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Parents and Professionals training together:

Parents and Professionals training together:. Fostering partnership working for a holistic approach to improve outcomes for vulnerable children whose behaviour is described as challenging. Vivien Cooper & Karen McKane. Workshop Outline. Who we are

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Parents and Professionals training together:

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  1. Parents and Professionals training together: Fostering partnership working for a holistic approach to improve outcomes for vulnerable children whose behaviour is described as challenging. Vivien Cooper & Karen McKane

  2. Workshop Outline • Who we are • Background to CBF training & how it was developed • CBF training model • DfE funded national roll-out of training • Making it happen - discussion

  3. The Challenging Behaviour Foundation • A national registered charity specialising in challenging behaviour associated with severe learning disabilities. • Rooted in reality through daily contact with families • Strategically placed to keep you up to date with best practice with respect to children/young people who challenge

  4. Our Vision… …is for children and adults with severe learning disabilities who are described as having challenging behaviour to have the same life opportunities as everyone else, including home life, education, employment and leisure.

  5. Our Values • Partnership working • Sharing knowledge and information • Family carers as equal partners

  6. The role of family carers “Families are usually the main source of love, care and support for children and adults with learning disabilities. This is especially the case for people with complex needs. Even when people leave home, they do not leave the family. Families continue to offer a lifetime of involvements support and advocacy” (Valuing People Now, 2009)

  7. Background to CBF Training • Survey of families (2006) • 60% return rate • Majority (52%) had received no training at all around challenging behaviour • Of those who had received training typical responses included: “There is a problem between theory and practice” “Professionals do not have a clue about how to train parents…”

  8. Development of training (2007) • Two family carer working groups (2007) • Surrey & Bristol

  9. What do families want? • Practical • Outcome focussed • Language • Group discussion • Power point for theory only • Flexible according to needs of group • Time & location • Family carer co-trainer

  10. Training Pilots (2008) Part One: Understanding Challenging Behaviour • Why does challenging behaviour happen? • How can I work out why challenging behaviour is happening? • ABC recording charts Part Two: Supporting Behaviour Change • What can I do to reduce challenging behaviour? • Practical ideas

  11. Key elements of the training • Practical • Person-centred • Providing positive behaviour support strategies • Promoting partnership working • Outcomes focussed

  12. Unique elements of the training • Co produced • PBS trainer and family carer co-trainer deliver training together • Families and professionals facilitated to work together to identify appropriate behaviour support strategies that can be used consistently in all settings

  13. CBF Training Understanding challenging behaviour (Family carers only) Understanding challenging behaviour (Professionals only) Supporting behaviour change (Family carers & professionals together)

  14. CBF Trainers

  15. CBF Trainers • 4 day ‘Core Training’ • Trainers supported to individualise training with their own experiences • PBS & family carer trainers supported to practice training together • Quality monitoring

  16. Evaluation of training (2009) • Based in 5 schools in Kent • Research project – University of Kent Tizard Centre • Holistic approach • Training family carers and school staff together

  17. Results • People rated incidents of challenging behaviour displayed by children they supported as happening less often • Incidents of challenging behaviour rated as less severe and easier to manage • People showed a change in their understanding of the causes of challenging behaviour • People reported feeling less depressed / angry/ fearful/ anxious when experiencing challenging behaviour

  18. Feedback • Brilliant workshop – I have learned so much (parent) • What’s had the greatest impact is working as a team. We all know that we are all doing the same thing and consistency has had a huge impact (parent) • Theory and practical balance was excellent (teacher) • At the end of the workshop there was a really positive atmosphere of parents and school working together (behaviour & learning leader)

  19. Outcomes

  20. Training roll-out • Hertfordshire (short break professionals only) • Bournemouth (short break professionals only) • Bristol carers centre (families only) • Dundee (short break professionals only) • Medway (short break professionals & families – holistic)

  21. DfE funded national project 2011 – 2013 • Grant funding to roll-out school-based holistic challenging behaviour training through 150 special schools nationally • Free training to July 2012 • Subsidised to March 2013

  22. Progress to date • 22 schools booked • 12 workshops delivered • 10-15 schools have expressed an interest • Still need to identify 100+ schools

  23. Outcomes “We would recommend the training to anyone - but especially as a starting point for a whole programme of partnership working." Judith James, Head Teacher Northern Counties School

  24. Making it happen • HOW can we help get this training out to those who would find it useful? • WHO do we need to engage with? • WHAT would it take to make it happen in your service/ area?

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