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CAP XML. IPSAN. INTERNATIONAL BEACON NETWORK. 1. 1. Unified Alert Scheme. Unified Alert Scheme. Consistent, Synchronous Time stamping of raw data. - child schemas - data islands - data files. 4. Sea Gull UC Berkeley. 5. Multicast radius Increase / decrease
CAP XML IPSAN INTERNATIONALBEACON NETWORK 1 1 Unified Alert Scheme Unified Alert Scheme Consistent, Synchronous Time stamping of raw data - child schemas - data islands - data files 4 Sea Gull UC Berkeley 5 Multicast radius Increase / decrease with alert condition SWAN Island RAINS Enable over N complex systems Y major contracts e.g., NETWORX & Z organizations 3 Common Symbology Get from Send to Publish-Subscribe Subnet meta data 2 Taken near Dare, North Carolina (See more photos here) View mnesterpics' map NATIVE AMERICAN DISASTER NETWORK 35°15' 10" N, 75°31' 28" W-75.524482 SOS Homeland Heart_BeaconInteroperability, Synergy & Synchronicity
HEARTBEAT • TCP/IP stack sub protocol used in Infrastructure failover • Publish/Subscribe: get from/send to platforms on subnet • FBCB2/BFT, Land Warrior, FCS, MUOS • Subnet filename, MCG filename, UNIT URN, UTO version, Local IP • Gathers subnet & state data for “heartbeat” message updating router MIBS adds & joins • E9-1-1 Telco regulations NENA/APCO • AT&T’s Heartbeat Solution • Sony Ericsson Heartbeat Suite • Mesh network protocols e.g., Zigbee, Zwave, sensor networks • NASA/JPL OpenDAP data availability anywhere, any format • Eaton “Home Awareness System” Network subnet type of DISA’s Horizontal Fusion Publish-Subscribe RFID PKI, social awareness systems e.g., 211, 311, 411, 511, 611, 711, 811 & e9-1-1 = Heartbeat Beacon Server failover e.g., HP Serviceguard Service Oriented Architecture SOA system wide heartbeat for app / system availability (DISA GIG)
Heartbeat • The Heartbeat is a sub-protocol of the TCP/IP (Internet) stack that is as old as the internet. It is usually referred to for system failover operations. • The Heartbeat function in this context is NOT about network timing using Loran-C or newer cesium / quartz crystal timing mechanisms although a central timing pulse from Cheyenne Mountain is essential to synchronize data harvesting and data propagation over grid • The Heartbeat function IS simply an opportunity in time to gather (state meta) data from internet devices that is then used to adjust the internet infrastructure. • The military (having developed the internet stack in the first place (DARPA / Mr. Al Gore...); knew that there were unused opportunities in time (unused data frames) to move data via heartbeat mechanism to folders, queues, caches, folders… then to system administrators via the structured military K00.99 “Heartbeat Message” – . - .. -- .. beep beep…. beep beep… • The developers of FBCB2/Blue Force Tracking exploited this (to this day) arcane knowledge in developing what is call the "template system" (actually there are 7 - 64 of them as briefed to congress) by several different 4 star generals. • Protocol gurus (geeks) refer to the heartbeat / beacon interchangeably or even together i.e., heartbeat / beacon / heartbeat beacon…. Decision makers avoid these geeky discussions by any means necessary. • Point being, working together on an apples to apples, oranges to oranges level involves using opportunities in time to CHOOSE / CHANGE our (telecommunications) matrix to help each other in a consistent, synchronous, synergistic method across systems, networks, agencies, federal, state, local, Tribal, international / sub-terrainian, ocean floor, intergalactic...
ADS-B: Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast: ADS-B messages include fields for avionics self-reporting of the integrity of ADS-B position information & proximity alerts • Boston University Project Beacon : A Network Diagnosis Toolkit used to actively monitor network conditions • concurrently operated by a set of collaborating endpoints. Features radius of three areas / zones • Cell Broadcast: one-to-many geographically focused messaging servicecontrasted with Short Message Service - Point to Point (SMS-PP) as a one-to-one and one-to-few service,. Cell Broadcast messaging is supported by UMTS defined by 3GPP. • FLUX Beacon: A Forensic Time Machine for Wireless Networks: monitoring infrastructure for forensic data collection, storage and analysis. Records & retrieves traffic signatures and environmental observations as a source of network evidence. • FusionNET: Unique Data Replication & Data Synchronization Technology to Support Military Operations in Extreme Networking Environmentsdeveloped by and for the 18th Airborne Corps that allows commanders to collect, access &disseminate mission-critical data to and from the field via PeerDirect data replication & synchronization solution by Progress Software Corporation • MESA: “The FEDEX of military communications systems” relay and receives data under the DHS SAFECOM umbrella. Facilitates dependable, advanced, efficient, effective and inter-operable equipment, specifications and applications • MxRRM Radio Resource Management in multi standard environments: Beacon on one system for all, assuming this one has nearly ubiquitous coverage like GSM. Using a priority scheme to define an order how to scan. If there is an incoming call for a user being reachable by more than one network, which one should be used and why? • GM ONSTAR: Originally Project Beacon circa 1994. Telematics, emergency and first responder services for GM’s fleet • RDS: Radio Data System: Displays PSN (Program Service Name) as warning/cost effective means of sending data to large areas • SABRE: Situational Awareness Beacon Response: battle group situational awareness system for beacon-equipped platforms. SABER produces accurate position & platform ID. "intent to shoot" and "friendly ID" query and response mode data • Sea Gull: Server Heartbeat strategy maintains routing & object state using < 1% minimal network resources. • Server Heartbeat: “Keep-alive” beacon along each forward link. Increasing period (decreasing frequency) with routing level. Data-Driven Server Heartbeat's “Keep-alive” Multicast increasing / decreasing radius based on intensity, thresholds • Sentinel Beacon System : Command Station & mesh network of rugged PCs processing beacon location / track information. A beacon out of range of the command station data is relay by other beacons. • TXDP: Transducer Data Exchange Protocol: used during 2005 Superbowl by Michigan National Guard • UMTS: Universal Mobile Telecommunication System (wireless broadband) heartbeat to track user’s activities e.g., NG NYC metro • ZIGBEE / ZWAVE: Consortiums supporting heartbeat driven mesh network standards Harvard CODE BLUE Harvard Hour Glass Beacon Transponder Tech
CWID JBFSA The continuous adaptation of capabilities relevant to security - in short transformation - in order to meet the security challenges of the information age is well under way regarding the demands of the military. Based on the support of highly developed information technology to speed up the processes of influencing an adversary, new concepts result in the adaptation of military doctrine, organization, training, material, infrastructure, interagency interaction, leadership, personnel and facilities. Efforts to achieve the adaptation are comprehensively described on numerous Internet websites such as those of the United States Joint Forces Command, the Allied Command Transformation and the German Bundeswehr. Core elements of the improvement of capabilities are the concepts of "Network Centric Warfare" in the United States of America, "Network Enabled Capabilities" in Great Britain or "Vernetzte Operationsführung" in Germany.The key determinants of these network-based concepts are information sharing and collaboration: "Information-sharing and collaboration enhance the quality of information and shared situational awareness. Shared situational awareness enables collaboration and self-synchronization, and enhances sustainability and speed of command." The widespread use of new Information Communication Technology is intended to enable better exploitation and faster dissemination of intelligence in support of military operations so that political and military decision-making is more authoritative and practical outcomes are more effective. The idea began moving forward from the experimental stage into practical application with "Operation Iraqi Freedom" led by the United States and the United Kingdom against the Saddam Hussein regime early in 2003. NETWORK-ENABLED HUMANITARIAN ASSISTANCE AND DISASTER RELIEF MANAGEMENT IN THE INFORMATION AGE http://www.hands-24.de/SeitenENG/thesenpapier.htm#HANDSThesenpapierIV Vernetzte Operationsführung
How? Convert battlefield military tactics, tools, & procedures… AIS Force XXI Battle Command Brigade & Below Web Application Server w/ business logic / Mission threads C2R Server 7 AIS All FBCB2’s On current heartbeat Army Information Server State Manager LDAP 3 0 6 2 9 GTCS TIMS C2R Server 4a C2R MCG MCS Maneuver Control System 1 8 4 5 GTCS Tactical Internet Management System FBCB2 software based Multicast Group Update tool Ground Tactical Communications Server GOTS Messaging LDAP Server Application Mission Data Loader NCharT NOC-V • O: Maneuver Control Systems (S3) generates & xmits consolidated Unit Task Order (UTO) to TIMS / FBCB2 operator (S6) • TIMS – Tactical Internet Management System operator populates “Hasty” Reorg Tool” that generates a new UTO with next UTO • Version number, effective Date Time Group and synchronization Time (K00.99 heartbeatmessage option UTO notification) • 2. S6 Sends out initial UTO message. FBCB2 processes UTO notification & sets timer to execute change at effective time • 3. Heartbeat Process: (TIMS/FBCB2 engine) generates “Heartbeat”message every 15 minutes with the current UTO version. • 4A: GTCS – Ground Tactical Communications Server passes heartbeat to state manager (Variable Message Format or VMF) • 4/5: At effective date/time, All FBCB2’s in multicast group reconfigures database to ensure proper Situational Awareness SA • Calculation, new INC (Internet Controller – a router adapted for combat radio interface ) MIBS Management Information Base • (common to all routers – military & commercial) & distribution lists / subscription lists in commercial parlance. Operator is prompted • To reconfigure or delay 10 minutes (w/option to change at anytime). When operator OKs, database is rebuilt & network reconfigures • 6. TIMS generates new Multicast Group (MCG) file, and if required, TOC INC MIBs & TOC router configurations automatically @ • Effective time. TIMS calls the ModifyMCGInfo API (Subnet filename, MCG filename, UNIT URN, UTO version, Local IP Address • LDAP C2R Server update tool executed as multicast group file, UTO version number & the AIS – Army Information Server e.g., • Server running n supporting processes/apps to connect (will ignore if it already has one set) • 7. C2R – LDAP Server MCG update tool updates multicast group data on the AIS • 8. C2R Server recognizes that a UTO has occurred & notifies state manager (SM) if it is there. Else it sends out the SM alert • that the State Manager would have sent. C2R server replicates multicast group data to all configured UTO replication destinations. • 9. GTCS gets SM or C2R server alert, reads updated MCG from C2R then updates internal config file & LAN card if platform affected
Forms Engine To equivalent.com, .gov, org, edu Communities of Interest // Primary Injection Point PIP profiles, subscriptions using product / system neutral methods / procedures SUN Single Citizen View SOA Service Oriented Architecture SOA Rules Engine 1st application claim area Method to commercialize structured military messaging 10/605144 3rd claim area 10/709358 DARPA ICEWS 0 Viewers / Applications /Browsers Schema Tools: Common Alert Protocol (CAP) Structured Military Message Formats: Global SA Services Workflow Logic Unicast / Multicast Subscription Data Profiles, Processes 3 XML Libraries / Directory Services: Heartbeat XML Child Schemas/Data Islands, LDAP/OpenDAP/AD USMTF MIL STD 6040/ ADatP-3 / STANAG 5500 OTH-T GOLD / OS-OTG VMF / TADIL A, B, J, K ADFORMS, XML-MTF, NATO ACP123/STANAG JANAP128 , NICS-TARE 6 Convert to XML Schemas Tool 1 2 Tool 5 Tool 4 Wizards & UTO Tool MCG Config NCharT JACAE Import Microsoft’s Groove Framework Systems, Process, Network Management & AI LANA PANDA Apply TCP/IP’s universal “heartbeat” mechanism to time the data exchanges from/to platforms of interest by way of IP multicast groups - routers. Configure multi-cast groups / MIBS via commercial vice military tools in commercial development / integration frameworks. Use intrinsic TCP/IP heartbeat beacon frames send to / gather from functions to place harvested data into queue/object store for processing & onward distribution via intelligent agents, bots, protocols i.e., SSTP, mesh network, ZigBee, Zwave, TDXP, Telematics, OnStar OpenDAP, Sea Gull data & nav casting.. 8 7 9 XML Object Store State Management Engine XML Object Relay XML Tags Schema Repositories TAGS Process Management HD Radio FM Multicasting FusionX JXTA FusionNET SSTP QUALCOMM BREW Six Sigma XM / Sirius SATCOM SAN SAN SAN OPenDAP Systems, Processes NEMESIS XML Tags DDMS & EDXL-DE Message Set Data Autopost/Auto fill DIRS NIMS ICS IPAWS DMS-SIG OPEN Sea Gull Scripts, Motes Bots, Agents , FLUX Beacon Transponder Beacons / Sensor nets Datacasting GPS Navcasting Geo Fencing UMTS / Mesh / Sensor/Cell Broadcast/ RDBS 802.11s, ZigBee 802.15.4 ZWave, RTP TXDP IETF 1451 2nd application claim area 10/708000 TCP/IP Heartbeat Protocol/Beacon frames Method to enable a Homeland Security Heartbeat
NOC-V Mission Data Loader Inter system Heartbeat NCharT
TABLE !: .mil to .com conversion NCharT JACAE
1 1 Common Symbology Unified Alerts / Event Trigger Consistent, Synchronous Timing of State Meta Data Collection 3 CAP XML Synchronized Event / Alerts I Millisecond Exchanges II COMMON SYMBOLS III EOC JVMF, USMTF, TADILs, OTH-Gold, Adat-P3, FIRNS, FUDNs "DFI, DUI's… IPAWS HIMSS JBMC2 BoD FIRST RESPONDERS .com, .org, .edu Alert Level Increase… NTCDESC NC FCB .0001 05 1 3 5 10 30 Efficient XML Qualcomm BREW Authorized Rules Engine Workflow Efficient XML QUALCOMM BREW… - child schemas for COIs, profiles specific area encodings, inject points - data islands for special needs - data files for fast movers Use the heartbeat / beacon function (send to / get from devices, platforms...) as a subnet publish-subscribe e.g., OSD Horizonal Fusion. Use the intrinsic millisecond - 99 minute timing function of the heartbeat to enable consistent, synchronized collection of raw state meta data (geo location, moving, halt, IP address, unit / organization ID) BEFORE transfer to queues, SANS, dbase... prior to data fusion improving filtering / data intel fusion AI Learning Systems Stored Process & Procedures Lean Six SIGMA SoS UICDS Heartbeat Protocol low level state meta data harvester Use to conserve bandwidth before handoff to more sophisticated protocols / mechanisms that often use the heartbeat mechanism XML Repositories Track Received Heartbeat Messages NIEM GJXDM FXR SoR E9-1-1 PSAPs UCORE 2.0 ICEWS NORAD TRACK DATA Convert to XML tags C2IEDM Efficient XML Qualcomm BREW Qualcomm BREW DIRS Enable across N complex systems, Y networks ("network of networks") & Z systems ("system of systems") FusionNET Heartbeat Messages Integrated Crisis Early Warning System ICEWS UICDS NIMS WITS Files, queues, folders, SANS, dbase, caches, flat files… 5 NEMESIS FIOP/ SIOP/ UDOP SPRUCE The Heartbeat / Beacon as subnet publish subscribe mechanism 2 “Maneuver the network” “Spontaneous Organization” Millisecond Transactions via Beacon Tech 4 Use state meta data collected during step 1 to enable systems & network management of router Management Information Bases MIBs supporting Router/switch MIB dbase files for spontaneous (re) organization split, join, adds via broadcasts, P2P, multicast… of heartbeat harvested state meta data i.e., location, status: moving, halt…) 1 correlated event Boston U Project Beacon UC BERKELEY SEA GULL Learning Systems AI Apply broadcast beacon technology to enable millisecond data exchanges vice 30 second screen scrapes while increasing / decreasing radius of disaster / event / alert radius represented by multicast zones corresponding to US / UK... five level advisory systems N Systems /Networks Increase Multicast Zone MIBs IPICS Instantiate National Command Authority NCA chopchain - workflows over multicast / anycast IP using “true cots” tools in use e.g., Towersoft w/AgileDelta Efficient XML module embedded synchronized across N complex systems achieving synchronized, interoperable collaboration based on synchronized event timing and common symbols via the Common Alert Protocol as a universal event / alert trigger CESAC OPEN Systems & Network Management MIB Tool Router Config Split / Joins Heartbeat Message Heartbeat Message NET FORENSICS State meta data for Network reconfiguration Split, joins, adds SoS DARPALANA SABRE COASTS: Coalition Operating Area Surveillance Targeting System Track Received State Meta Data Joint Mission Data Loader FLUX Weapons Free JACAE GIG FAST C2AP CONDOR Multi-Modal Layered Analysis of Network Architectures for Threat Detection & Prediction (LANA) NCharT NOC-V DHS TRIPWIRE .mil Range Extension TDN/CONDOR Gateway
integrated Rule-Oriented Data System iRODS: a: flexible data archive management system supporting many different site configurations. Four main components : 1. iRODS server that manages stored data 2. iCAT catalog metadata manager 3. Database used by the catalog. 4. 'i-commands' command-line data access Data Management Applications: Data grids to Share data - organize distributed data as a collection Digital libraries to Publish data @ support browsing and discovery Persistent archives to Preserve data - manage technology evolution Real-time sensor systems Federate sensor data - integrate across sensor streams Workflow systems Analyze data - integrate client- & server-side workflows The integrated Rule Oriented Data management System (iRODS), is an open source software data management system developed by the Data Intensive Computing Environments (DICE) group at the University of California San Diego with funding from the National Archives and Records Administration & National Science Foundation. iRODS functionality includes: maintaining global name spaces for identifying files, users, and storage resources, authentication and authorization controls, high performance WAN data transport, system and user-defined metadata, query-based data discovery and browsing, management of data distribution and replication, and checksum and synchronization mechanisms. iRODS provides a flexible, adaptive, and customizable data management architecture through the use of a custom-designed Rule Engine at its core which invokes 'micro-services' that are integrated into workflows to process requests and handle information. iRODS automates the execution of management policies by enforcing rules directly at each storage resource. Metadata, both system-maintained and optional user-defined, are ingested & accessed in an RDBMS system. Accesses go through the iRODS clients to iRODS servers via the iRODS protocol, and then to the catalog library which interfaces to the RDBMS via either ODBC or OCI. Performance and scalability are critical, as the digital holdings can be massive in size, measured in hundreds of millions of files and petabytes of storage, and may be maintained for decades. iRODS is proposed as an excellent rules based engine/workflow engine to power the Heartbeat Beacon.
DECISION ISSUE: E9-1-1 // DOD / DHS systems use building blocks (e.g., heartbeat / beacon sub-protocol, CAP) & heartbeat network (re) configuration messages) DIFFERENTLY • Network Centric Warfare template transitioned to DHS handhelds 04 • DHS Program of Record: BAA08-01, DHS S&T Long Range DECISION: Transition / translate template system’s procedures, filters & workflow logic to public information & humanitarian services e9-1-1 NexGen) e.g., “gray force tracking” • Situational Awareness SA as a Public Service: YES _____ NO _____
WHO House Medical Technology Caucus Vice Chair of the 21st Century Health Care Caucus 14th Congressional District Giza Monk’s Mound Water Pyramid Common Operational Picture (COP): A single identical display of relevant information shared by more than one command. A common operational picture facilitates collaborative planning and assists all echelons to achieve situational awareness. US Joint Force Common Glossary //Wikipedia CAP XML Code Blue Synchronized Event / Alerts I Millisecond Exchanges II COMMON SYMBOLS III IPICS CESAC Synthesis project Tribalization Of Healthcare The Urban Health Initiative Vulnerable Populations BFT/JBFSA LifeComm JTF GNO GIG NECC NCES Sector Equinox 19 Beacon Congress: “Nothing less than net-centric homeland security akin to net-centric warfare” COSMOS IBM NASA AMES GNOSC A. Eshoo Intelligence Committee Silicon Valley Region Data Interop Project UNESCO Harvard Hour Glass / Code Blue Disaster Management Constellation Deloitte CPHPDR: U of Pittsburgh U of N Carolina U of A Public Health U of Illinois Chicago CLEO Cisco Router In Low Earth Orbit IRIS Urban Earth Ireland FLUX Beacon NHIN International Red Cross Comms Co-Located CERT Triage Thresholds Sacred Heart Hospital 6Sigma Publish - Subscribe SPECAT Heartbeat Messages Triage Rules Engine Golden Triangle DoD Patient Centric Network • “Active Triage Tag” Single Citizen View SOA Tiger Summit Healthcare E9-1-1 < / > Anycast / Multicast Radius < / > thresholds FLUX Beacon UCC 1First Responder Battlefield Medicine Sector Disabilities Sector WINS - military location, status, Universal ID, Triage tag… Vibration levels for Deaf Mount Vernon ILL SAIC PSIC Balkans Major G.W Military Health IT House of Representatives Co-Chair Captain Tripps Randall Flagg EMPEROR PALPATINE JTF CapMed Super Cuper Prototype SFC MAPLAB.ORG Salukis" origin “of Egypt" Center for Rural Health & Social Service Development CPMRC HEAL1 Project NHIN Prototype - IBM
THE 3 Building Blocks4 Focus Areas CAP XML NetSA NOC 1 correlated event .0001 .05 .01 1 5 15 30 Alert Level Increase… Split / Joins, Adds Homeland Heart_Beacon: SoS NATIVE AMERICAN DISASTER NETWORK IPAN 7 JTF CapMed Deloitte Silicon Valley Region Data Interop Project Tribalization of Business 1 Unified Activation 3 Consistent, Synchronous Time stamping of raw data II - Child schemas for COIs, profiles, - data islands for special needs i.e; specific area encodings, inject points option fields, PIPS Vs PSAPs.. - data files for fast movers unique requirements & event code signaling FusionNET UCORE 2.0 WITS Every day tools Share Point NHIN NCTC BML docBlock NAO ITACG HIST IBIP TIPS Qualcomm BREW ACE Workflow / Mission Threads Chop-chain / Business Logic XOM Tripwire Urgency Algorithm Authorized Files, queues, folders, SANS, dbase, caches, flat files… Single Citizen View SOA JPL Beacon Monitor SoS NAVTEQ NET FORENSICS Router MIBs AI Special Needs BMOX Systems, Process & Network Management “NETOPS” “Heartbeat In the car” Increase Multicast Zone 6 Sigma Heartbeat Messages I Multicast / Cell broadcast Radius / Zone > / < thresholds & intensity Synchronized Event / Alerts I Millisecond Exchanges II COMMON SYMBOLS III NCharT Maneuver the Network Spontaneous Organization III 2 Eritac 4 Super Cuper Spontaneous integration of X“Family Of Interoperable Systems - FIOP” to “maneuver”the network” by distributing Y disparate organization’s workflow logic / filters via N “network of networks" creating a Single Integrated Operational Picture SIOP a.k.a “The Grail” SFC Maplab.org In common language: provide situational awareness of events / alerts as n 1- 1 Public Services
Wireless broadband via Tesla inspired • Ionosphere modulation • FBCB2 to BFT conversion to SATCOM in BALKANS (Tesla birth place) • OmniTraks Transportation / GNOC // TSA is lead on e9-1-1 NexGen FEMA United States Citizens Corps NET GUARD Template Communications AND Electricity to Deployed units JFCOM BFT TST NET GUARD CAP XML > / < Multicast Radius Alert Level > / <… STEALTH NET JTF GNO GIG STAN NECC TNT NCES JBFSA COSMOS VOC Trickle Chart Batteries Trickle charge hybrid Vehicles & power supplies SCOPE Scalable Common Operating Picture Experiment HSIN NIMS DMIS OPEN IONOSPHERE IONOSPHERE BREW Qualcomm / Verizon DOD H.A.A.R.P CLEO DHS CHLOE: High Altitude above civil airspace INTEL Wireless Broadband H.A.A.R.P Advanced Power Technologies Inc.. IRIDIUM Disaster Management Constellation TESLA: Wireless Electricity MIT PAUL REVERE IPICS NAVY CIPC DIA Overwatch VOC COSMOS. Coalition Secure Management and Operations Systems INTELSAT IRIS Aerial Common Sensor Notification Server Exchange Control Agent Interoperability Bridge Agent Engine IMO Tool Object Management Layer Sea Gull Boston U Beacon Project Universal Communications Interface Module (UCIM) System NCharT IP ADAPTER universal modules comprising architecture for net centric integration of voice, data and video functions across the battlespace. NASANREN DISA DREN C2IEDM Efficient XML Universal Alert Trigger S.O.S Track Received DHS Tripwire First NET: First Responder reliable relay link. HEARTBEAT Messages DHS NRL .mil to .gov to .com DISCONNECT! Universal Parsing Agent NAVY CIPC Tripwire National Science Foundation Situational Awareness As a service / subscription Fort Hunter-Ligget Camp Roberts XMPP Light House PSAPS STAN JWARN DACT ! TADLS / SADLS Binary butnot Binary XML ! 18th ABC FusionNET VOC DEMONSTRATION UCC PSIC Time Travel Messages Heartbeat Messages LIVE JACAE SIM RTC DOE Fort Bragg/Pope AFB Switch Modernization 18 + military switches upgraded NISAC C2PC NORAD TRACK DATA NOT SENT THRU PSAPS TO FAA IN TADL/SADL FORMATS ! DACT Intergraph Business Intelligence for Public Safety Suite SEWS • CONDOR as GATEWAY extends network to maneuvering forces. • CONDOR JTRS Point of Presence and Jump C2 Vehicle • Integrate Tactical Data Network capabilities into ANY PLATFORM • thru Universal Communications Interface Module (UCIM) System. CAD Computer-Aided Dispatch AIR TRACKS IOW: Intelligence Operations Workstation DHS REG: Resilient Electrical Grid NORAD / SPACECOM / NORTHCOM FAA MAGTF C2 Intra-net DWITS HAARP Time Travel Messages CONDOR UCIM DCGS: Distributed (Data) Common Ground Station TDN CONDOR Gateway JTRS POP EPLRS BCOTM MCI TESLA C2 On-the-Move Digital Over-the-Horizon Relay Digital Tech Control (DTC) DOE Sensornet