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Moultonborough Then and Now A Reflection of Moultonborough Past and Present. Title Page. Clark’s Landing.
Moultonborough Then and Now A Reflection of MoultonboroughPast and Present Title Page
Clark’s Landing In 1763, sixty-two Masonian proprietors were granted six square miles of territory--the town of Moultonborough. Colonel Jonathan Moulton, along with a small group of men, came on a scouting expedition from Dover and landed here.
Lake Kanasatka Buildings Coe Sawmill 1838 Conway Bait and Tackle 2001 Moultonborough Fact: Sawmill on Long Pond Originally Granted to Benning Moulton. Later sold to the Senters in 1793
Long Pond-Lake Kanasatka Between 1880 and 1890, logs were floated across Long Pond (now called Lake Kanasatka) and snaked across the road to the Brown Saw Mill where they were milled. As the logs were pulled across the road, the neighborhood children were allowed to ride them.
Centre Harbor School Centre Harbor Historical Society Moultonborough Historical Society The Town House (shown at the right) built in 1834 was used not only as a meeting place for the town but as church by the Congregational Society.
Roxmont--Greene’sCastle Roxmont--Long Island 1895 Roxmont Entry--Long Island 2002 Roxmont, also called Greene’s Castle, burned to the ground in 1930, 35 years after it was built.
Hildreth-CliffordHome The Hildreth home sits at the top of Moultonborough Neck. By 1860, there were over fifty families living on Moultonborough Neck, with two schools and a Town Farm located on the road.
Looking North From Long Island Leeward Shores 2002 Long Island was annexed to Moultonborough in 1799. It was known for its 1200 prosperous acres. John Brown, who lived on the island, was known for the development of King Philip Corn which had ears ranging from 10 to 13 inches in length.
MoultonboroughSchools Middle Neck School Middle Neck School Site 2001 At one time there were nineteen schools in Moultonborough. In 1949 the Centralized School was built and renamed the Moultonborough Central School.
BenjaminDowHomestead Moultonborough Neck The inhabitants of Moultonborough Neck were known as industrious and thriving farmers, such as Benjamin Dow. Moultonborough Fact: George Brown kept a Post Office on the Neck and ran a boarding house. The Neck extends seven miles into Lake Winnipesaukee.
Tip-TopHouse Former Home of Harry and Minnie Rivers The Tip-Top House sits atop of the largest island in Lake Winnipesaukee. It was annexed to Moultonborough December 30, 1799. It was a highly prosperous 1200 acre farming territory. Two prominent farmers on Long Island were John Boody, who raised wheat, and John Brown, who raised “King Philip Corn”.
RoxmontPoultryFarmGenevaPointCenter View of Cottage A at Geneva Point Center. The Original Building was the former Lamprey Homestead moved here in 1891 by Dr. J.A. Greene.
LampreyHomestead--Windermere Lamprey Homestead built about 1831 on land later to become Windermere, owned by Dr. Frank E. Greene. In 1891 the Lamprey home was moved by Dr. J.A. Greene to his Roxmont Poultry Farm, now the site of Geneva Point Center.
DavidDowHomestead This house was built by David Dow in 1814. It has been occupied by many successive generations.
Former Folsom Farm This farm is located near the southern point of Long Island. Moultonborough Fact: Robert Lamprey gained recognition for raising 131 bushels and 7 quarts of shelled corn per acre on Long Island.
Red Hill Area Ebenezer Horne House--Red Hill Road Horne House 2001 Moultonborough Fact: Red Hill Summit, northern peak: 2029 feet. 1788: Jonathan Cook built his home on Red Hill.
BrownHomestead In 1855, this house was moved from the tip-top of Long Island fifteen miles across Lake Winnipisaukee. The move was completed in April across the ice using eighteen yoke of oxen.
SturtevantPine Discovered by Hosea Sturtevant in the late 1700s. This was the site of the original Sturtevant family homestead. Used as navigating landmark for sailors on Winnipesaukee It was destroyed in the 1920s.
MethodistChurch To the right is the Methodist Church in 1866 after it was moved to its present site. To the left is the Church today.
HillcrestTavern-Maurice’sRestaurant The Methodist Society was organized by Rev. J.S. Loveland in 1840. They built a small church at the site of Maurice’s Restaurant. Dr. Judkins practiced here until 1883, when Dr Frank Lovering took up his practice. Since then it has been operated as an inn or restaurant.
Pleasantdale Pleasantdale House: owned and operated by Ernest E. Davis. Rates were a reasonable $6.00 & $8.00 per week or $1.25 per day. The House accommodated 20 guests with cool rooms, piazzas piano,fresh milk, eggs, berries and fruit in season. A round trip from Center Harbor to Boston via rail cost $4.50.
Jeremiah Shaw, Jr.Homestead The homestead, built in 1845, was used as both a tavern and a U.S. Post Office. Presently it is the home of Bill and Nancy Depuy (Historical Society President). Jeremiah Shaw was called here in 1779 where he preached for 25 years and performed over 600 marriages.
Melvin Village Church Below is the Melvin Village church today. It was moved here from Moultonborough some time after 1844. It was known as the second church. Above is the former site of the second church. It was located between the Shaw Homestead and the cemetery.
Old Homes of EastMoultonborough Moultonborough Fact: In East Moultonborough, there was once a grist mill, saw mill, three stores, two hotels, blacksmith shop, wheelwright, post office, tannery, physician, minister, and many farms. As you can see, it was here that the early settlers made their “pitches”.
Richardson/Severance House Below is the Severance Homestead, owned by Samuel Severance, who married one of Bradbury’s granddaughters. It is still in the family today. Dave Severance is a science teacher at Moultonborough Academy. The home of Bradbury Richardson, built in 1770.
Mt. Road Farm Moultonborough Fact: For many years, from its first inhabitancy, Moultonborough was an excellent farming town. It was a model of the happy Arcadian life. At one time, Moultonborough boasted over 250 farms.
Berry’s Pond Moultonborough Fact: Little Winnipiseogee Pond, about 150 to 200 acres in size, is fed by a stream from the Ossipee Mountains and empties into the Red Hill River.
Former Mill Site East Moultonborough was for many years the center of business and the residence of its principal men. There was once a grist mill, saw mill, three stores, two hotels, tannery, wheelwright, post office, a physician, a minister and a deacon.
Steamship Transportation on the waters of Winnipesaukee in conjunction with the Railroads promoted tourism in the last half of the 19th century. The Long Island Families of the Browns, Lampreys and Blackstones were prominent boating families.
Main Street This spot, from which three roads lead to all parts of Moultonborough, is a natural focus for town activities. By 1840, there was a significant settlement at Moultonborough Corner and a town house was built in 1834, signifying the Corner as the town center.
Richter Home This is the original home built in 1790 by Joseph Moulton. It was burned and rebuilt by Irin Moulton. The present house is the third house on this site, built as an exact replica of the second one.
Lee’s Mills Logging Lee’s Mills wharf was a logging headquarter developed by David Lee and his sons Nathan and Edward. Often, the entire bay would be a field of floating logs, and in the spring, barges from Wolfeboro, Alton, and Meredith would tow the logs away for milling elsewhere.
Berry House The N. Berry House is still standing near the bridge of Moultonborough Falls. This area was known as “Moultonborough Center” as late as 1882. Between the Berry House and Moultonborough Corner at one time there existed a grist mill, a saw mill, a carting mill, and a filling mill as well as three stores, two hotels, a tannery, a courier’s shop, a blacksmith shop, a sleigh and carriage-maker shop, a saddle and harness-maker, a printing office, shoe shops, and a cluster of homes.
Town Hall Below: Town Hall built in 1996. Selectmen at the time: Doug Murphy, Ernest Davis and Tina Boren. Above: the former Moultonborough Town Hall, now the Historical Society. It was built in 1834.
Credits Created by A. Alexander J. Carpenter S. McKinley D. Normandin With the Direction of Mr. Harry Blood Technical Assistance--Moultonborough Technology Department Ms. Laura Maroon, Technology Coordinator Mr. Philip Ainsworth, Technology Assistant Special Thanks to Bill Depuy
Credits II “As I Remember: Moultonborough, New Hampshire” Author: Francis A Stevens “History of Carroll County” Author: Georgia Drew Merrill “Moultonborough to the 20th Century” Author: Helen Sturtevant Matthews “The Town Register 1908” Author: The Mitchell-Cony Company, Inc.