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Connection Check Sound with Symbol

Connection Check Sound with Symbol. 上. 常. 這. 晚. 早. 功. 平. zhè. chāng. zaŏ. shàng. gōng. pīng. wăn. 間. 念. 大. 開. 家. 始. 課. 文. jiān. 怎. kāi. niàn. dà. jiā. shĭ. kè. 習. wén. 學. 音. 錄. zĕn. 聽. 帥. 酷. xié. 但. xué. yīn. lù. 請. tīn. shuài. kù. 吧. 叫. dàn. 就.

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Connection Check Sound with Symbol

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  1. Connection CheckSound with Symbol 上 常 這 晚 早 功 平 zhè chāng zaŏ shàng gōng pīng wăn 間 念 大 開 家 始 課 文 jiān 怎 kāi niàn dà jiā shĭ kè 習 wén 學 音 錄 zĕn 聽 帥 酷 xié 但 xué yīn lù 請 tīn shuài kù 吧 叫 dàn 就 午 男 qĭng 才 睡 李 ba jiào wŭ nán jiù cái shuì lĭ

  2. xìn letter 寫信 我的信. 這是誰的信? 不要看別人的信. Don’t read my letter.

  3. fēng MW for letters 一封信 寫兩封信 信封 One envelope and two letters

  4. 最近 zuìjìn lately 我最近很累. 她最近很忙 因為我最近很忙,所以很累. How are you doing lately.

  5. 學期 xuéqí Semester 這個學期我很忙. 下個學期我沒有中文課. 我一個學期學中文一個學期學日文. What do you learn this semester?

  6. 除了…以外, 還 Chu le yiwaihai In addition to/Other than…, also 我除了喜歡打球以外,還喜歡看書. 你今天除了聊天以外,還做了什麼? 我除了去中國以外,還去了日本. Other than going to China, I am also going to Japan.

  7. 專業 zhuan ye Major/profession/specialty 我姐姐的專業是電腦. 我的專業除了電腦以外,還有中文. 我以前的專業是電腦. What is your major?

  8. hui Can/know how to 我會唱歌也會跳舞 她只會說中文不會說英文. 這個字你會不會寫? Can your Chinese teacher speak English?

  9. 後來 houlai later on 我學了一年中文,後來不學了. 她開始喜歡說中文,後來不說了. 我開始覺得中文難,後來不覺得了. In the beginning I like to write Chinese characters, later on I dislike it.

  10. 音樂會 yīnyuèhuì concert 明天晚上學校有一個音樂會. 你知不知道哪兒有音樂會? 這個音樂會有很多人. There is a concert tomorrow, do you want to go?

  11. 希望 xīwàng To hope/wish 我希望大家考試都考得很好. 你的希望也是我的希望. 大家都希望考試考得很好. I also hope do well on the test.

  12. neng can 你能和我一起去中國嗎? 我不能去,因為我得上課. 明天你能不能教她 明天我不能來, 因為我有事 Little Wang, can you teach me Chinese?

  13. yong To use 我用中文寫信和寫日記. 我寫字用中文,聊天用英文. 你會不會用電腦? 我能不能用你的電腦? Do you use English or Chinese write letters?

  14. xiao To laugh at/smile 不要笑. 你在笑什麼? 請別笑我. 我說得不好,請別笑我. Why everyone is all laughing?

  15. zhu To wish 祝你生日快樂. 祝你新年快樂. 祝你聖誕快樂 . 祝你母親節快樂. Wish you test, test 100.

  16. Word SearchIdentify the words

  17. A letter 8-II Write in Chinese: • One letter: • Two envelopes: • Lately: • Semester: • Besides:除了…以外 • In addition to: 還 • Major: • Allow to: • Later on: • Listen to music: • Concert: • Hope/wish: • Only use: • Laugh at: • Wish: • Happy: • How is it? • Interesting: • Because: • So: • Long time no see: • In the beginning: • Help me: • Practice: • Can write:

  18. A letter 8 - II Write in Chinese: • Long time no see, how are you doing lately? • This semester I am very busy. • I must learn Chinese. • Other than my major classes. • Other than my major classes, I must learn Chinese. • My father can only speak English. • Because we are only allow to speak Chinese. So we only speak Chinese. • Teacher can only say English. • My classmate often helps me to practice grammar. • In the beginning, I felt Chinese was hard. • I hope you are able to come to my concert. • Wishing you a happy birthday.

  19. A letter 8-II • Translate the chapter context into English, and then write it back to Chinese. • Write a letter to your friend and tell your friend about your school life.

  20. Write a letter to your friendWrite a letter with the right format and includes the following given sentences. • Do you like to listen to the music? • Other than my major classes, I must learn Chinese. • Our Chinese class is very interesting. • Please don’t laugh at me because I use Chinese to write the letter but I didn’t do it well. • Because our Chinese teacher can only speak Chinese, and can’t speak English. • This semester I am very busy. • Later on, my classmate often helps me to practice Chinese, therefore I don’t feel it’s hard. • So, in the beginning I felt it’s very hard. • Long time no see, how are you doing lately? • Next Saturday there is a concert in our school, and I hope you can come. • Wish you well.

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