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Health & Consumer Protection Directorate General Better Training for Safer Food Lithuania 2008
IMPORT and TRANSIT CONDITIONS FOR ABP REGULATION (EC) No 1774/2002 of THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL laying down health rules concerning animal by-products not intended for human consumptionhttp://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/site/en/consleg/2002/R/02002R1774-20070101-en.pdfCOMMISSION REGULATION (EC) No 829/2007of 28 June 2007 amending Annexes I, II, VII, VIII, X and XI to Regulation (EC) No 1774/2002 of the EuropeanParliament and of the Council as regards the placing on the market of certain animal by-products http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:L:2007:191:0001:0099:EN:PDFincludes health certificate models, coming into force 24.7.2007 according to 1256/2007/EC (former certificate model approved until 30.6.2008, if certificate issued before 30.4.2008)
IMPORT and TRANSIT CONDITIONS FOR ABP • Safeguard measures must be followed • Approved countries of origin listed in annex XI (some changes also in REGULATION No 829/2007,´especially hides and skins) • The establishments have not yet been listed by the commission, but they shall be registered by competent authorities of third countries • Health certificates or commercial documents according to annex X of REGULATION No 829/2007 • for New Zealand, the health certification is laid down in Commission Decision 2003/56/EC, as amended
IMPORT and TRANSIT CONDITIONS -REGULATION No 1774/2002 • certificate models are reviewed and amended by regulation 1774/2002 (last amendment by regulation 829/2007): • Of hides and skins, also approved countries • Of dog chews etc. • Certificate models also for blood products, trophies, rendered fats, fish oil etc • In addition to the unofficial consolidation, the list of the legislation amending(changing) REGULATION (EC) No 1774/2002 can be found in: • http://eur-lex.europa.eu/en/repert/035030.htm
IMPORT and TRANSIT CONDITIONS DEROGATIONS AND AMENDMENTS TO REGULATION (EC) No 1774/2002http://eur-lex.europa.eu/en/repert/035030.htm • Derogation in 32003D0324(OJ L 117, 13.5.2003, p. 37–39)Amended by 32003R0808(OJ L 117, 13.5.2003, p. 1–9)Derogation in 32003R0809(OJ L 117, 13.5.2003, p. 10–11)Derogation in 32003R0810(OJ L 117, 13.5.2003, p. 12–13)Derogation in 32003R0811(OJ L 117, 13.5.2003, p. 14–18)Derogation in 32004D0407(01)(OJ L 151, 30.4.2004, p. 11–21)Amended by 32004R0668(OJ L 112, 19.4.2004, p. 1–87)Amended by 32005R0092(OJ L 19, 21.1.2005, p. 27–33)Implemented by 32005R0092(OJ L 19, 21.1.2005, p. 27–33)Amended by 32005R0093(OJ L 19, 21.1.2005, p. 34–39)Amended by 32005R0416(OJ L 66, 12.3.2005, p. 10–11)Derogation in 32006R0197(OJ L 32, 4.2.2006, p. 13–14)Amended by 32006R0208(OJ L 36, 8.2.2006, p. 25–31)Amended by 32006R2007(OJ L 379, 28.12.2006, p. 98–104)Amended by 32007R0829(OJ L 191, 21.7.2007, p. 1–99)Amended by 32007R1432(OJ L 320, 6.12.2007, p. 13–17)
IMPORT CONDITIONS • TSE-requirements for products including bovine or ovine or caprine meat or products according to Regulation (EC) No 999/2001 • Last amended with. COMMISSION REGULATION (EC) No 1275/2007 of 29 October 2007 amending Annex IX to Regulation (EC) No 999/2001 • http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:L:2007:284:0008:0010:EN:PDF • The commission has sent good guidance of TSE requirements • Veterinary border inspection based on CN-codes, pre-notification with TRACES system • channelling, CITES, international agreements
RULES APPLICABLE BOTH FOR IMPORT AND TRANSIT • TRANSIT=from one third country via EC-territory to another third country • Transit rules not applicable for Kaliningrad-Russia • During transportation a health certificate shall accompany animal by-products • The consignments for import are only allowed to be destined to approved plants, except for end products including processed products or mixtures of processed products (pet food etc.), and which are not going to be used as raw material for further processing
VETERINARY CHECKS FOR IMPORT AND TRANSIT CONSIGNMENTS • All animal by-product consignments both for import and transit must be checked • Import: documentary, identity, physical-normal procedure
VETERINARY BORDER INSPECTION BASED ON CN-CODE ACCORDING TO COMMISSION DECISION 2007/275/EC • Checks both for import and transit consignments • list of animals and products to be subject to controls at border inspection posts under Council Directives 91/496/EEC and 97/78/EC • Initial selection for check by Column 1 taking into account text in Column 3 • Where a four digit code is used: unless otherwise specified all products with these four digits are checked • If the code is marked with Ex (for example Ex 3002): veterinary check required only for animal derived material
VETERINARY BORDER INSPECTION BASED ON CN-CODE ACCORDING TO COMMISSION DECISION 2007/275/EC • Veterinary checks must be carried out on products that are processed but are still to be further processed • Anyway, even if pet food are usually processed end products, they are always checked: • Ex 2309 Preparations of a kind used in animal feeding. Includes pet food, dog chews and mixtures of meals. • 2309 10 Dog or cat food, put up for retail sale. All
CHECKS AT THE BIP OF ENTRY • Identification and selection at the point of entry together with the risk analysis group of the customs (including cross-checks of pre-notifications with arrival information, “flagging” of the CN-codes in the customs database-also for the transit database- record on the checks etc.) • Prevention of illegal import and fraud!! • Temporary storage: storage up to 20 or 45 days before the formalities for customs-approved treatment are carried out (especially, if entry BIP is port BIP) • Customs shall not allow entry or handling of transit consignments in free zones or free warehouses without the agreement of the vet • The vet should check, that checks for consignments in free zones or free warehouses have been carried out
CHECKS AT THE BIP OF ENTRY • Normal procedure for the rejected consignments • The only exception for personal imports: treated feathers carried by travellers for their private use
TRANSIT CHECKS AT THE BIP OF ENTRY • Pre-notification with TRACES • Transit consignments must be presented at the entry BIPs for documentary and identity checks and the border veterinarians will carry out the checks. • Only seal check, if accompanied by a health certificate according to EU-legislation with the seal number, otherwise physical check • If the seal is broken, or the information of the seal is not according to import documentation or CVED, or there is suspicion of fraud or other suspicion, also x-ray/physical check is performed • In addition randomly physical checks based on analyses of risks
TRANSIT CHECKS AT THE BIP OF ENTRY • From BIP of entry only to the BIP of exit or warehouses approved according to art 12 • Information to the BIP of exit with TRACES • Information to the warehouse with TRACES (the vet responsible for the warehouse receives the information depending on the role in TRACES) by choosing point 34 • Controlling, that the 30-days deadline is respected
CHECKS AT THE WAREHOUSE (2000/571/EC) • The vet responsible for the supervision of the warehouse confirms in TRACES the arrival of the consignment to the warehouse by using ”Conformity of the Consignment” (works, if also the role of LVU is available for the vet) • Documentary check for incoming and outgoing consignment • Documentary and identity checks during storage • physical checks upon suspicion • For outgoing consignment via exit BIP: CVED with TRACES –the number of arrival-CVED inserted in point 24 • If the consignment is split, a new CVED for each part must be issued with cross reference to the original (in TRACES)
CHECKS AT THE WAREHOUSE (2000/571/EC) • The register for entering and dispatching consignments: -product -quantity -the country of origin and arrival BIP (for entry) -the CVED number -the third country of destination and border inspection post of exit (for exit) -each consignment marked with CVED number
Controls, supervision and monitoring of transit consignments at exit BIPs • At the exit BIP, the official veterinarian carries out documentary and identity checks (accompanying CVED or veterinary certificate) on all exiting consignments and confirms the exit check in box 41 of the CVED using TRACES in accordance with Art. 11 (2)(e) of Directive 97/78/EC and Artt. 3 and 4 of Commission Decision 2000/208/EC(r) • Usually seal check only, but if the seal is broken, or the information of the seal is not according to import documentation or CVED, or there is suspicion of fraud or other suspicion, also physical check is performed • The BIP of exit will use the list of transit consignments found by TRACES system (e-mail) for cross-checking that all the transit consignments have exited and the confirmation has been entered in TRACES • the 30-days deadline must be respected
Controls, supervision and monitoring of transit consignments at exit BIPs • The register must include the actions taken by the entry BIP in case the exit information from the BIP of exit is not received in 30 days • register to monitor the exit of transit consignments in the entry BIP must include the following information: • CVED number, Arrival date, Product, Country of origin, CN-code, Destination, Date of confirmation, Due date for exit, Date of exit, Date of action, Notes • If the confirmation of exit is missing the responsible veterinarian shall ensure that the consignment has reached its final destination
NO CHECKS FOR EXCLUDED PRODUCTS ACCORDING TO COMMISSION DECISION 2007/275/EC • No checks for products if they are excluded, for instance: • 0505 Skins and other parts of birds, with their feathers or down etc. are all checked, excluding treated decorative feathers, treated feathers carried by travellers for their private use or consignments of treated feathers sent to private individuals for non industrial purposes • This is the only exception concerning personal import
NO CHECKS FOR EXCLUDED PRODUCTS ACCORDING TO COMMISSION DECISION 2007/275/EC • Ex 9705 00 00 : Collections and collectors’ pieces of zoological, botanical, mineralogical, anatomical, historical, archaeological, palaeontological, ethnographic or numismatic interest. • Excludes the following: game trophies from ungulates or birds having undergone a complete taxidermy treatment ensuring their preservation at ambient temperatures and game trophies from other species than ungulates and birds (whether treated or untreated).
NO CHECKS FOR EXCLUDED PRODUCTS ACCORDING TO COMMISSION DECISION 2007/275/EC • 43: Furskins and artificial fur; manufactures thereof • Ex 4301 Raw furskins (including heads, tails, paws and other pieces or cuttings, suitable for furriers’ use), other than raw hides and skins of headings 4101, 4102 or 4103. • Of birds or ungulates only
NO CHECKS FOR EXCLUDED PRODUCTS ACCORDING TO COMMISSION DECISION 2007/275/EC • Chapter 41: Raw hides and skins (other than furskins) and leather: • Checks only for hides and skins of ungulates and birds only under headings 4101, 4102, 4103. • No checks for: a) hides and skins of ungulates complying with the requirements of Regulation (EC) No 853/2004 of 29 April 2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down specific hygiene rules for food of animal origin (b) hides and skins of ungulates having undergone the complete process of tanning; (c) to ‘wet blue’; (d) to ‘pickled pelts’; and (e) to limed hides (treated with lime and in brine at a pH of 12 to 13 for at least eight hours).
IMPORT NOT ALLOWED • Cat- and dog fur (Regulation (EC) no 1523/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council) and products thereof • applied from 31 December 2008 • CITES-species and products thereof
CHANNELLED CONSIGNMENTS (art 8 of dir 97/78) • additional information must be communicated to the competent authority of the place of destination with TRACES (used to be Animo) for the following consignments: -intended for a Member State or an area having specific requirements -samples have been taken but the results are not known - imports authorized only for specific purposes-mainly ABP
CHANNELLED CONSIGNMENTS (art 8 of dir 97/78) • A list of approved establishments for receiving channelled consignments must be established • from the arrival BIP to the establishment at the place of destination under the supervision of the customs: T 5 • The arrival BIP chooses point 33 in TRACES • Feedback information from the Local Veterinary Unit responsible for the supervision of destination establishment • Feedback of the conformity of the consignment in 2 weeks • Regular checks for ensuring arrival by checking the records
CHANNELLED CONSIGNMENTS (art 8 of dir 97/78) • Channelled consignments can be sent only directly to the approved establishment List of ABP products to be channelled: • Intermediate products (reg.2007/2006, third country listed as member of OIE, commercial document, a declaration of the importer, check at BIP) • Products for which in import conditions (point “importation” concerning each product in 1774/2002) there are requirements for sending the consignment directly to the technical plant or to an intermediate plant
CHANNELLED CONSIGNMENTS (art 8 of dir 97/78) • unprocessed wool, hair, feathers and parts of feathers (Ch VIII of annex VIII) • bones and bone products (excluding bone meal), horns and horn products (excluding horn meal) and hooves and §hoof products (excluding hoof meal) (Ch X of annex VIII) • animal by-products for the manufacture of feed including pet food, and of technical products (Ch XI of annex VIII) • Rendered fats from category 2 materials for oleochemical purposes (Ch XII of annex VIII) • Fat derivatives (Ch XIII of annex VIII)
STANDARD METHOD TO CONTROL A CVED FOR ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS for channelled consignments Step 1. Click the CVED for Animal Products link.
Step 2. The appropriate certificate to be controlled can be searched for by certificate reference, consignor, departure after and before a certain date, certificate status, country of origin, consignee, commodity or means of transport. As many fields as possible should be populated, in order to limit the search as much as possible. In this example, the certificate is to be searched for by the certificate status. Click on the arrow to the right of the Certificate Status: field.
Step 3. Click on the required certificate status to be searched for. In this example, Valid is selected. Step 4. Click the Search link.
Step 5. A list of all certificates with the status Valid are now displayed. Click on the Open link of the required certificate. In this example, the Open link under certificate CVEDP.FI.2007.0002949 is selected.
Step 6. Click the Control link.
Step 7. Feedback Information This section displays the location of the place of control (Exit BIP, Final BIP or Local Veterinary Unit) and the conformity of the consignment. Step 8.Click the Local Veterinary Unit option. Step 9.Select the appropriate Conformity of the Consignment: option. In this example, Yes is selected. Step 10.Official Veterinarian at the Controlled DestinationThis section displays details (name, address, postal code and ANIMO unit number) of the official veterinarian at the controlled destination.
Step 11. Click the Submit Control link. Step 12. Click in the Please enter your password to sign the consignment document CVE field. Step 13. Enter the desired information into the Please enter your password to sign the consignment document CVE field. Step 14. Click the Sign Validation link. Step 15. The CVED for animal by-products has now had a follow up entered.Click the Welcome Page link. Step 16. You have now learnt how to control a CVED for animal by-products.End of Procedure.