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Science Notebooks Peggy Harris Willcuts. This presentation shares information about notebook strategies and lessons learned from school districts in the Washington State LASER Alliances as well as those districts in El Centro and Pasadena, California and Gilbert, Arizona. LET’S GET STARTED….
Science NotebooksPeggy Harris Willcuts This presentation shares information about notebook strategies and lessons learned from school districts in the Washington State LASER Alliances as well as those districts in El Centro and Pasadena, California and Gilbert, Arizona..
LET’S GET STARTED… Cover or Title Page Give your science notebook a title. This should give the reader an idea of what this notebook will be about.
THEN… Don’t forget to let your notebook reflect your… ARTISTIC PERSONALITY
Powerful Learning Experiences • ·First Hand (the real thing) • oHANDS-ON EXPERIENCE THROUGH THE SENSES • ·Second Hand (representational) • oVIDEO/PICTURES/MODELS/SIMULATIONS • ·Third Hand (symbolic) • oBOOKS Most Powerful Least Powerful
TABLE OF CONTENTS Use the first1-2 pages for the Table of Contents… DATE ACTIVITY PAGE #
Insert sample of a table of contents from either the website www.sciencenotebooks.org or from your own images of students’ science notebooks
THINKING ABOUT YOUR SCIENCE NOTEBOOK… What should be included in a science notebook done by my students? When you have finished your response, draw a line of learning!
THINKING ABOUT NOTEBOOKS… Share out with your table group…
SCIENTISTS’ NOTEBOOKS • The following slides show real notebooks from scientists who work at Battelle – Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Richland, Washington.
Computational Chemist “Something wrong with this”
Computational Chemist “will have all of these checked for instability and optimize”
Reference graphs and tables pasted into notebook Materials Scientist
Sample sketch Materials Scientist
REFLECT… Which of those things do you think you could incorporate in YOUR students’ science notebooks?
Turn to your next available page and title this next section: Seashells
CHOOSE A SHELL AND SKETCH IT Sketch the outside shape Now add the details indicating pattern and texture Finally, add a bit of color
Move from Sketch to Scientific Illustration • Drawing should be detailed, accurate, and labeled: • Univalve or Bivalve?
Reading to Assist You… Bivalve Univalve
Move from Sketch to Scientific Illustration • Drawing should be detailed, accurate, and labeled: • Univalve or Bivalve? • Details
Move from Sketch to Scientific Illustration • Drawing should be detailed, accurate, and labeled: • Univalve or Bivalve? • Details • Identify Your Shell
Auger Clam Babylon Spindle Olive Cockle Sundial Scallop
Insert sample of a drawing from either the website www.sciencenotebooks.org or from your own images of students’ science notebooks
Insert sample of an Observation Writing from either the website www.sciencenotebooks.org or from your own images of students’ science notebooks
THE BOX & T-CHART Similarities Differences Univalve Bivalve Betsy Rupp Fulwiler
Insert sample of a Box and T-Chart from either the website www.sciencenotebooks.org or from your own images of students’ science notebooks
Insert sample of a Comparison Writing from either the website www.sciencenotebooks.org or from your own images of students’ science notebooks
HOW PEOPLE LEARN Principle I • New knowledge is built on a foundation of existing knowledge and experience • Everyday conceptions are resilient • Student preconceptions must be actively engaged to support learning with understanding
HOW PEOPLE LEARN Principle II Learning for understanding requires: • A deep foundation of factual knowledge • Understanding facts and ideas in the context of a conceptual framework. • Organized knowledge for effective retrieval.
HOW PEOPLE LEARN Principle III • Metacognitive Strategies help students to learn and to take control of their own learning. • They can be taught effectively in the context of a subject matter.
“Metacognitive Strategies” • Explaining to oneself • Noting comprehension failures • Activating background knowledge
Let’s talk briefly about assessment (FORMATIVE)
Opportunities for Assessment Teacher’s Opportunities to Score: • “Drive-Bys” • Data sheets scored before attaching to notebook • Quizzes scored independently • Weekly if possible for critical comments
Opportunities for Assessment • Self assessment or teacher assessment • Scoring Rubrics (primary and intermediate) • Student scores self • Teacher scores student • Student and teacher score student • Notebook Reflections
Research IF WE GIVE MORE: appropriate feedback to students ongoing assessment by teachers = Positive Effects on Student Learning Black & Wiliam, 1998 Classroom Assessment Pg 12 & 13