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INDEKS PRODUKTIVITAS TANAH. PRODUCTIVITY INDEX RATING OF SOILS. Indeks Produktivitas (PI) dapat digunakan untuk menilai (rating) tanah-tanah menurut kesesuaiannya untuk produksi tanaman .
PRODUCTIVITY INDEX RATING OF SOILS IndeksProduktivitas (PI) dapatdigunakanuntukmenilai (rating) tanah-tanahmenurutkesesuaiannyauntukproduksitanaman. Beberapaserietanahdinilai (diuji) potensiproduksinya, yaituSerieNyankpala (NS), SerieChangnayili (CS) danSerieKpelesawgu (KS), dievaluasikesesuaiannyasaatsekarangdandimasamendatang , sertauntukmemperkirakantindakanapasajauntukmemperbaikiproduktivitasnya. Tanamanujidapatdigunakanjagung, kedelaidankactanah. Soil samples were taken from 0 to 20 cm and 20 to 40 cm depths, and soil and crop data were rated and scaled using 100% as the optimum and the Productivity index (PI) ratings for the series were computed. Sumber: Productivity index rating of some soils in the Tolon/Kumbungu district of the Northern region of Ghana . ImoroAbukariZiblim, Daniel Okai-Anti and E. Augustine Asmah. Journal of Soil Science and Environmental Management Vol. 3(6), pp. 154-163, 2012
PRODUCTIVITY INDEX RATING OF SOILS Seri tanah KS mempunyainilai PI lebihtinggi, sedengkanseritanah NS nenounyainilai PI paling rendah. This might mean that KS has higher productivity potential than both CS and NS. All three soil series showed low current suitability for crop production, however, given prudent soil management practices, the soils would be potentially suitable for crop production. Direkomendasikanpengelolaantanahdilakukanuntukmemperbaiki pH tanahdanmemasukkanbahanorganikuntukmeningkatkanproduktivitasnya. Sumber: Productivity index rating of some soils in the Tolon/Kumbungu district of the Northern region of Ghana . ImoroAbukariZiblim, Daniel Okai-Anti and E. Augustine Asmah. Journal of Soil Science and Environmental Management Vol. 3(6), pp. 154-163, 2012
PRODUCTIVITY INDEX RATING OF SOILS Produktivitastanahmerupakankemampuantanahmenghasilkansuatujenistanamanpadakondisipengelolaantertentu. Produktivitasmenekankankapasitastanahuntukmemproduksitanamandanharusdinyatakandalambentuk “hasiltanaman” (Brady and Weil, 1999). To quantify soil productivity, there have been several attempts at devising systems that provide a productivity index, or rating, by means of numerical or parametric methods or approach (Delgado and Lopez, 1998). Model IndeksProduktivitas (PI) merupakanukuranproduktivitastanah. Brady NC, Weil RR (1999). The nature and properties of soil. 12th ed. Prentice Hall, New Jersey, USA. p. 852. Delgado F, Lopez R (1998). Evaluation of soil degradation impact on the productivity of Venezuelan soils. Adv. GeoEcol., 31:133-142. Sumber: Productivity index rating of some soils in the Tolon/Kumbungu district of the Northern region of Ghana . ImoroAbukariZiblim, Daniel Okai-Anti and E. Augustine Asmah. Journal of Soil Science and Environmental Management Vol. 3(6), pp. 154-163, 2012
PRODUCTIVITY INDEX RATING OF SOILS Productivity index is an algorithm based on the assumption that crop yield is a function of root-growth, including rooting depth, which is controlled by the soil environment (Lindstrom et al., 1992). Lindstrom MJ, Schumacher TF, Jones AJ, Gantzer CJ (1992). Productivity index model comparison for selected soils in North Central United States. J. Soil and Water Conserv., 47(6): 491-494. Pertumbuhanakar IndeksProduktivitas Tanah Lingkungan Tanah Kedalamanperakaran Sumber: Productivity index rating of some soils in the Tolon/Kumbungu district of the Northern region of Ghana . ImoroAbukariZiblim, Daniel Okai-Anti and E. Augustine Asmah. Journal of Soil Science and Environmental Management Vol. 3(6), pp. 154-163, 2012
PRODUCTIVITY INDEX RATING OF SOILS Indeksproductivitasdidasarkanpadasifat-sifattanahygmudahdiukuruntukmemprediksiefeklingkungantanahterhadappertumbuhantanaman. Penilaian IP biasanyaterdiriataspersamaanmatematisygditurunkansecaraempirik, untukmenghubungkanproduktivitasdengannilai-nilaiparametrikdarisifat-sifattanah. Setiapsifattanahmempunyaikiisarannilainumeriktertentu, dankemudiannilai-nilaiinidimasukkankedalampersamaanmatematikuntukmenghitung IP (Ilaco, 1981). Ilaco BV (1981). Agricultural compendium for rural development in the tropics and sub-tropics. Elsevier, Amsterdam. p. 739 Sumber: Productivity index rating of some soils in the Tolon/Kumbungu district of the Northern region of Ghana . ImoroAbukariZiblim, Daniel Okai-Anti and E. Augustine Asmah. Journal of Soil Science and Environmental Management Vol. 3(6), pp. 154-163, 2012
PRODUCTIVITY INDEX RATING OF SOILS Efekkombinasidariberbagaifaktor (parameter) lebihbersifatmultiplikatif (perkalian) danbukanadetif (penjumlahan). IP mempunyaikeuntungankarenatidakterlaluterpengaruholehperubahanteknologi, dibandingkandnegan model produktivitas yang berdasarkanhasiltanaman. Akantetapimetodeevaluasi IP inilebihsesuaiuntukaplikasilokal, dankurangsesuaiuntukmaplikasi universal (Russell, 1988). Russell EW (1988). Soil conditions and plant growth. Wild, A. (ed.), 11th edition. Longman Group UK Ltd. ReinoUnido. ISBN 0-582-44677-5. pp. 357- 991. Sumber: Productivity index rating of some soils in the Tolon/Kumbungu district of the Northern region of Ghana . ImoroAbukariZiblim, Daniel Okai-Anti and E. Augustine Asmah. Journal of Soil Science and Environmental Management Vol. 3(6), pp. 154-163, 2012
PRODUCTIVITY INDEX RATING OF SOILS Metode-metodeuntukevaluasiProduktivitas Tanah Adaberbagaimacamteknikdanfilosofievaluasiproduktivitastanah. Beberapametodelebihberkonsentrasipadaderajatkesesuaiansifat-sifattanah, danmetodelainnyalebihmneekankanpadafaktorpembatastanahuntukpenggunaantertentu. Beberapametodemengelompokkantanahmenjadibeberapa (order, class dantipetanah), sedangkanmetodelainnyamenggunakanpendekatanhierarkhis. Other systems have one category, and these are frequently parametric. In these later systems, mathematical formulae are applied such that the final result is expressed in numerical terms. These can be additive or with a multiplicative scheme, the latter offering better results. Sumber: Productivity index rating of some soils in the Tolon/Kumbungu district of the Northern region of Ghana . ImoroAbukariZiblim, Daniel Okai-Anti and E. Augustine Asmah. Journal of Soil Science and Environmental Management Vol. 3(6), pp. 154-163, 2012
PRODUCTIVITY INDEX RATING OF SOILS Metode-metodeparametrik yang dikembangkanoleh McRae danBurnham (1981), dianggapsederhana, objective, quantitatif, dapatdipercaya, mudahdipahamidandiaplikasikan, danmudahdimodifikasidandisessuaikandenganpenggunaanbaru. Pierce et al. (1983) menggunakan model indeksproduktivitasuntukmemprediksiproduksitanamanberdasarkan data-data tentang WHC (water-holding capacity) tanah, pH, danresistensithdpertumbuhanakar. Wilson et al. (1991) menggunakan model matematikuntukestimasihasiltanamanberdasarkan data BOT dankandungan CaCO3 dalamtanah. McRae SG, Burnham CP (1981). Land evaluation, Monogr. Soil Survey. Clarendon Press. p. 239. Pierce FJ, Larson WE, Dowdy RH, Graham WAP (1983). Productivity of soils: Assessing long-term changes due to erosion. J. Soil Water Conserv., pp. 38, 39-44. Sumber: Productivity index rating of some soils in the Tolon/Kumbungu district of the Northern region of Ghana . ImoroAbukariZiblim, Daniel Okai-Anti and E. Augustine Asmah. Journal of Soil Science and Environmental Management Vol. 3(6), pp. 154-163, 2012
PRODUCTIVITY INDEX RATING OF SOILS Biasanya PI dihitungdenganmenggunakanrumusmultifaksionalberikut (Delgado, 1998). dimana: PI = Productivity index; Ai = Kondisiygmengendalikanrelasilengastanahhorisonke-i. Bi = Kondisiygmenentukanresistensimekanis (impedances) terhadapeksplorasiakartanamandalamhorisonke-i. Ci = Kondisiygmengendalikankesuburanpotensialhorisonke-i. Ki = Kepentinganrelatifhorisonke-i. danjugakedalamantanah. Delgado F, Lopez R (1998). Evaluation of soil degradation impact on the productivity of Venezuelan soils. Adv. GeoEcol., 31:133-142. Sumber: Productivity index rating of some soils in the Tolon/Kumbungu district of the Northern region of Ghana . ImoroAbukariZiblim, Daniel Okai-Anti and E. Augustine Asmah. Journal of Soil Science and Environmental Management Vol. 3(6), pp. 154-163, 2012
PRODUCTIVITY INDEX RATING OF SOILS The soil stores the water and air used by plants to sustain life. The amount of soil water that can be used by the plant varies, due to the characteristics of the soil, for example, soil texture of the plant, root distribution and depth (Tolk, 2003). These models use physical and chemical soil parameters such as bulk density, soil moisture content, and soil texture, depth to iron pan/concretions, effective rooting depth, Soil Organic Matter (SOM), Effective Cation Exchange Capacity (ECEC) and pH to quantify the productivity of soils. Model-model inibelummempertimbangkansemuafaktorfisikdanlingkunganygmempengaruhiProduktivitas Tanah. Tolk JA (2003). Plant Available Soil Water. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Bushland, Texas, U. S. A. Marcel Dekker pp. 669-672. Sumber: Productivity index rating of some soils in the Tolon/Kumbungu district of the Northern region of Ghana . ImoroAbukariZiblim, Daniel Okai-Anti and E. Augustine Asmah. Journal of Soil Science and Environmental Management Vol. 3(6), pp. 154-163, 2012
PRODUCTIVITY INDEX RATING OF SOILS Model yang dipakai Model Storie (1978) dimodifikasisedikit. Parameter terukurberikutinidipilihdanditentukan: PI = H × T x B × D × E × O × A × S, Dimana: H = kandunganlengastanah; T = teksturtanah; B = bobotisi; D = kedalamancadasbesi; E = kedalamanefektifperakaran; O = kandunganbahanorganik; A = Kapasitastukarkation (CEC); S = reaksitanah (pH). Pemilihan parameter tersebutberdasarkanpadakondisilingkungantanahdilokasipenelitian. Storie RE (1978). Storie index rating (revised). Special Publication 3203, Division of Agricultural Sciences, University of California, Berkley, California. Sumber: Productivity index rating of some soils in the Tolon/Kumbungu district of the Northern region of Ghana . ImoroAbukariZiblim, Daniel Okai-Anti and E. Augustine Asmah. Journal of Soil Science and Environmental Management Vol. 3(6), pp. 154-163, 2012
PRODUCTIVITY INDEX RATING OF SOILS JenisTanaman yang Diuji Untukevaluasiproduktivitastanah (hasiltanaman) padakondisiaktual , dapatdigunakanempatjenistanaman; yaitujagung, kedelai, kac. Tunggakdankac. tanah. Tanamanditanamsecaramonokulturpadasetiapserietanahdandiamatipolapertumbuhannya. Parameter pertumbuhanygdiamati: tinggitanaman, jumlahdaun/tanaman, lebardaun, danpanjangdaun. The yield was then determined after the crops were harvested. Measurements started three weeks after germination and continued every two weeks till maturity/harvesting. Setelahpanentanaman, 1000 bijisetiapjenistanamanditimbanguntukmenentukanhasil-tanaman. Sumber: Productivity index rating of some soils in the Tolon/Kumbungu district of the Northern region of Ghana . ImoroAbukariZiblim, Daniel Okai-Anti and E. Augustine Asmah. Journal of Soil Science and Environmental Management Vol. 3(6), pp. 154-163, 2012
PRODUCTIVITY INDEX RATING OF SOILS EfekLengas Tanah thdKarakteristik Tanah Hasilpenelitianmenunjukkanbahwakandunganlengastanahberagamdnegankedalamantanah. Lapisantanah pd kedalaman20 - 40 cm mempunyaikandunganlengaslebihtinggidibandingkandengankedalaman 0 - 20 cm. Rawls et al. (2003) melaporkanbahwapadatanah-tanahkasar, peningkatan C-organikdapatmeningkatkanretensi air. Dalamtanah-tanahygkayaliat (>19% liat) , dayaretensiairnyameningkatdneganmeningkatnyakandunganliat. Rendahnyakandunganlengastanah pd kedalaman 0 - 20 cm mungkindisebabkanolehrendahnyakandunganliatdan BOT. Rawls WJ, Pachepsky YA, Ritchie JC, Sobecki TM, Bloodworth H (2003). Effect of soil organic carbon on soil water retention. Geoderma, 116: 61– 76. Sumber: Productivity index rating of some soils in the Tolon/Kumbungu district of the Northern region of Ghana . ImoroAbukariZiblim, Daniel Okai-Anti and E. Augustine Asmah. Journal of Soil Science and Environmental Management Vol. 3(6), pp. 154-163, 2012
PRODUCTIVITY INDEX RATING OF SOILS Tanah CS dan KS padakedalaman 20-40 cm mempunyaikandunganlengaslebihtinggi, haliniadahubungannyadengantingginyakandunganliatdan BOT. Hudson (1994) menemukanbahwakemampuantanahmenyimpan air-tersediadipengaruhiolehkandungan BOT nya. Hudson B (1994). Soil Organic Matter and Available Water Capacity. J. Soil and Water Conserv., pp. 189-193. Sumber: Productivity index rating of some soils in the Tolon/Kumbungu district of the Northern region of Ghana . ImoroAbukariZiblim, Daniel Okai-Anti and E. Augustine Asmah. Journal of Soil Science and Environmental Management Vol. 3(6), pp. 154-163, 2012
PRODUCTIVITY INDEX RATING OF SOILS Kedalamantanahberpengaruhterhadapkemampuantanahmenyimpanlengas-tanah. Menurut Webster and Wilson (1980), tanah-tanah yang dalam (tebal) menyimpanlebihbanyak air dibandingkandengantanah-tanah yang dangkal (tipis). Webster CC, Wilson PN (1980). Agriculture in the tropics. Longman, London, UK. p. 640. Sumber: Productivity index rating of some soils in the Tolon/Kumbungu district of the Northern region of Ghana . ImoroAbukariZiblim, Daniel Okai-Anti and E. Augustine Asmah. Journal of Soil Science and Environmental Management Vol. 3(6), pp. 154-163, 2012
PRODUCTIVITY INDEX RATING OF SOILS Tabel2. Some physical properties of Nyankpala, Changnayili and Kpelesawgu series at 0 to 20 and 20 to 40 cm sampling depths. Sumber: Productivity index rating of some soils in the Tolon/Kumbungu district of the Northern region of Ghana . ImoroAbukariZiblim, Daniel Okai-Anti and E. Augustine Asmah. Journal of Soil Science and Environmental Management Vol. 3(6), pp. 154-163, 2012
PRODUCTIVITY INDEX RATING OF SOILS TeksturdanKarakteristik Tanah Tanah-tanah yang ditelititernyatateksturnyalempungberpasirpadakedalaman 0 - 20 cm dan20 - 40 cm. Persenliatdanpersendebumenurundnegankedalaman, sedangkanpersenpasirmeningkat. Persenpasirpadadualapisantanahtersebutternyata “tinggi”, diikutiolehpersendebudankemudianpersenliat paling rendah. (Table 2). Sumber: Productivity index rating of some soils in the Tolon/Kumbungu district of the Northern region of Ghana . ImoroAbukariZiblim, Daniel Okai-Anti and E. Augustine Asmah. Journal of Soil Science and Environmental Management Vol. 3(6), pp. 154-163, 2012
PRODUCTIVITY INDEX RATING OF SOILS Tanah-tanahberpasir yang ditelitididugamempunyaikesuburan yang terbatasdantidakmampumenahanbanyak air tersediadanharatersedia. MenurutBruandet al. (2007), tanah-tanahberpasirberbedadnegantanahlainnya, agregasinyamudahdigemburkandneganpengolahantanah, sehinggadihasilkanporositasynglebihbesartetapistabilitasnyasangatlemah. Hal inimengakibatkanpenurunansifat-sifatretensi air. Bruand A, Hartmann C, Lesturgez G (2007). Physical properties of tropical sandy soils: A large range of behaviours. FAO Corporate Document Repository, Physical properties of tropical sandy soils. http://www.fao.org/docrep/010/ag125e/ag125e00.htm Retrieved: 14/02/2012. Sumber: Productivity index rating of some soils in the Tolon/Kumbungu district of the Northern region of Ghana . ImoroAbukariZiblim, Daniel Okai-Anti and E. Augustine Asmah. Journal of Soil Science and Environmental Management Vol. 3(6), pp. 154-163, 2012
PRODUCTIVITY INDEX RATING OF SOILS TemuanTsimbaet al. (1999) bahwa , bobotisitanahmeningkatdnegankedalamantanah, mungkinkarenarendahnyakandungan BOT, kurangnyaagregasidanterbatasnyapenetrasitanah, sertaadanyatekanandarilapisantanahdiatasnya. Tsimba R, Hussein J, Ndlovu LR (1999). Relationships between depth of tillage and soil physical characteristics of sites farmed by smallholders in Mutoko and Chinyika in Zimbabwe. Published in: Kaumbutho PG, Simalenga TE (1999). Conservation tillage with animal traction. A resource book of the Animal Traction Network for Eastern and Southern Africa (ATNESA). Harare. Zimbabwe. p. 173 http://www.atnesa.org/contil/contil-tsimba-depth-ZW.pdf Retrieved: 13/02/2012. Sumber: Productivity index rating of some soils in the Tolon/Kumbungu district of the Northern region of Ghana . ImoroAbukariZiblim, Daniel Okai-Anti and E. Augustine Asmah. Journal of Soil Science and Environmental Management Vol. 3(6), pp. 154-163, 2012
PRODUCTIVITY INDEX RATING OF SOILS BobotIsidanKarakteristik Tanah The bulk density range of 1.53 to 1.59 g cm-3 in the 0 to 20 cm and 1.60 to 1.67 g cm-3 in the 20 to 40 cm depth are both below the critical value of 2.1 g cm-3, beyond which plant root growth is severely limited. The bulk density values presented in Table 2 are within the limits given by Bowen (1981) and Kar et al. (1976), beyond which root growth is impeded and crop production is reduced. Umumnyanilai-nilai BI yang tinggi pd kedalaman 20 - 40 cm mungkinadahubungannyadenganteksturdanpengolahantanahygkontinyudandibarengiolehaktivitas “grazing animals”. Rendahnyakandungan BOT menyebabkannilai BI yang tinggi. Bowen HD (1981). Alleviating mechanical impedance. In: Arkin G.F. and Taylor, H.M. (eds.). Modifying the root environment to reduce crop stress, ASAE, pp. 21-57. Kar S, Varade SB, Subramanyan TK, Ghildyal BP (1976). Soil physical conditions affecting rice root growth: bulk density and submerged soil temperature regime effects, Agro. J., 68:23-26.
PRODUCTIVITY INDEX RATING OF SOILS KedalamanCadasBesi Adanyacadas-besidalam zone perakarandapatmenghalangipertumbuhanakartanamandanhalinimempengaruhipotensialproduktivitastanah. The mean depths of 39.0, 32.6 and 61.2 cm to iron concretions of NS, CS and KS soils respectively, show the development of iron pan towards the soil surface especially, the NS and CS soils and this can have strong resistance to root penetration and development. Adanyacadas-besi pd lapisanygdangkalmungkinkarenapelapukanbahaninduktanahdanpengolahantanahygkontinyuspadakedalaman yang sama(Waddington, 1991; Unger and Kasper, 1994). Unger PW, Kasper TC (1994). Soil compaction and root growth: A review. Agro. J., 86: 759-766. Waddington SR (1991). Agronomic problems related to tillage on small holder cereal production and some research opportunities. Proceedings of a Workshop held at the Institute of Agricultural Engineering on tillage. Past and future. Harare 14 and 15 November 1989, pp. 46-57.
PRODUCTIVITY INDEX RATING OF SOILS HUBUNGAN KEDALAMAN PERAKARAN DG SIFAT-SIFAT TANAH The mean rooting depths of 51.0, 47.6 and 55.2 cm for NS, CS and KS soils respectively, showed that the soils are shallow (Table 2). KS soils appeared to be relatively deeper. Solumtanah yang dangkalmungkinadahubungannyadnegansifatbahaninduktanahdansejarahbudidayatanamandilokasi. Erositanahdapatmenjadifaktorpenting , karenatanahdibiarkanbegitusajasetelahpanentanaman. Sumber: Productivity index rating of some soils in the Tolon/Kumbungu district of the Northern region of Ghana . ImoroAbukariZiblim, Daniel Okai-Anti and E. Augustine Asmah. Journal of Soil Science and Environmental Management Vol. 3(6), pp. 154-163, 2012
PRODUCTIVITY INDEX RATING OF SOILS Kandungan BOT The results of the study indicated low organic matter content in all the three series in the 0 to 20 cm and 20 to 40 cm sample depths (Table 3). Beberapafaktormempengaruhitinggi-rendahnyakandungan BOT, misalnya, kandungan BOT topsoil didaerah semi-arid sebesar 0.5 - 1.0% (Young, 1976) dantanah-tanahberpasirbiasanyamempunyaikandungan BOT lebihrendahdibandingkandnegantanah-tanahberliat (Biswas and Mukherjee, 1994). Biswas TD, Mukherjee SK (1994). Textbook of soil science (2nd ed.) New Delhi India: Tale McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited. pp. 414-422. Young A (1976). Tropical soils and soil survey. Cambridge Geographical Studies, London, New York. p. 468. Sumber: Productivity index rating of some soils in the Tolon/Kumbungu district of the Northern region of Ghana . ImoroAbukariZiblim, Daniel Okai-Anti and E. Augustine Asmah. Journal of Soil Science and Environmental Management Vol. 3(6), pp. 154-163, 2012
PRODUCTIVITY INDEX RATING OF SOILS Kandungan BOT The low organic matter content may be due to the fact that the study sites have been intensively cultivated or are young fallow areas (2 to 5 years), where basically organic matter production or accumulation is low. Rendahnyakandungan BOT tanahjugadisebabkanolehpanenbiomasatanamansecarakontinyudansedikitnyapengembalian BO sisapanenkelahan. Faktorlainnyaadalahtingginyakehilanganrespirasitanahakibatsuhutinggi (Brady and Weil, 1999), dankehilanganerosi-tanahakibattingginyaintensitashujan. Menurut Atkinson and Wright (1968), kandungan BOT biasanyamenurundenganpenanaman yang terus-menerus. Dalal and Mayer (1990) jugamelaporkanhal yang serupa. Atkinson H, Wright K (1968). Comparative effect of keeping soil under continuous cultivation and keeping it under continuous grass. Soil Sci., 28: 30-42. Dalal RC, Mayer RJ (1990). Long term trends in soil fertility under continuous cultivation and cereal cropping in Southern Queensland. Australian J., Soil Res., 24: 563-575.
PRODUCTIVITY INDEX RATING OF SOILS Korelasipositifantarakandungan BOT dengankandunganliatdalamsuatutanah, menyatakanbahwajumlahliatmempengaruhikandungan BOT karenaefekikatan organic-inorganic dalamtanah. The mean CEC range of 8.04 to 15.36 cmolc kg-1 in the 0 to 20 cm depth and 3.33 to 4.92 cmolc kg-1 in the 20 to 40 cm depth fall within the range of 3 to 15 cmolc kg-1 (Müller-Sämann and Kotschi, 1994). Müller-Sämann KM, Kotschi J (1994). Sustaining growth: Soil fertility management in tropical smallholders. MargrafVerlag, Weikersheim, Germany. pp. 81-138 Sumber: Productivity index rating of some soils in the Tolon/Kumbungu district of the Northern region of Ghana . ImoroAbukariZiblim, Daniel Okai-Anti and E. Augustine Asmah. Journal of Soil Science and Environmental Management Vol. 3(6), pp. 154-163, 2012
PRODUCTIVITY INDEX RATING OF SOILS The range of 3.33 to 4.92 cmolc kg-1 is low when compared to the lower limit of average CEC at 5 cmolc kg-1 (Landon, 1991) but within the range 1 to 10 cmolc kg-1 (Foth and Ellis, 1997), which are common for kaolinitic clays. Mineral liatdalamtanahdilokasipenelitianadalahkaolinit. Nilai KTK rendahpadasemuaserietanah. Analisisragammenyatakantidakadaefekperlakuanterhadap KTK tanah. Rataan KTK lebihtinggipadaserietanahKS untukkedalamantanah 0 - 20 cm dan20 - 40 cm, yang diikutuidenganseritanah CS. Foth HD, Ellis BG (1997). Soil fertility. Second edition. CRC Press Boca Raton, Florida, p. 290. Landon JR (1991). Booker Tropical Soil Mannual. A Handbook for soil survey and agriculture land evaluation in the tropics and subtropics. Landon, J. R. (ed). Booker Tate, Thame, Oxon, UK, pp.58-125. Sumber: Productivity index rating of some soils in the Tolon/Kumbungu district of the Northern region of Ghana . ImoroAbukariZiblim, Daniel Okai-Anti and E. Augustine Asmah. Journal of Soil Science and Environmental Management Vol. 3(6), pp. 154-163, 2012
PRODUCTIVITY INDEX RATING OF SOILS Blanchart et al. (2007) reported that tropical sandy soils (or upper sandy horizons of tropical soils) have low cation exchange capacity. Rendahnyanilai KTK suatutanahdapatdisebabkanolehbeberapafaktor. Rendahnyakandungan BOT danLiatdapatmenyebabkanrendahnyanilai KTK tanah. Blanchart E, Albrecht A, Bernoux M, Brauman A, Chotte JL, Feller C, Ganry F, Hien E, Manlay R, Masse D, Sall S, Villenave C (2007). Organic matter and biofunctioning in tropical sandy soils and implications for its management. FAO Corporate Document Repository, Management of tropical sandy soils for sustainable agriculture http://www.fao.org/docrep/010/ag125e/AG125E19.htm. Retrieved: 13/02/2012. Sumber: Productivity index rating of some soils in the Tolon/Kumbungu district of the Northern region of Ghana . ImoroAbukariZiblim, Daniel Okai-Anti and E. Augustine Asmah. Journal of Soil Science and Environmental Management Vol. 3(6), pp. 154-163, 2012
PRODUCTIVITY INDEX RATING OF SOILS Menurut Landon (1991), KTK merupakansifatdarifraksikoloidtanah, terutamaliatdanbahanorganik. Hal inimengakibatkanbahwatanah-tanah yang miskinliatdanmiskin BOT biasnayamempunyai KTK yang rendah. Selainitu, tipe mineral liatjugaberpengaruhterhadapnilai KTK tanah. Landon (1991) reported that kaolinite clay minerals tend to have very low CEC values and consequently, most tropical soils are basically kaolinitic as indicated earlier. Furthermore, the low CEC could be ascribed to the low pH values of the soils. At low pH values, the CEC is also generally low. Landon JR (1991). Booker Tropical Soil Mannual. A Handbook for soil survey and agriculture land evaluation in the tropics and subtropics. Landon, J. R. (ed). Booker Tate, Thame, Oxon, UK, pp.58-125. Sumber: Productivity index rating of some soils in the Tolon/Kumbungu district of the Northern region of Ghana . ImoroAbukariZiblim, Daniel Okai-Anti and E. Augustine Asmah. Journal of Soil Science and Environmental Management Vol. 3(6), pp. 154-163, 2012
PRODUCTIVITY INDEX RATING OF SOILS pH Tanah The mean soil pH across the three series varies from very strongly acidic to strong acid in reaction in the 20 to 40 cm depth (4.4 to 5.0) and 0 to 20 cm depth (5.0 to 5.2) (Table 3). Kisaran pH iniberadadibawahnilai rata-rata 6.5 (Foth and Ellis, 1997) yang dianggap ideal bagiketersediaanharadalamtanah. Brady danWeil (2002) menyatakanbahwa pH tanahmempengaruhisemuasifat-sifatkimia, fisikadanbiologitanah. Brady NC, Weil RR (2002). The nature and properties of soil, 13th ed. Springer Netherlands, p. 249. Foth HD, Ellis BG (1997). Soil fertility. Second edition. CRC Press Boca Raton, Florida, p. 290. Sumber: Productivity index rating of some soils in the Tolon/Kumbungu district of the Northern region of Ghana . ImoroAbukariZiblim, Daniel Okai-Anti and E. Augustine Asmah. Journal of Soil Science and Environmental Management Vol. 3(6), pp. 154-163, 2012
PRODUCTIVITY INDEX RATING OF SOILS Table 3. Some chemical properties of the soil series investigated within the sample depths of 0 to 20 cm and 20 to 40 cm. Sumber: Productivity index rating of some soils in the Tolon/Kumbungu district of the Northern region of Ghana . ImoroAbukariZiblim, Daniel Okai-Anti and E. Augustine Asmah. Journal of Soil Science and Environmental Management Vol. 3(6), pp. 154-163, 2012
PRODUCTIVITY INDEX RATING OF SOILS SERIE TANAH DAN INDEKS PRODUKTIVITAS (PI) Nilai PI suatutanahmenjadiindikatorpotensiproduksitanahitu. Nilai PI yang tinggiberartipotensiproduktifnyajugatinggi. Misalnya, nilai PI tanah yang tinggisebesar 8.32 x 10-4 padaserietanah KS , dannilai PI yang rendahpadaserietanah NS sebesar 0.72 × 10-4 (Table 4). These results presuppose that KS soils have higher productive potential. Productivity indices of 3.2 × 10-4, 3.2 × 10-4 and 19.2 × 10-4 for the 0 to 20 cm depth and 0.4 ×10-4, 1.6 x 10-4 and 1.6 × 10-4 for the 20 to 40 cm depth indicate that productivity potential of the soils decrease with depth. Lebihtingginyanilai PI padatanah KS disebabkanolehsifat-sifattanahyg “baik” karenakandungan BOT , KTK dankedalamanperakarannyalebihbesardibandingkandneganserietanahlainnya. Sumber: Productivity index rating of some soils in the Tolon/Kumbungu district of the Northern region of Ghana . ImoroAbukariZiblim, Daniel Okai-Anti and E. Augustine Asmah. Journal of Soil Science and Environmental Management Vol. 3(6), pp. 154-163, 2012
PRODUCTIVITY INDEX RATING OF SOILS Table 4. HasilperhitunganIndeksProduktifSerie Tanah danHasilTanaman. Sumber: Productivity index rating of some soils in the Tolon/Kumbungu district of the Northern region of Ghana . ImoroAbukariZiblim, Daniel Okai-Anti and E. Augustine Asmah. Journal of Soil Science and Environmental Management Vol. 3(6), pp. 154-163, 2012
PRODUCTIVITY INDEX RATING OF SOILS Figure 1. The yield (Kg/ha) of maize in the soil series. Sumber: Productivity index rating of some soils in the Tolon/Kumbungu district of the Northern region of Ghana . ImoroAbukariZiblim, Daniel Okai-Anti and E. Augustine Asmah. Journal of Soil Science and Environmental Management Vol. 3(6), pp. 154-163, 2012
PRODUCTIVITY INDEX RATING OF SOILS KESIMPULAN Sifat-sifatfisikadankimiatanahdapatdigunakanuntukmengkuantifikasikanproduktivitastanah. IndeksProduktivitasStorie (1978) cukupefektifuntukmengkuantifikasikanproduktivitastanah, modifikasinyaternyatajugalebihefisienterutamadneganmemasukkan parameter kandungan BOT, pH tanahdan KTK , sertamenggunakanberbagaijenistanah. This study therefore, increased the validity of the model. Hence, it is recommended that soil management practices such as amendment of acid soils through liming, incorporation of organic residue into the soil to improve upon the organic matter status, addition of inorganic fertilizers and crop rotation could be adopted. Sumber: Productivity index rating of some soils in the Tolon/Kumbungu district of the Northern region of Ghana . ImoroAbukariZiblim, Daniel Okai-Anti and E. Augustine Asmah. Journal of Soil Science and Environmental Management Vol. 3(6), pp. 154-163, 2012
PRODUCTIVITY INDEX RATING OF SOILS Sumber: Productivity index rating of some soils in the Tolon/Kumbungu district of the Northern region of Ghana . ImoroAbukariZiblim, Daniel Okai-Anti and E. Augustine Asmah. Journal of Soil Science and Environmental Management Vol. 3(6), pp. 154-163, 2012
PRODUCTIVITY INDEX RATING OF SOILS Sumber: Productivity index rating of some soils in the Tolon/Kumbungu district of the Northern region of Ghana . ImoroAbukariZiblim, Daniel Okai-Anti and E. Augustine Asmah. Journal of Soil Science and Environmental Management Vol. 3(6), pp. 154-163, 2012