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Professional Development Series

Professional Development Series . Part 1. What will I be when I grow up?. The answer is no longer just “doctor”. The Big Decision. Most med students spend more time deciding what car to buy than on selecting a career. Little thought goes into a lifelong decision.

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Professional Development Series

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  1. Professional Development Series Part 1

  2. What will I be when I grow up? The answer is no longer just “doctor”

  3. The Big Decision • Most med students spend more time deciding what car to buy than on selecting a career. • Little thought goes into a lifelong decision. • Hasty decisions can lead to burnout, changing residency programs, an unhappy career.

  4. Statistics/Job Satisfaction • 40% of physicians report being very satisfied • 20% of physicians report complete dissatisfaction • The rest are somewhere in between

  5. Pitfalls to Choosing a Specialty: • Anxiety over exams/grades detracts from focusing on the merits of the specialty • Subjective grades can influence final impressions • Bitter residents and attendings/personality conflicts • One bad rotation does not preclude one from choosing that specialty • Lack of participation • Lack of “nittygritty”outpatient experience • Not enough time to look at every specialty in 1 year • Lack of guidance resources/lack of time

  6. Over 60 Specialties and Subspecialties • Allergy and Immunology Anesthesiology • Cardiology Colon and Rectal Sx • Dermatology Emergency Med • Family Practice General Sx • Genetics Infectious Disease • Internal Medicine Neurology • Neurosurgery Nuclear Medicine • OBGYN Oncology • Ophthalmology Orthopedic Surgery • Otolaryngology Pain Management • Pathology Pediatrics • Physical Med/Rehab Plastic Sx • Preventive Med Psychiatry • Radiology Rheumatology • Thoracic/CV Sx Urology

  7. Sample Specialty Divisions Hospital Based Specialties: Radiology, Pathology, Emergency, Surgery Comprehensive care for one population: Pediatrics, OBGYN Primary Care: Family Practice, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics Tertiary Care/Referral-Based/One Organ System: GI, Dermatology, Urology, Neurology, Cardiology

  8. Myths and folklore or truth?? • All orthopods are jocks. • Gynecologists have the worst sex lives of all doctors • Pathologists are socially inept. • You should be a surgeon like your father. • Psychiatrists are crazy! • Dermatology is good money and short hours. • General surgeons do all the work with little pay. • ER docs are adrenaline addicts. • Internists are nerds.

  9. Four Domains of Career Assessment • Personal Values – what is important to you • Physician Values in Practice Scale • Interests – what you like • Medical Specialty Preference Inventory • Personality – what are you like? • Myers-Briggs Type Indicator • Skills – what you can do and do well • Experience on clinical rotations

  10. Personal Values: • Hours • Income • Intellectual Stimulation • Type of Patient Population • Generalist vs Specialist • Work Environment • Patient Contact • Social Status

  11. Other considerations: • Paperwork/Managed Care • Job Opportunities • Length of Training • Academic Competitiveness • Malpractice/Litigation

  12. What are your interests?

  13. Personality: What are you like? Results of multiple studies: Surgeons: extroverted, practical, social, less creative, competitive, structured Controllable lifestyle specialists: withdrawn and rebellious Hospital-based specialties: low tolerance for ambiguity, desire high structure OBGYN: warm and helpful Primary care: desired long term patient relationships Action oriented people who desire immediate gratification: sought out ER, surgery, anesthesiology

  14. Myer-Briggs Personality Type IndicatorMBPTI • Developed in the 1950’s • Used in medical schools across the country • Helps guide specialty selection by determining personality and temperament • Identify strengths and weaknesses • Take each year for best results • www.capt.org for a fee can get expert feedback

  15. MBTI: Four dimensions of personality yield 16 different personality types • Extroversion (E) vs Introversion (I): How we interact with the world and where we direct our energy • Sensing (S) vs Intuition (I): The kind of information we naturally notice • Thinking (T) vs Feeling (F): How we make decisions • Judgment (J) vs Perception (P): Whether we prefer to live in a more structured way or a more spontaneous way

  16. Extraversion Introversion Interest Orientation E I Outer world of actions, objects, and people Inner world of ideas and concepts

  17. Sensing Intuition Perception S N Immediate reality and direct experience Inferred meanings and relationships

  18. Thinking Feeling Judgment T F Reliability of logical order – cause and effect Priorities based on personal importance and values

  19. Judgment Perception Environment Orientation J P Judging attitude – Control of events and systematic planning Spontaneity – Curious, awaiting events and adapting to them

  20. Choosing Your Specialty • Step 1: Select specialties of interest • Step 2: Select factors important to you • Step 3: Rate your specialties

  21. Glaxo Pathway Evaluation Program http://www.smbs.buffalo.edu/RESIDENT/CareerCounseling/interior.htm?self-assessment.htm Self assessment will rate medical specialties according to compatability Co-sponsored by Duke University

  22. Glaxo Critical Factors • Caring for Patients • Continuity of Care • Autonomy • Diversity • Personal Time • Expertise • Income Satisfaction • Creativity • Certainty of Outcomes • Clinical Decision Making • Patient Decision Making • Interacting with Other Physicians/ Members of Health-care Team • Manual /Mechanical Activities • Pressure • Responsibility • Schedule • Security • Sense of Accomplishment

  23. AAMC Careers in Medicine Program Password protected

  24. Year 1 •   Orientation to Careers in Medicine • Seek out an advisor or mentor • Understanding Yourself • Complete the Specialty Indecision Scale for personalized guidance on your career concerns. • Attend CiM workshops • Begin completing self-assessment exercises

  25. Year 2 * Continue self-assessment * Complete self-assessment exercises * Review completed Personal Profile with advisor Exploring Options * Begin gathering basic information about specialties of interest through CiM Specialty Pages, other online sites, and library research * Attend Specialty Panel and Information Group sessions provided by your school * Compare your self-assessment information to the information you have gathered about specialties. Narrow down your specialty interests to 3-4 top choices * Plan your 3rd year schedule * Take Boards Step 1

  26. Year 3 • Begin clinical rotations • Review the Charting Outcomes in the Match report to assess qualifications and competitiveness for different specialties  • Conduct informational interviews and/or participate in preceptorships • Contact associations and specialty organizations • Meet with your advisor to discuss your top choices • Complete the "Choosing Your Specialty" exercise

  27. Year 4: Getting into Residency • Research residency training programs through AMA's FREIDA, AMA's Graduate Medical Education Directory (Green Book), or Osteopathic Opportunities http://opportunities.osteopathic.org/ • Complete the Residency Preference Exercise • Begin reviewing and comparing residency programs • Begin preparing residency applications. • Complete applications and designate programs to which your materials will be submitted • Take Boards Step 2 • Interview with residency programs • Complete the Residency Program Evaluation Guide

  28. Sources for Researching Residency Training Programs • CiM specialty pages http://www.aamc.org/students/cim/start.htm • AMA’s FREIDA http://www.ama-assn.org/ama/pub/education-careers/graduate-medical-education/freida-online.shtml • Graduate Medical Education Directory http://opportunities.osteopathic.org/

  29. What Do I Do Now? • Excel in your clinical clerkships • Program directors like to see as many clerkships with Honors as possible – especially in specialty of choice • Explore extramural elective opportunities: • http://www.aamc.org/students/medstudents/electives/start.htm • Shadow drs on breaks and holidays, engage in research projects • Summer between 1st and 2nd year: National Health Service Corps, AMSA/SALUD • Participate in CiM self-assessment and Glaxo Pathway Program • Explore specialties through personal experience, talking to others, CiM, Glaxo, and other resources

  30. Session 2: Surviving 3rd and 4th YearClerkships

  31. Session 3: Getting Into Residency • Applying for residency • Writing a CV and personal statement • Getting letters of recommendation • Residency interviewing

  32. Choosing a Career in Medicine: Sources: 1. The Ultimate Guide to Choosing a Medical Specialty, second edition by Brian Freeman, MD • Ren Stinson / University of Iowa 3. Michael G. Kavan, Ph.D Associate Dean for Student Affairs Creighton University School of Medicine

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