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A comprehensive review covering topics such as diabetes classification, urine analysis, vitamin functions, liver markers, and renal function tests in clinical chemistry. Essential information for healthcare professionals in Allied Medical Science.
Allied Medical Science Clinical chemistry-1 (MLCC-301) Final Clinical Chemistry-1 Revision Dr Maha Abubaker Feissal Dr Hadeel said MD clinical hematopathology Lecturers
REVISION –PART I • LECTURE -1 DIABETES • Classify and enumerate types of diabetes? • Enumerate diabetic function tests? • What are the results of urine analysis in diabetes? • Define different types of blood glucose and what is the normal and diabetic values? • OGTT : uses and sample preparation? • Differentiate between C-peptide in 2 types of DM? • What is the value of HbA1C to diagnose a diabetic pateints? • Enumerate 4 criteria for diagnosis of DM?
REVISION –PART I • LECTURE -2 Urine analysis: • What is the criteria of appropriate urine container? • What is the criteria of rejected urine sample? • Enumerate types of urine samples? • List the way of urine preservation? • Enumerate physical examination of urine and the normal ? • Enumerate chemical examination of urine and the confirmatory tests? • What items to searched for in microscopic examination of urine? • List the different types of casts? • Identify types of crystals in alkaline and acidic urine samples?
BIOLOGICAL FLUIDS PART II • The sample of CSF is collected in … tubes for ….,….,…. & … examination? • What is the physical character of normal CSF? • Differentiate between CSF sample from traumatic tap and intracranial haemorrhage? • Mention the causes of decreased glucose level in CSF? • Mention the causes of increased protein level in CSF? • Mention the lights criteria to differentiate exudate & transduate pleural fluid ? • Enumerate pleural fluid types? • What is SAAG calculation? • In normal synovial fluid there is no ….; the presence of …. in the synovial fluid indicates gout while the presence of …. indicates pseudogout.
VITAMINS • Define vitamins? • Mention three functions of vitamins? • Compare between water & fat soluble vitamins? • Mention the 2 forms of Vitamin A and the signs of its deficiency? • Mention the 2 forms of Vitamin D &its deficiency in children and adult ? • Vitamin E is an …. And its deficiency cause …..? • Mention the two forms of vitamin K & where are found? • Vitamin K is needed in the activation of certain ….? • Mention the functions of vitamin C & the disease of its deficiency? • Vitamin B1 deficiency cause …. While vitamin B3 cause …..? • Folic acid is necessary for …… production and ….. Formation? • Vitamin B12 deficiency causes …..& ……. • Examples of water soluble vitamins….&….and example of fat soluble vitamins….&….?
LIVER (I) • Enumarate three functions of the liver? • Describe mechanisms of liver dysfunction? • Mention 4 markers of liver dysfunction? • Mention the markers of hepatocellular injury? • Mention the method to measure total protein and albumin? • Mention two causes of decrease albumin? • Enumrate the 4 groups of globulin? • Mention the causes of increases alpha fetoprotein? • Mention the function of haptoglobin ? • Bilirubin is derived from … and it is …. ;So its sample should be kept in the dark? • Mention the tests used to measure bilirubin? • Mention the two types of bilirubin? • In pre hepatic jaundice (hemolytic) …..bilirubin is increased while in post hepatic jaundice ….. Bilirubin is increased?
Liver function Part II • What is the source of ammonia and discuss its metabolism? • Enumerate effect increased level of ammonia on CNS? • Enumerate two hepatic intracellular enzymes and what is the normal ratio between them? • Demonstrate which of the two liver enzymes more specific and why? • Tabulate the laboratory investigations of each type of jaundice?
Liver function Part II Complete: • Ammonia level provides indications of hepatic ……………… and ……………… ability of liver. • Hepatic enzymes like ………..&…………. are usually intracellular, but are released from ……………. with hepatocellular injury. • AST/ALT ratio is normally ……… but In alcoholic hepatitis, is usually ……….. • ………… is not very specific for liver disease like………. • the other name of ALT is ………and of AST is…………… • Alkaline phosphatase can found in liver ,………and………….
Liver function Part II Complete: • High level of alkaline phosphatase can found in ……………..jaundice. • In liver diseases, GGT elevation parallels that of …… • Elevated PT may be reflection of ………………… of liver
Renal function tests • The main functional unit of kidney is ……… • The nephron is composed of ……. and ……... • The function of the glomerulus is …….while ……& ……….are the main functions of renal tubules. • Renal threshold for glucose is …..mg/dL • Define Tubular maximum (Tm)? • What are the Causes of kidney functional disorders? • Enumerate the 4 groups of renal Function Tests?
Renal function tests • Mention the biochemical tests (blood) used to detect renal disorders? • ……..is a breakdown product of creatine phosphate in muscle & it is filtered but not ……..or …….. in kidney • …….. Reaction is the method used to estimate serum creatinine while berthelos used to estimate …….. • Define uremia , • Define hyperuricemia?
Renal function tests (Part II) • The normal range of GFR is……..ml/min • What is the clearance test? • Enumerate substances used for clearance test? • Mention three Criteria for an ideal GFR marker? • Clearance test = ………. • Enumerate the tubular function tests? • What is meant by renal glycosuria?
Minerals • What is the importance of minerals? • Classify minerals as regards daily requirements and give examples to each? • Describe three function of calcium? • Identify what are the results of calcium deficiency and toxicity ? • Discuss the two functions of sodium and identify what is the result of its toxicity ? • enumerate function of potassium and what is the results of its toxicity? • Enumerate the function and result of toxicity of copper?
Minerals Complete: • minerals are required for …………………as it regulate ………… • Minerals are classified into …………..&……………….. • Macro minerals are required in …………../day and ………….&………………are two examples of them. • Mico minerals are required in …………../day and ………….&………………are two examples of them. • Calcium is one of constituent of …………..&…………. • …………………………………..&……………………..are two functions of calcium
Minerals • The two functions of sodium ………………..&…….. • The two functions of potassium are …………..&………. • calcium deficiency results in …………………..in children and…………………….in adults. • Sodium toxicity results in ………………….while potassium toxicity results in……………….. • Copper is one of …………….enzymes. Its deficiency results in……………. and its toxicity results in……………
Acid Base balance • Define Acid – base – pH- Buffer – acidosis - Alkalosis? • Enumerate function of acid base balance? • Identify systems involved in regulation of acid base balance? • What are the different blood (chemical) buffer systems and why do we need them ? • Differentiate between protein and HB buffer system? • Describe the role of phosphate buffer system?
Acid Base Balance • Enumerate the two physiological buffer system and discuss one of them? • Compare between the role of kidney and lungs in controlling acid base balance?
Acid Base Balance Complete:- • Acid is defined as ………………………… while base is defined as………………….. • pH in acidosis is ………while in alkalosis is………. • Buffer is a combination of ………………….and/or a ………… and it resists change in ………. • Function of acid base balance is to maintain…………….&…………………. • Increased H+ concentration yields ……………..and a decreased H+ concentration yields ………………..
Acid Base Balance Complete:- • First line of defense against pH shift is blood buffers and they include …………,…………….and………….. • Second line of defense against pH shift is physiological buffer and they include ………………& ………….. • Protein buffer system originates from……….and it buffer both …………&……………. • HB maintains blood pH as hemoglobin changes from ……………….. to …………………..
Acid Base Balance Complete:- • Phosphate buffer has a role in elimination of H+ via ……………..and is essential within …………… • Respiratory system eliminate …………respiratory acids such as………… and it takes minutes to hours to correct ………….. • kidney can eliminate ………………and excrete …………….as well and it takes several hours to days to correct …………..