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Chemical Cycles in Ecosystems

Chemical Cycles in Ecosystems. Rachel,Beau,Zack. Cycle step # 1: Nitrogen Fixation                     N2        NH4+ .  the process where N2  is converted to ammonium. essential because it's the only way organisms  get nitrogen  from the atmosphere.

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Chemical Cycles in Ecosystems

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  1. Chemical Cycles in Ecosystems Rachel,Beau,Zack

  2. Cycle step # 1: Nitrogen Fixation                    N2        NH4+  •  the process where N2  is converted to ammonium. • essential because it's the only way organisms  • get nitrogen  from the atmosphere.

  3. Cycle step #2: Nitrogen Uptake                        NH4+        Organic N  •  ammonia produced by nitrogen helping bacteria. •  usually quickly incorporated into protein •  other organic nitrogen compounds included •  either by a  plant, the bacteria , or another soil organism.

  4. Cycle step #3: Nitrogen MineralizationOrganic N       NH4 • After nitrogen is incorporated into matter(organic) •  is often converted back into non organic nitrogen. •  in a process called nitrogen mineralization • known as decay.

  5. Cycle step #4: NitrificationNH4+            NO3- • Some of ammonium produced by decomposition is converted to nitrate. •  a process called nitrification.

  6. Cycle step #5: DenitrificationNO3-            N2+ N2O   oxygen added  forms of nitrogen(nitrite). they  converted to dinitrogen.  to a lesser form, nitrous oxide gas.

  7. Denitrification Continued. [NO3-          NO2-         NO        N2O          N2 ]

  8. Basic Pattern of Chemical Cycling

  9. During photosynthesis, carbon molecules can be carried all over the world

  10. Producers use chemicals from the nonliving environment into organic compunds

  11. 2. Consumers feed on the producers and release some of the prodcuts as waste

  12. 3. Organisms die, break down, and are renewed

  13. How Carbon and Oxygen are cycled through an ecosystem

  14.             Carbon and Oxygen cycle The paths of these two elements are so closely linked together that this cycle is referred to The Carbon and Oxygen Cycle. In the atmosphere, carbon is only found as Carbon Dioxide, which is a gas.

  15. Continued… • Nonliving processes can release Carbon Dioxide into the atmosphere • Natural things such as volcano eruptions, forest fires, etc can also release Carbon Dioxide.

  16. How does it affect us? • Humans need oxygen to survive. Oxygen is released by plants as a waste product. It is then used by animals. The Animals then release Carbon Dioxide as a waste product. The plants then use the Carbon Dioxide. http://www.apnep.org/images/plants.jpg

  17. Carbon and Oxygen cycle Some of this organic carbon cycles to consumers as food. Other types of Carbon that can be found dissolved in water is known as HCO3 Producers utilize carbon and oxygen atoms of these inorganic compounds to form organic compounds during photosynthesis.

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