could happen with the project and think of ways to prevent them • Organise a final meeting to listen to your team’s ideas for the project, and how much money they need. Use the recording sheet to help you. • Take the lead in pitching your ideas, with costings, to the Government at the end of your team session. Organises, plans, and reviews the overall project whilst getting the best out of their project team. • A Project Manager can: • Ensure all requirements of the project are met, that it is completed on time, within budget, and that everyone else is doing their job effectively • Set the objectives for the project and targets to work towards • Draw up a timeline of actions that need to be taken by the team, and when they will be completed by • Look for any risks to the project and work out a contingency plan in case any of these should occur • Take overall responsibility for the project, and make the final decision • Hold the overall budget for the project and decide, with the help of their team, how it should be spent Further research: http://www.rspb.org.uk/phoenix/careers/projectmanager.aspx http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_management http://www.ehow.com/how_4927759_create-project-plan-timeline.html
TASK OBJECTIVES • You need to: • Plan how you could engage the public and ask them to lobby their MPs • Talk to the Conservation Scientist about ways you could advise the government of issues affecting your species • Work with the Public Affairs Manager and discuss what you might put in a press release about the government and your species • You will form part of the government at the end of the task • Consider how you could deliver these objectives, and the cost of them. Your team and Project Manager need to agree to the costs, so your ideas need to be appealing and convincing. Parliamentary Campaigns Advisor Motivates the public to actively support a cause, and lobbies face to face with MPs • A Parliamentary Campaigns Advisor can: • Travel a lot, talking to colleagues in different parts of the country • Be confident, a good speaker, and able to put their point across well • Be persuasive • Be passionate about the cause • Keep up to date with current government policy, and be able to write and communicate responses to policy change • Inform everyone in the organisation about any change to government policy SHOPPING LIST How much money would you need to spend? Can you prioritise this list? Are there ways to save money on these costs (e.g. Online resources instead of printed)? Could the costs be shared with another team member who has a similar need? Further research: http://www.rspb.org.uk/phoenix/careers/advisor.aspx http://www.rspb.org.uk/advice/takeaction/ http://www.defra.gov.uk/environment/climate/
TASK OBJECTIVES • You need to: • Consider how to build relationships with your existing supporters and explore opportunities for raising money with them in aid of your species • Think of ways to engage new supporters. What type of audience do you want to target, and what would encourage them to fundraise? • Plan a one-off or a programme of activities that could be undertaken to raise money for your species • Be realistic and work out how much money you could potentially raise. This should be more than what it costs to deliver your fundraising activities. It could also cover other costs that your team need to spend. Fundraiser Increases the monetary contributions of individuals and groups to your organisation • A Fundraiser can: • Motivate existing supporters to maximise the funds they raise • Inspire new supporters to raise money, while maintaining and developing relationships with existing supporters • Organise activities, such as sponsored outdoor events and collections to raise money • Develop new and imaginative fundraising activities that will appeal to a range of different audiences • Co-ordinate web-based fundraising, online auctions and merchandise sales • Recruit, organise and manage volunteers to carry out various fundraising activities SHOPPING LIST How much money would you need to spend? Can you prioritise this list? Are there ways to save money on these costs (i.e. Online resources instead of printed)? Could the costs be shared with another team member who has a similar need? Further research: http://changingminds.org/techniques/general/four_audiences.htm http://www.prospects.ac.uk/charity_fundraiser_job_description.htm http://www.squidoo.com/101_ways_to_fundraise
TASK OBJECTIVES • You need to: • Research your species and think of ways we can protect them • Research existing laws to help protect your species • Think of new laws that could be created to benefit your species, or think of amendments to existing ones. • Work closely with the Conservation Scientist and Parliamentary campaigns advisor to share knowledge. • Consider how you could deliver these objectives, and the cost of them. Your team and Project Manager need to agree to the costs, so your ideas need to be appealing and convincing. Species Policy Officer Has specialist knowledge of a species, and can champion its cause • A Species Policy Officer can: • Work to protect different groups, or one particular species • Has specialist knowledge of the species they are working to protect • Work closely with scientists to research the needs of their species • Champion the cause of the species to other groups of people, including the Government • Have good persuasion skills • Enforce the laws that exist to protect your species, and help to create new ones • Be confident to stand their ground and argue their case SHOPPING LIST How much money would you need to spend? Can you prioritise this list? Are there ways to save money on these costs (e.g. Online resources instead of printed)? Could the costs be shared with another team member who has a similar need? Further research: http://www.rspb.org.uk/phoenix/careers/policyofficer.aspx http://jncc.defra.gov.uk/page-1747 http://www.arkive.org/
TASK OBJECTIVES • You need to: • Make predictions about what will happen to your species if nothing is done about climate change • Think of changes the government can make to help combat limate change • Work with the Conservation Scientist and Species Policy Officer to share knowledge • Propose new climate change policies that can be adopted by the government to help your species • Consider how you could deliver these objectives, and the cost of them. Your team and Project Manager need to agree to the costs, so your ideas need to be appealing and convincing. Climate Change Officer Evaluates scientific data and research about the climate • A Climate Change Officer can: • Research information about atmospheric temperature, ocean conditions, ice masses, and greenhouse gases • Make predictions about what will happen to Earth's climate in the future, and if it will impact on natural ecosystems and civilizations • Think of how changes to existing government policies can alter climate change effects • Propose new policies involving use of traditional and alternative fuels, transportation of goods, and other factors relating to climate and climate change. • Prepare reports or other written materials to inform government and environmental groups on environmental issues such as climate change. SHOPPING LIST How much money would you need to spend? Can you prioritise this list? Are there ways to save money on these costs (e.g. Online resources instead of printed)? Could the costs be shared with another team member who has a similar need? Further research: http://bit.ly/WZLW61 http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/climate-change http://www.defra.gov.uk/environment/climate/
TASK OBJECTIVES • You need to: • Consider ways to target different audiences, what types of advertising would appeal to different people? • Write a list of questions you would ask in a market research session • Work with the Public Affairs manager to share ideas • Create adverts and other marketing materials for your campaign • Consider how you could deliver these objectives, and the cost of them. Your team and Project Manager need to agree to the costs, so your ideas need to be appealing and convincing. Marketing Manager Develops promotional campaigns to reach different target audiences • A Marketing Manager can: • Talk to a range of people including customers, colleagues, suppliers and partner organisations • Communicate with target audiences and manage customer relationships • Find advertising opportunities and place adverts in the press • Manage the production of marketing materials, including leaflets, posters, flyers, newsletters, e-newsletters and DVDs • Conduct market research such as customer questionnaires and focus groups SHOPPING LIST How much money would you need to spend? Can you prioritise this list? Are there ways to save money on these costs (e.g. Online resources instead of printed)? Could the costs be shared with another team member who has a similar need? Further research: http://www.prospects.ac.uk/marketing_executive_job_description.htm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Target_audience http://www.startupnation.com/business-articles/1308/1/marketing-materials-checklist.asp
TASK OBJECTIVES • You need to: • Think of ideas for a digital campaign to raise awareness of your species • Consider how you could use social media for your campaign • Talk to the Marketing Manager and Public Affairs Manager to share your ideas • Plan a timeline for your online campaign and think of methods to measure your data (web hits etc) • Consider how you could deliver these objectives, and the cost of them. Your team and Project Manager need to agree to the costs, so your ideas need to be appealing and convincing. Digital Manager Develops innovative online marketing strategies to support organisational campaigns • A Digital Manager can: • Deliver web products that link to campaigns and use new digital technology • Think of creative ideas and design for the web • Manage social media campaigns • Monitor website traffic • Consider methods for optimising web searching • Ensure all elements of digital projects come together on time • Work to tight deadlines and respond quickly to an ever changing industry SHOPPING LIST How much money would you need to spend? Can you prioritise this list? Are there ways to save money on these costs (e.g. Online resources instead of printed)? Could the costs be shared with another team member who has a similar need? Further research: http://www.ehow.co.uk/about_6644954_digital-project-manager-job-description.html http://epiclaunch.com/3-digital-marketing-campaigns-that-you-wish-you-thought-of-first/ http://mashable.com/2012/07/27/marketing-metrics/
Can you combine any of the ideas to save money? • Will any ideas generate money in the long run? • Will the government look more favourably at your ideas if they are cheaper? Total spend is: _______