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Accelerating Science and Innovation. The Future of the LHC and CERN. R.-D. Heuer, CERN Royal Society, 17 May 2011. Past few decades. “Discovery” of Standard Model. through synergy of hadron - hadron colliders (e.g. Tevatron )
Accelerating Science and Innovation The Future of the LHC and CERN Glion Colloquium / June 2009 R.-D. Heuer, CERN Royal Society, 17 May 2011
Past few decades “Discovery” of Standard Model through synergy of hadron - hadron colliders (e.g. Tevatron) lepton - hadron colliders (HERA) lepton - lepton colliders (e.g. LEP, SLC)
Test of the SM at the Level of Quantum Fluctuations prediction of the range for the Higgs mass indirect determination of the top mass LEP possible due to • precision measurements • known higher order electroweak corrections
Key Questions of Particle Physics origin of mass/matter or origin of electroweak symmetry breaking unification of forces fundamental symmetry of forces and matter unification of quantum physics and general relativity number of space/time dimensions what is dark matter what is dark energy
Technicolor New (strong) interactions produce EWSB Extensions of the SM gauge group : Little Higgs / GUTs / … For all proposed solutions: new particles should appear at the TeVscale or below Extra Dimensions New dimensions introduced mGravity ≈ melw Hierarchy problem solved New particles at ≈ TeV scale Supersymmetry New particles at ≈ TeV scale, light Higgs Unification of forces Higgs mass stabilized No new interactions Solutions? Standard Model Salam Glashow Weinberg Wilczek Gross Politzer Veltman ‘t Hooft Reines Friedman Perl Rubbia Higgs van der Meer Ting Schwartz Lederman Fitch Cronin Hofstadter Steinberger Selected NP since 1957 Except P. Higgs Schwinger Kendall Richter Gell-Mann Alvarez Taylor Feynman Yang Lee successful for ever ??
LHC Strategy Full exploitation of the LHC physics potential maximize integrated luminosity useful for physics • - LHC operation for about two decades, aim at ∫Ldt ≈ 3000/fb • - First decade: up to ~design luminosity (~1034/cm2/s) • connection of LINAC4 around 2017 • detector improvements to optimize data collection • High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) during 2nd decade • luminosity around 5x1034/cm2/s, luminosity levelling • new Inner Triplet around 2021 (combine both phases) • detector upgrades around 2021 R&D NOW
Accelerating Science and Innovation The LHC near term Glion Colloquium / June 2009
near term: 2011/2012 • - Accelerator Chain performed very well in 2010 • Detectors performed very well in 2010 • - Headroom in accelerator performance • Headroom in analysis performance • Excellent prospects for Higgs-Boson • Discovery or Exclusion in 2011/2012 see previous talks at this meeting
Search for the Higgs-Boson at the LHC Production rate of the Higgs-Bosons depends on its mass as well as its decay possibilities (“Signature (or picture)” as seen in the detector)
The Higgs Search Landscape: LHC Joins The Fray ! 95% CL Excluded Mass range LEP + Tevatron Tevatron 158 173 200 100 0 300 400 500 600 114 Low Mass ( MH≈ 120 GeV ) Hγγ H WW qqHττ V+ Hbb qqHbb V+ HWW Mid Mass ( MH ≈ 160 GeV ) HWW HZZ High Mass ( MH≈ 400 GeV ) HZZ HWW
Summary of Prospects cccccccccc Higgs Boson, if it exists between masses of (114 - 600 GeV) will either be discovered or ruled out in ≈ next two years Decided to run in 2011 and 2012 Sergio Cittolin • Operate LHC in 2011 and 2012: • 2011: Ecm = 7 TeV, expect Lint = 1 fb-1 (baseline), hope for more • 2012: Lint possibleincrease by factor of ~ 2 (?) • 2013/2014: shut down (≥ 18 months) to prepare LHC for 14 TeV operation
Accelerating Science and Innovation The LHC medium term Glion Colloquium / June 2009
New Rough Draft 10 year plan start date to be determined, duration at least 18 months update of European HEP Roadmap start date and duration to be determined
Accelerating Science and Innovation The LHC long term Glion Colloquium / June 2009
Luminosity Upgrade (x5 with “levelling”) Longer Term
Luminosity Upgrade Scenario • maximizes integrated luminosity useful for physics • For LHC high luminosities, the luminosity lifetime becomes comparable with the turn round time Low efficiency • Preliminary estimates show that the useful integrated luminosity is greater with • a peak luminosity of 5x1034 cm-2 s-1 and a longer luminosity lifetime (by luminosity levelling) • than with 1035 and a luminosity lifetime of a few hours • Luminosity Levelling by • Beta*, crossing angle, crab cavities, and bunch length
Hardware for the Upgrade • New high field insertion quadrupoles • Upgraded cryo system for IP1 and IP5 • Upgrade of the intensity in the Injector Chain • Crab Cavities to take advantage of the small beta* • Single Event Upsets • SC links to allow power converters to be moved to surface • Misc • Upgrade some correctors • Re-commissioning DS quads at higher gradient • Change of New Q5/Q4 (larger aperture), with new stronger corrector orbit, displacements of few magnets • Larger aperture D2
Accelerating Science and Innovation clear and exciting prospects for the next two decades for the LHC and CERN Glion Colloquium / June 2009
Glion Colloquium / June 2009 beyond LHC ? CERN and the energy frontier
Next decades Road beyond Standard Model through synergy of hadron - hadron colliders (LHC, HL/HE-LHC?) lepton - hadron colliders (LHeC ??) lepton - lepton colliders (LC (ILC or CLIC) ?) LHC results will guide the way at the energy frontier
Very Long Term Objectives: Higher Energy LHC Preliminary HE-LHC - parameters Very preliminary with large error bars
HE-LHC – main issues and R&D • high-field 20-T dipolemagnets based on Nb3Sn, Nb3Al, and HTS • high-gradient quadrupole magnets for arc and IR • fast cycling SC magnets for 1-TeV injector • emittance control in regime of strong SR damping and IBS • cryogenic handling of SR heat load (first analysis; looks manageable) • dynamic vacuum
Linear e+e-Colliders • The machine which will complement and extend the LHC best, and is closest to be realized, is a Linear e+e- Collider with a collision energy of at least 500 GeV. PROJECTS: TeV Colliders (CMS energy up to 1 TeV) Technology ~ready ILC with superconducting cavities Multi-TeV Collider (CMS energies in multi-TeV range) R&D CLIC Two Beam Acceleration
The International Linear Collider Energy range up to 0.5-1 TeV • Energy 250 Gev x 250 GeV • # of RF Units 560 • # of Cryomodules 1680 • # of 9-cell Cavities 14560 • Accelerating Gradient 31.5 MeV/m • Peak luminosity 2 1034 cm-2s-1 • Rep. Rate 5 Hz • IPsx350 – 620 nm; sy 3.5 – 9.0 nm • Total Power ~230 MW • 2 Detectors Push-pull Now: single tunnel design
Cavity Gradient Milestone Achieved TDR Goal 2010 Milestone Global Design Effort
The CLIC Layout Energy range up to 2-3 TeV ICHEP Paris, July 24, 2010
Gradient at CLIC 4*10-7 BDR and 180 ns pulse length December 14, 2010: Probe beam accelerated by 23 MV in a TD24 accelerating structure, corresponding to 106 MV/m. • T18 and TD18 built and tested at SLAC and KEK • real prototypes with improved design are T24 and TD24 • measurements in plot for TD18 at KEK
Tunnel implementations (laser straight) Central Injector complex Tunnel implementations (lLC version) Central MDI & Interaction Region
Linear Collider Detector project @ CERN LCD: addressing physics and detectors at CLIC and ILC Current focus: Preparation of conceptual design report for CLIC detectors => developed into a truly international effort in 2010 Experimental issues for a CLIC experiment now well understood, and detector geometries for the CLIC benchmark studies were fixed Affiliation of CLIC CDR editors Beam test with a tungsten-based HCAL for linear collider, CALICE collaboration
Large Hadronelectron Collider: possible layouts 40 - 140 GeV on 1 - 7 TeV ring-ring solution: L ≤ 1033 linac-ring solution: lower L(?) Would be the successor of HERA at higher cms
The TeV Scale (far) beyond 2010 new physics around 2011/12 ? (HL)-LHC HE-LHC ? Great opportunities ahead at the TeV scale first window of opportunity for enabling decision on the way forward around 2012 (?) Goal: CDR in 2011 TDR/CDR 2012 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Results from LHC will guide the way Expect • period for decision enabling on next steps earliest 2012 (at least) concerning energy frontier • (similar situation concerning neutrino sector Θ13) • 2012Update of the European Strategy for Particle • Physics important for the planning of future • projects (not only) at the energy frontier • October 2011 ICFA Seminar at CERN: • “Science driving Facilities for Particle Physics” • opportunity to harmonize regional roadmaps
Results from LHC will guide the way We are NOW in a new exciting era of accelerator planning-design-construction-exploitation and need • intensified efforts on R&D and technical design work to enable these decisions • global collaboration and stability on long time scales(don‘t forget: first workshop on LHC was 1984) more coordination and more collaboration required
CERN: opening the door… • Council opened the door to greater integration in particle physics when it unanimously adopted the recommendations to examine the role of CERN in the light of increasing globalization in particle physics. • The key points agreed by Council include: • All states shall be eligible for Membership, irrespective of their geographical location; • A new Associate Membership status has been introduced to allow non-Member States to establish or intensify their institutional links with CERN; • Participation of CERN in global projects wherever sited. • Romania is Candidate for Accession to Membership since 2010. • Negotiations with Cyprus, Israel, Serbia, Slovenia and Turkey applying for Membership are starting. • Several countries interested in Associate Membership.
We need to define the most appropriate organizational form for global projects NOW and need to be open and inventive (scientists, funding agencies, politicians. . .) Mandatory to have (accelerator) laboratories in all regions as partners in accelerator development / construction / commissiong / exploitation Planning and execution of HEP projects today need global partnership for global, regional and nationalprojects in other words:for the whole program Use the exciting times ahead to establish such a partnership
Particle Physics can and should play its role as spearhead in innovations as in the past now and in future