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Chapter 5: Literature and Linguistics

Chapter 5: Literature and Linguistics. A Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature. Chapter 5: Literature and Linguistics. I. Structuralism and Post-structuralism, Including Deconstruction A. Structuralism: Contexts and Definitions

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Chapter 5: Literature and Linguistics

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  1. Chapter 5: Literature and Linguistics A Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature

  2. Chapter 5: Literature and Linguistics I. Structuralism and Post-structuralism, Including Deconstruction A. Structuralism: Contexts and Definitions • Structuralists identify structures, systems of relationships, which endow signs (words) with meanings B. The Linguistic Model • Saussurean linguistics: la langue, la parole, semiotics, syntagmatic reading; Jakobson, communicative functions

  3. Chapter 5 C. Russian Formalism: Extending Saussure • Moscow scholars after World War I: Propp (folktales), Shklovsky (poetry as defamiliarization); narrative = story + plot D. Structuralism, Lévi-Strauss, and Semiotics • Structural anthropology: all societies have complex structures; paradigmatic approach to “deep structures” of culture and myth

  4. Chapter 5 E. French Structuralism: Coding and Decoding • French structuralists Barthes, Derrida, Foucault, Todorov all used Saussure to read complex texts (Proust, Balzac) • Narrative analogous to sentence—syntagmatic reading; cf Russian Formalists on story and plot (histoire and discours) • Text is message to be understood by a code; Barthes’s codes: actions (proairetic), puzzles (hermeneutic), cultural, connotative, symbolic F. British and American Interpreters • Culler: seeks to expand the poetics of structuralism

  5. Chapter 5 G. Post-Structuralism, Deconstruction • Influenced by Barthes’s structuralism • texts subversively undermine their meaning just as language is constant free play and deferred meaning, with broad referentiality • Derrida: difference, philosophical skepticism; meaning reveals contradictory structures within

  6. Chapter 5 II. Dialogics • Bakhtin’s dialogics expresses the inherent addressivity of all language especially as it appears in the polyphonic novel • Carnivalization • Marxist and Christian influences • Role of the grotesque • A subject is not an object of address but a dialogic partner; heteroglossia • Mae Gwendolyn Henderson

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