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English 11 Ms . Gottlieb. Semester 2, GP 1. Monday, 1/7/13. Journal #1: Date and Number your journals Read through your writing since the beginning of the semester and reflect on: Your writing, thoughts Which types of prompts you respond to most
English 11 Ms. Gottlieb Semester 2, GP 1
Monday, 1/7/13 • Journal #1: Date and Number your journals • Read through your writing since the beginning of the semester and reflect on: • Your writing, thoughts • Which types of prompts you respond to most • Respond to my comments and questions (in today’s journal) • Return books by tomorrow! • American Dream • What is it? • Is there one universal meaning or does it change depending on context/individual experiences/history
Tuesday, 1/8/13 • Journal #2: What struck you about the happiness video? How does it support, extend or counter your thoughts on the American Dream? • Continue any writing you did after the video yesterday. • The American Dream from different perspectives • In groups, read article, answer questions, create a mind map • Finish mind maps on Thursday and present • Last 15 minutes: return essays and independent corrections • HW: • plan out any further work on mind maps so they are finished by the middle of the period on Thursday. • Finish independent corrections, staple to essay and turn in Thursday.
Thursday, 1/10/13 • Questions, examples, clarifications, etc. on mind maps • Groups complete mind maps (one per group) by 10:25. • Groups present mind maps • What was the concept of the American Dream in the era your article discussed? • What were the main issues that contributed to this concept • Exit Journal: how are your beliefs and concepts of the American Dream different or similar to the era you read about?
Monday, 1/14 • On msgottlieb.weebly.com: New Vocab – Quiz Friday, New Blog • Groups present mind maps • What was the concept of the American Dream in the era your article discussed? • What were the main issues that contributed to this concept • Exit Journal: how are your beliefs and concepts of the American Dream different or similar to the era you read about?
Tuesday, 1/15/12 MLK and Max’s Birthdays • Journal # 4: Free write • Great Gatsby Vocabulary • Modernism and F. Scott Fitzgerald • Have out your literary eras handout • Discuss Bruccoli article • First chapter
The Great Gatsby Preface • What, specifically, was confusing? • What did you learn about Fitzgerald? • What did you learn about the narrator? • What did you learn about the novel’s themes?
Thursday, 1/17/13 • No journal today • Reminders: blog, vocabulary quiz, turn in essays with sentence corrections (late is better than 0 – will not be accepted after Friday). • Book Talk schedule is posted – make appointments NOW and remember your appt. • The Great Gatsby in Context • Library for research: you will become an expert at one of seven topics • Due Tuesday: be prepared to teach your topic to a group • You will turn in your notes. They must be clear and legible and show sources • Guided notes for PPT: we will continue PowerPoint next week – due date for notes TBA
Friday, 1/18/13 • Vocabulary Quiz – 5 minutes to review • Once you are done – SSR time – read quietly and independently • Reminder: Notes, including sources, on your topic are due on Tuesday. FYI: Library also has books on the 20s.
Quiz: For each word, write down the part of speech, definition and a sentence which clearly shows understanding of the meaning of the word. • Feign • Supercilious • Confer • Privy • Riotous • Bonus: levity
Tuesday, 1/22/13 • The Great Gatsby in context jigsaw • In groups compare notes – share ideas • Have your notes out for checking • Take notes on all topics • Turn in notes after group sessions • Vocabulary: take notes • Finish Modernism presentation • HW • complete guided notes – due Thursday • Vocabulary Quiz on Friday • No blog this week
paternal p. 11 (adj) relating to or characteristic of a father My paternal grandmother… There was a touch of paternal contempt in it, even toward people he liked--and there were men at New Haven who had hated his guts.
contempt p. 11 (and p. 15 - contemptuously) (noun) open disrespect for a person or thing; disdain; extreme dislike There was a touch of paternal contempt in it, even toward people he liked--and there were men at New Haven who had hated his guts.
Wan p. 15 (adj) lacking vitality as from weariness or illness or unhappiness; pale; lacking color or brightness Her grey sun-strained eyes looked back at me with polite reciprocal curiosity out of a wan, charming discontented face.
unobtrusively p. 16 (adverb) acting in a manner that does not attract attention; without calling attention to oneself Sometimes she and Miss Baker talked at once, unobtrusively and with a bantering inconsequence that was never quite chatter, that was as cool as their white dresses and their impersonal eyes in the absence of all desire.
banter p. 16 (verb) to exchange playful remarks, tease; (noun) talk that is playful and teasing Adj: bantering The newscasters bantered about the weekend as the credits rolled at the end of the half hour.
complacency p. 18 (noun) self-satisfaction; smugness There was something pathetic in his concentration as if his complacency, more acute than of old, was not enough to him any more.
extemporize p. 19 (verb) speak on the spur of the moment without preparation; perform without preparation; improvise She was only extemporizing but a stirring warmth flowed from her as if her heart was trying to come out to you concealed in one of those breathless, thrilling words.
impassioned p. 19 (adj) characterized by intense emotion A subdued impassioned murmur was audible in the room beyond and Miss Baker leaned forward, unashamed, trying to hear.
Anon p. 23 (adverb) in a little while; at another time "I will. Good night, Mr. Carraway. See you anon."
peremptory p. 25 (adj) offensively self-assured or given to exercising usually unwarranted power; not allowing contradiction or refusal; imperious Her peremptory command… As I started my motor Daisy peremptorily called "Wait!
Thursday, 1/24/13 • Journal #5: Describe a hero figure in literature or movies who can be considered a flawed hero, and/or one who seems alienated from society. and/or Answer this: who are we and where are we going? • Modernism PowerPoint and guided notes • The Great Gatsby: Start reading!!! HW: Guided notes due Monday • Vocabulary Quiz tomorrow • Have a book for SSR
Friday, 1/25/13 • 10 minutes to review vocabulary and look over last week’s quiz • Vocabulary Quiz • When finished, turn quizzes over and place in the middle of the table or corner of desk. • SSR: read quietly and independently • Ipods etc. are only for reading books – any other use will result in losing that option for SSR • If time: inauguration poem
Quiz #2: full name and dateWord, part of speech, definition and a sentence which demonstrates meaning. • Banter • paternal • Contempt • Impassioned • Unobtrusively Bonus: Extemporize
Watch the video of Mr. Blanco reading “One Today” at the top of this post, and then read the poem underlining what you think are its most important words. Explain why you think these particular words and images are important to the poem’s meaning. • In the first and seventh stanzas, the speaker makes reference to geographical places. What do these places suggest? What do they mean to Americans? • Throughout the poem we find many references to labor and work. Identify these lines and phrases. What kind of work does the speaker in the poem honor and respect? What are these lines saying about America and Americans? • This poem was first read on Martin Luther King’s Birthday celebration in Washington. Explain the allusion entailed in “the ‘I have a dream’ we keep dreaming”? • The sixth stanza begins “Hear” and goes on to catalog the ordinary sounds of a day. What do the multilingual versions of “Hello” suggest about the America that Mr. Blanco is describing? Why do you think he calls out “buenosdias / in the language my mother taught me”? What do these lines suggest about the poet’s relationship with that language?
In 2006, Senator Barack Obama wrote “The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream,” offering a vision of how a united nation could tackle our common problems. Mr. Blanco writes in the poem’s concluding stanza, “hope – a new constellation / waiting for us to map it, / waiting for us to name it – together.” Relate these lines to the notion suggested by the title of the Obama book. • Identify lines in the poem that reflect the occasion for which the poem was written. How do the lines you have chosen suggest issues surrounding the inauguration of a president? • Read the poem again selecting a line or phrase that struck you as luminous or beguiling. Write for five minutes about what the line caused you to think. Turn to a partner or small group, read the poem aloud once more, and discuss the selected lines. • According to the Times article about Mr. Blanco, he only learned of his selection on Dec. 12, then began drafting three poems from which the Obama team chose. What do you think might be hard about composing a poem like this? Why? Mr. Blanco is quoted as saying he wanted to write about “the salt-of-the-earth sense that I think all Americans have, of hard work, we can work it out together, that incredible American spirit that after 200-plus years is still there.” How well do you think he succeeded? What else from the article do you see reflected in “One Today”?
Monday, 1/28/13 • Journal #6: If you were to write your own inauguration poem, or a poem about your view of United States, your community and/or the American Dream, what ideas would you include? Make a list and/or describe. • Vocabulary • Sentences • Discuss answers to inauguration poem • Then turn in: middle of table or one person in group • HW: • Vocab on Fri, • Blog on Wed and Friday • Poem on Am Dream, Community or U.S. due Friday • Finish Chapter 1 of The Great Gatsby tonight
Tuesday, 1/29/13 Brief warm-up in journals: Correct this sentence: My father has a very staid personality, he would never dance or act crazy. • Journal #7: Begin or continue brainstorming, journaling, drafting your poems. Use the comments handout from your classmates for inspiration. • Chapter 1 Discussion • Whom do we meet? • What do we notice? • Predictions • Character Analysis • Begin Ch. 2 HW: Finish Ch. 2 and Character Analysis of Ch. 1
Inauguration poem QuestionsHighlights to think about as you write your poems: • These places suggest greatness because they are big and well known places in America, a part of American history and great to us. • He honors and respects Hard Working jobs. Ones that you really have to earn your pay to do and give the best things to our children. • The languages represent the diversity we have in America. • [stanza with hello in many languages]: shows that we are all untied as one country no matter the race or language we speak. • [Blanco] is saying that while some jobs are given more honor than others, they are essential for society to function. • We all work towards a better life. We all contribute a little piece to the puzzle of life that we create every day. • We all work together to have success, we get our inspiration from each other. We change one another’s life daily and become one. • While people are mostly focusing on the nation’s problems, this poet has managed to put the good things and beauty of this nation back into people’s minds. • [MLK’s “I have a dream” speech] helped pave the way for all of us Americans and foreigners who come to our country dream anything we want and push to achieve it. • I was glad that he mentioned Newtown; in a way that puts real emotion into our hearts and so that people in the future will read this and even if they don’t know what happened, they will understand that it was a tragedy. • Almost everyone in America dreams of an equal society and every year that Dream comes closer to completion than ever.
The Great Gatsby, Chapter 1 • Why do you think Fitzgerald chose to tell the story through the character of Nick Carraway? What did he want to achieve? • Though we do not meet Gatsby in the first chapter, we are introduced to him. How do we first learn of Jay Gatsby? What do we learn about him? What is gained from being introduced to him in this way?
Thursday, 1/31/13 • Journal # 8: What are your feelings about the characters of The Great Gatsby so far? Which characters do you like, connect with and why? Which ones rub you the wrong way? Why? Be specific! • Discuss and review chapter 2 • Setting as a character • Character Analysis Assignment
Friday, 2/1/13 • Vocabulary Quiz – 5 minutes to study: Be ready with paper and pen at 10:05 • When finished, place paper in the middle of the table or group. Then SSR • Discussion of theme and The Great Gatsby HW: Reread Chapters 1 and 2 • Quiz on Monday • Begin Character Analysis Assignment
Monday, 2/4/13 • Journal # 9: Do you think society’s general conception of the American Dream is accessible for all? Do some have an advantage in reaching their dreams? Does our country allow most people born into poverty the opportunity to get out of poverty? Is "Hard Work" enough? Do people of different classes have different dreams? Why? • Vocabulary – write sentences for each word for tomorrow. • Ch 1&2 quiz • List the 4 main characters, their significance and a prediction • Start Chapter 3 HW: Vocabulary Quiz Friday Blog Vocabulary Sentences Finish Chapter 3 for Tuesday
Quiz #2: full name and dateWord, part of speech, definition and a sentence which demonstrates meaning • Discordant • Staid • Corpulent • Vacuous • Ambiguous Bonus: homogeneity
Tuesday, 2/5/13 • Journal #10: If you were at Gatsby’s party, what would you be doing? Who would you hang out with? What would you be thinking/saying? Why? • Sentence correction: My father has a very staid personality, he would never dance or act crazy. • Vocabulary sentences • Character Tracking • In groups of 3-4 share your findings so far • Identifying Theme • Begin Ch. 4: Reader’s Theater HW: Theme paragraph
Gatsby Portfolios 1. modernism guided notes 2. character analysis of 4 main characters 3. setting foldable 4. character tracking
Theme • Theme in Literature: A message about life, society or human nature. • The theme is not told to us directly, rather we need to figure out the “message” based on characters, action, setting, symbols etc. • A theme is not the same as a topic which can usually be expressed in one or two words.
Write a paragraph explaining how the theme is being explored in these two chapters.What comment/message is Fitzgerald trying to make about the the theme thus far? Please provide specific examples from the text to back up your ideas. • Fitzgerald seems to stress the extravagance and materialism of the era when Lucille, a guest at the party in Ch. 3, tells the story of Gatsby giving her a new dress. Not only does she tell the story, but she makes a point of noting the cost of the dress, “Two hundred and sixty five dollars” and that the dress came from “Croirer’s” indicating a sense of status and superiority. Social status to her means high class clothing and money.
Thursday, 2/7/13 • Be ready at the bell with journal, pen, your theme paragraph and The Great Gatsby • Journal #11: Which would you rather, to have love and happiness and be poor or to have a financially secure life and be alone? Why? • Theme paragraphs • From theme topic to theme statement • Brief review of Ch. 3 • Begin Ch. 4: Reader’s Theater • Nick, Gatsby, Wolfsheim, Jordan
Friday, 4/8/13 9:45-10:30 • Have yesterday’s theme paragraphs out for my review. • Vocabulary Quiz • 5 minutes to study • Transition to SSR when done • Poetry gallery walk • HW: finish reading chapter 4 and complete character analysis for Ch. 3 and 4. - Monday
Quiz #4: full name and dateWord, part of speech, definition and a sentence which demonstrates meaning • Defunct • Harrowed • Reproach • Vestige • Dilatory • Bonus: jauntily