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DAS implementations

DAS implementations. Bernat Gel. How do I DAS?. DAS enabled applications. Clients. Servers. DAS libraries. Servers. Clients. Java, Perl. Java, Perl, Javascript. Ensembl. http://www.ensembl.org/. Pfam. http://pfam.sanger.ac.uk/. Spice. http://www.dasregistry.org/spice/. Dasty.

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DAS implementations

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Presentation Transcript

  1. DAS implementations Bernat Gel

  2. How do I DAS? DAS Implementations DAS enabled applications Clients Servers DAS libraries Servers Clients Java, Perl Java, Perl, Javascript

  3. Ensembl DAS Implementations http://www.ensembl.org/

  4. Pfam DAS Implementations http://pfam.sanger.ac.uk/

  5. Spice DAS Implementations http://www.dasregistry.org/spice/

  6. Dasty DAS Implementations http://www.ebi.ac.uk/dasty/

  7. Dalliance DAS Implementations http://www.biodalliance.org/

  8. GBrowse DAS Implementations http://gmod.org/wiki/Gbrowse

  9. And many more DAS Implementations Jalview IGB The new EBI search

  10. DAS Implementations Data Sources?

  11. DAS Servers DAS Implementations More than 750 DAS servers fom more than 50 organizations Ensembl Uniprot Many small groups UCSC Most of them available at the DAS Registry http://www.dasregistry.org

  12. BioMart DAS Implementations BioMartsare also DAS servers http://www.biomart.org/

  13. DAS Implementations What about MY data?

  14. easyDAS DAS Implementations http://www.ebi.ac.uk/panda-srv/easydas

  15. DAS Implementations Libraries

  16. Clients DAS Implementations Bio::DAS::Lite http://search.cpan.org/~rpettett/Bio-Das-Lite/ DASobert http://www.spice-3d.org/dasobert/index.jsp JDAS http://code.google.com/p/jdas/ jsDAS ttp://code.google.com/p/jsdas/

  17. Servers DAS Implementations ProServer http://sourceforge.net/projects/proserver/ MyDAS http://code.google.com/p/mydas/ Dazzle http://www.biojava.org/wiki/Dazzle

  18. Questions? DAS Implementations

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