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How portuguese people work and educate ?

BUILDING A NEW EUROPE AGAINST STEREOTYPES. How portuguese people work and educate ?. Ana Sofia Oliveira and Fátima Santos – 12.ºB. Introduction. BUILDING A NEW EUROPE AGAINST STEREOTYPES. This presentation aims to show how Portuguese people work and educate.

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How portuguese people work and educate ?

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  1. BUILDING A NEW EUROPE AGAINST STEREOTYPES How portuguese peopleworkandeducate? Ana Sofia Oliveira and FátimaSantos – 12.ºB

  2. Introduction BUILDING A NEW EUROPE AGAINST STEREOTYPES • This presentation aims to show how Portuguese people work and educate. • We will explore certains themes such as which sectors have more employability, how our educational system works, how many hours we work per day, etc. • Hope this work allows you to know more about our country.


  4. What is the Portuguese work schedule? BUILDING A NEW EUROPE AGAINST STEREOTYPES • Here we have an analysis of the number of hours worked per week in Portugal, separating the values for men and women. That chart below illustrates the reality of the year 2013.

  5. What is the Portuguese work schedule? BUILDING A NEW EUROPE AGAINST STEREOTYPES

  6. Sectors and jobs in Portugal which are more competitive/well paid BUILDING A NEW EUROPE AGAINST STEREOTYPES

  7. BUILDING A NEW EUROPE AGAINST STEREOTYPES • Portugal is facing a crisis and because of our current economic situation jobs are less and less and with lower wages. Everyone is affected by this situation but we still have strong sector such as: - the agrifood sector - tourism (rural and seaside tourism) - wine - distribution of footwear



  10. The jobs that are well paid in Portugal are: BUILDING A NEW EUROPE AGAINST STEREOTYPES • Engineers of new technology and information systems; • Baking directors; • The specialty physicians (such as surgeons and even dentists); • Pilots and air traffic controllers; • Scientific researchers; • Finances; • Judges.

  11. The entry in the European Union has helped the evolution of the labor market? How? In What ways? BUILDING A NEW EUROPE AGAINST STEREOTYPES

  12. BUILDING A NEW EUROPE AGAINST STEREOTYPES Portugal joined European Union in 1986 and it was an important step for our country in many levels. One of them was precisely labor market.

  13. BUILDING A NEW EUROPE AGAINST STEREOTYPES • Some advantages are: - Unified market: where we can find new opportunities for companies and for economic and financial groups; - European investment began to be notorious in Portugal and were created job opportunities causing many immigrants come to our country; - New ideas and forms of work organization.

  14. BUILDING A NEW EUROPE AGAINST STEREOTYPES Comparison with other countries of Europe

  15. BUILDING A NEW EUROPE AGAINST STEREOTYPES • A recent news reached the Portuguese newspapers where we can see that the Portuguese people work 846 hours more than their German partners. While in Germany, which is the country of the EU where you work fewer hour, the average is 1371 hours while in Portugal the average is 1857 hours, being the sixth EU country working longer hours, after Hungary, Estonia, Poland, Latvia and Greece, which is where they work more for a total of 2042 hours per year.

  16. How Portuguese work? BUILDING A NEW EUROPE AGAINST STEREOTYPES • In Portugal, 21.7% of professionals work as independent and according to the study conclusions of flexibility@work 2015, crisis has not generated impact on increasing this percentage. The study concludes that in countries with high unemployment rates, such as Portugal, self-employment even features a downward trend but it is still needed to equate the rights of workers in the various contractual arrangements.

  17. Some up: BUILDING A NEW EUROPE AGAINST STEREOTYPES • In a general vision Portugal despite the crisis, is one of the countries where they work longer hours and that presents sectors where it is worth investing as tourism, agriculture, footwear, etc. • With the entry of Portugal into the EU has become a major development in terms of work.


  19. How does religion influence the education in Portugal? BUILDING A NEW EUROPE AGAINST STEREOTYPES • The predominant religion in Portugal is Catholicism that until 1974 was linked to education. Currently due to the law of education in Portugal, states that an educational establishment puts as an option the signature Catholic Moral and Religious Education.

  20. Portuguese Educational System BUILDING A NEW EUROPE AGAINST STEREOTYPES • The education system in Portugal is owned by the State. The state-run schools are free of charge and are the most used. • There is also private schools at all education levels. • In Portugal the children begin their school path at 5/6 years old.

  21. BUILDING A NEW EUROPE AGAINST STEREOTYPES • Here we have an image to explain our educational system: (The obligatory schooling is up to the 12th grade or upon reaching 18 years old)

  22. Portuguese Educational System BUILDING A NEW EUROPE AGAINST STEREOTYPES • Each school year is divided into 3 periods: - 1st period – begins at mid-september until mid-december; - 2nd period – beginning of january and ends two weeks before Easter; - 3rd period – begins two days after Easter and ends in mid-june. • In higher education the school year is divided into semesters.

  23. 1) Pre-school education (kindergarten) BUILDING A NEW EUROPE AGAINST STEREOTYPES • Pre-primary school is optional from ages to three to five and is provided in both state-run and private kindergartens schools state-run provision is free of charge.

  24. 2) Basic Education BUILDING A NEW EUROPE AGAINST STEREOTYPES • Basic education consists in nine years of schooling divided into three cycles. • Schools don’t give (or sell) any books or materials; financial assistance is available for poorer families.

  25. 2) Basic Education BUILDING A NEW EUROPE AGAINST STEREOTYPES • 1st Cycle (1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th years) = Primary - general subjects: - Portuguese - Environment study - Mathematics - enrichment activities: - English - Artistic education - Physical education - Musical education

  26. 2) Basic Education BUILDING A NEW EUROPE AGAINST STEREOTYPES • 2nd Cycle (5th and 6th years) - Portuguese language - Mathematics - History and geography of Portugal - English - Natural Sciences - Visual Education (Arts) - Technological Education (Crafts) - Physical Education - Musical Education - Catholic Moral and Religious Education (facultative)

  27. 2) Basic Education BUILDING A NEW EUROPE AGAINST STEREOTYPES • 3rd Cycle (7th, 8th and 9th years) - Portuguese language - Mathematics - History - Geography - English - 2nd Foreign language – French or Spanish or German - Natural Sciences - Physics and Chemistry - Visual Education (Arts) - Technological Education (hand work) - Physical Education - Music/Drama - Computer and IT/an alternative of the school (only in 7th and 8th grades)

  28. 3) Secondary Education BUILDING A NEW EUROPE AGAINST STEREOTYPES • It’s only after the 9th grade of basic schooling that the Portuguese General Education system branches out into different secondary programmes.

  29. 3) Secondary Education BUILDING A NEW EUROPE AGAINST STEREOTYPES • We can choose from 4 courses that are: - Science and Technology - Language and human sciences - Socio-economic sciences - Visual arts Scientific-humanistic courses • This level of education cover the 10th, 11thand 12th grade.


  31. 4) Higher Education BUILDING A NEW EUROPE AGAINST STEREOTYPES • Admission to state-run higher education lever studies requires either a secondary school credential and the required ENES exams. An extraordinary exam process is available to anyone aged 23 or older. Admission to private institutions is at the total discretion of each school.


  33. Comparisonwithother countries regardingtheinstructional time BUILDING A NEW EUROPE AGAINST STEREOTYPES • Portugal isoneofthe countries withthehighestoverallworkload, withregard to allthesubjects in compulsoryeducation: 11,049 hours. Atthefront, onlytheNetherlands. “Theseresultshave, owever, to bequalified, since Portugal andtheNetherlands, are amongthe countries withlongerdurationofcompulsoryeducation”.


  35. Some up BUILDING A NEW EUROPE AGAINST STEREOTYPES • The Portuguese education is currently separated from religion and passes through three stages the basic education, the secondary and higher education. Later still can take a magistrate or a doctorate. • It is one of the European countries where it has more learning time, investing a lot in the education of our citizens. • The compulsory schooling is the 12th grade and supposedly is a free education….which is not entirely true.

  36. Conclusion BUILDING A NEW EUROPE AGAINST STEREOTYPES • We hope this work has enriched your knowledge about our country, specially how our people educate and work. • Hope you liked it!

  37. Our school BUILDING A NEW EUROPE AGAINST STEREOTYPES Escola Básica e Secundária À Beira Douro - Medas

  38. Links BUILDING A NEW EUROPE AGAINST STEREOTYPES • http://eduprofs.blogspot.pt/2014/11/estudo-comparativo-da-carga-horaria-em-html • Manda-te.com/noticias/homens-vs-mulheres-quantas-horas-trabalham-em-media-os-portugueses-2 • http://www.economias.pt/os-empregos-mais-bem-pagos-em-portugal/ • http://www.pordata.pt/Portugal/Rendimento+nacional+e+remunera%c3A7%C3%B5es+em+percentagem+do+PIB-535 • http://euroguidance.gov.pt/index.php?e=int&id=2 • http://expressemprego.pt/noticias/como-trabalham-os-portugueses/3802 • http://www.dinheirovivo.pt/Economia/interior.aspx?content_id=4671887

  39. BUILDING A NEW EUROPE AGAINST STEREOTYPES How portuguese peopleworkandeducate? Ana Sofia Oliveira and FátimaSantos – 12.ºB

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