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Woman to Woman in Islam

Woman to Woman in Islam. By Karen Porter Leadership Certification Course Level 2 Women’s Ministries General Conference. Why This Presentation. Explore ways to become friends with the descendents of Abraham. Understand Muslim beliefs and explore beliefs we have in common.

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Woman to Woman in Islam

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  1. Woman to Woman in Islam By Karen Porter Leadership Certification Course Level 2 Women’s Ministries General Conference

  2. Why This Presentation • Explore ways to become friends with the descendents of Abraham. • Understand Muslim beliefs and explore beliefs we have in common. • Recognize that because God is the Father of all humankind, and we are children of Abraham, we are brothers and sisters of Muslims. • Explore ways to interact with Muslims and share with them gems of truth we have found and love.

  3. “Though I am free and belong to no man, I make myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible. To the Jews I became like a Jew, to win the Jews. To those under the law I became like one under the law (though I myself am not under the law), so as to win those under the law. To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some. I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings.” I Corinthians 9:19, 20, 22, 23 (NIV).

  4. Terms and Definitions • Allah—Arabic name for the God who created the world, the God of Abraham. Comes from the same word as the Hebrew name for God – Elloh(im) • Haj—Pilgrimage to Mecca • Hanif—One who is especially faithful in belief in the one true God of Abraham and is considered a part of God’s special people.

  5. Terms and Definitions Cont’d • Iblis—Devil • Imam—the religious leader of a mosque who leads in the congregational prayer • Injil—Biblical gospels, books of Isa. In a broader sense, the New Testament • Isa (El Masih) —Jesus • Jihad—A spiritual struggle, a struggle to better one’s life • Kalimat—Word, Isa is referred to as the Kalimat Allah

  6. Terms and Definitions • Muslim—One who submits to Allah • Qur’an—Muslim holy book given or revealed word by word from God, literally means “recite” • Ramadan—Month of fasting • Shaitan—Satan • Shari’ah—The laws, revealed and canonical, of Islam • Surah—Chapter (of the Qur’an)

  7. Attitudes Muslims toward Christians— • Immodest • Lump Jews and Christians together • Oppressors of the true worshippers of Allah • Worship more than one God • Islam is superior to Christianity

  8. Attitudes Cont’d Christians toward Muslims— • Mysterious, keep to themselves • Restrictive • Women passive and submissive; not allowed to go to school • Often must marry at a young age • Christianity is superior to Islam

  9. Who are Muslims? • 18% of the world’s population is Muslim • Muslims and Christians have become more integrated • Islam was born in the seventh century A.D. • Mohammed lived between 570 and 632 A.D. • Angel Gabriel appeared to Mohammed in 610 A.D. • He continued receiving words from Allah over the next 22 years.

  10. Who Are Muslims? Cont’d • Mohammed’s writings were compiled into Qu’ran (Koran). • Mohammed fled to Medina in 622 A.D., the beginning of Islamic history. • Islam means “to submit to God” • Islam brought the divided Arab tribes into a united people. • Two types of Islam— • Sunnis—90%, more liberal • Shi’ites—10%, more fundamental

  11. Children of the East • Ishmaelites rescued Joseph from his brothers and took him to Egypt • Jethro, an Arab (Midianite), taught Moses a more complete knowledge of God • Ruth, an Arab (Moabitess) became a progenitor of the Messiah • Wise men of the East, Arabs, brought spices to the new born Messiah

  12. Five Pillars of Islam • Testimony of Faith (Shahada) • Daily Prayers (Salat) • Fasting (Sawm) • Alms Giving (Zakat) • Pilgrimage (Hajj)

  13. Five (Six) Articles of Faith • The Doctrines of Allah • Angels • Revealed Book • Prophets, Messengers • The Last Things • Predestination (As believed by some)

  14. Other Traditions • Polygamy • Alcohol and Pork • Folk Islam • Prophets

  15. What Muslims Believe About: • Allah, the Supreme Being • Jesus Christ • The Qur’an • The Law • Sin

  16. Resistance to Christianity • Confrontations • Missionary religions • Dealing with theological disagreements, not felt needs

  17. Developing Relationships with Muslims • Develop personal friendships. • Avoid Argument. • Don’t Criticize Islam. • Same Concerns. • Admit Mistakes.

  18. Developing Relationships With Muslims Cont’d • Be Positive • Live as a Believer • Describe yourself as a Believer • Focus on the concerns • Tell Bible Stories • Don’t act superior • Pray • Be People of the Book

  19. Place of Worship of God Speak with the mosque leader (Imam) Going as a Group Behavior Avoid Argument 6. People of Faith Be Sympathetic Using the Qur’an Encouraging Remarks Invitation to Visit Suggestions for Visiting a Mosque

  20. Relationship Between Sexes • Western openness can easily be misunderstood as frivolous and immoral. • Strict Muslim parents do not allow free and open relationships for children in puberty. • As a rule, men should cultivate friendships with men, women with women. • Non-Muslim men cannot visit Muslim women but other women are allowed.

  21. Worship the one and true God Believe in Prophets Understand Abraham as one of the great prophets 4. Angels 5. Prayer Day of Judgment Second Advent Healthy lifestyle Family Values Hunger for God Areas of Agreement

  22. Areas of Doctrinal Differences • Trinity • Deity of Christ • Incarnation • Authenticity of Present Scriptures • Inspiration of Bible • Divine Origin of Qur’an • Mohammed as Prophet • E G White as Prophet • Sabbath – Friday, Day of Rest Issue • Sin – Salvation

  23. Methods to Use in Reaching Muslim Women • Stories From the Bible • Build on the Faith that is Already Present • Use Creative Forms • Discover and Address Felt Needs • Use Stories of Women in the Bible • Use Stories of Women Who were Spiritual Leaders in Islamic History

  24. Felt Needs of Muslim Women • Family—How to find and keep a husband and how to care for their families. • Gossip—How to deal with gossip and avoid gossiping themselves. • Work vs. family—How to balance work and caring for their families • Lack of Forgiveness—How to deal with unwillingness to forgive, grudges, and revenge.

  25. Felt Needs Cont’d • Lack of Trust—Because of the lack of forgiveness there is a lack of trust. • Addictions of husbands—Many husbands are involved in some kind of addiction, like gambling, sexual, etc. • Feeling Powerless—Not being able to control what is happening in their lives.

  26. Progression to Reach Muslim Women • Respect for the Local Culture • Understanding the Local Culture • Being a Godly Person • Being a Spiritual Person • Recognizing Muslim Women as Fellow Believers • Being Known to Have Answers to Spiritual Questions

  27. Order of Topics for Conversation/ Bible Studies 1. Neutral Subjects • God as Creator, Creation • Healthful Living, Dietary Laws • Family

  28. Order of Topics Cont’d 2. Less Controversial Subjects • Bible as Word of God • Character of God • Angels and Their Ministries • Last-day Prophecies • Christ’s Second Coming • Day of Judgment • The Moral Law • Tithe, Stewardship • Prayer • Sabbath as Day of Rest • State of the Dead. Conditional Immortality • Heaven – Hell

  29. Order of Topics Cont’d 3. Controversial Subjects • The Trinity • Jesus Christ • Christ as part of the Trinity • Christ as Man • Christ as Savior • Teachings of Christ • Miracles of Christ • Christ’s Death and Resurrection • Christ’s Mediatory Ministry • What is Sin? • What is Salvation • Baptism • Origin of Evil

  30. Order of Topics Cont’d 4. Most Controversial Subjects • SDA Church is God’s Remnant • Spirit of Prophecy • The Pre-Advent Judgment

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