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21st CENTURY LEARNING. 21st Century Competencies. Collaborative skills Interpersonal skills Thinking skills Communication skills. 21st Century Competencies and Desired Student Outcomes. 21 st Century Learners. E experiential P participatory I imagery C connectedness.
21st Century Competencies • Collaborative skills • Interpersonal skills • Thinking skills • Communication skills
21st Century Learners • E experiential • P participatory • I imagery • C connectedness
21st Century Learning • Ownership transfer from teacher to students • Teacher as coach, facilitator, mentor and designer of leaning environment
21st Century Pedagogy • Student-centered learning • Collaborative learning • Project-based learning • Problem-based learning • Learning and Teaching in e-Env.
Collaborative-learning classroom
Usefulness of facilities incollaborative classroom • Interactive whiteboard 9.8% • Group seating-arrangement 58.5% • Facilities for laptop power supply 61.0% • Facilities for ST to project 48.8% LCD screens • Visualizer for projection of mat’ls 34.1% • Wireless network for accessing internet 70.1% • Glass boards for writing 41.5%
Estimate the time spent on activities • Presenting information by 34.76% instructor and whole class discussion • Group work including 43.66% group presentation • Individual work e.g. reading, 15.00% problem solving, computer work, individual presentation • Taking tests/quiz 3.80% • Other activities 10.54%
Frequency of Students in conducting activities Top 6 activities • Access internet resources 2.46% (e.g. websites, youtube) • Use MS Word to type documents 2.38% or record discussions • Use internet search 2.33% • Use their laptops to record notes 2.28% • Use their laptops to prepare presentation 2.26% • Connect their laptops to LCD for presentation 10.54%
Comments from Teachers Easy to consolidate all discussions immediately and share with the rest Very easy for the students to work and share their worker with the other teams efficiently and effectively
Change in pedagogy _____ lively and interactive ______ able to walk around the entire classroom, checking work and instructing my relations with students is closer than it used to be
Change in pedagogy Students do close-text analysis on whiteboard. I now tend to use more multimedia texts in class. Students are more engaged and often search websites for more information on concepts, cultural phenomena, text references which I am discussing with them, adding to the class’ repertoire of knowledge.
Change in pedagogy Yes, quite a lot. Class discussion is immensely enriched by seating arrangement. Glass boards allow me to give them tasks for group and individual participation and students take pictures of class work and sometimes post them on Facebook.
Enabling power of technology Seamless learning through mobile technology
Putting Primary 3 Science curriculum together : holistic learning
Impact on test scores on experimental classes • Significant difference on year-end science exam scores among 6 mixed-ability classes • Class difference explains 41% of the variance in year-end exam scores
Impact on test scores on experimental classes • The intervention class has the highest exam scores among all the mixed ability classes!
Deeper impacts Teacher changes • From being dominant to being a facilitator • Not worried about saying “I don’t know”
Deeper impacts Student changes • More ownership of personal constructed artifacts • Demonstrated self-directed and collaborative inquiry learning
Deeper impacts Curriculum changes • From publisher curriculum to school-based curriculum • From standard to differentiated curriculum
SURVEY “My child enjoys learning using his/her smartphone.” Strongly Agree = 30%; Agree = 49% Disagree = 3% and Strongly Disagree = 3% Neutral = 15%
SURVEY “I know what my child is doing on the smartphone.” Strongly Agree = 2%; Agree = 58% Disagree = 9% and Strongly Disagree = 2% Neutral = 20%
SURVEY “My child spends sufficient time on the smartphone for learning.” Strongly Agree = 12%; Agree = 48% Disagree = 6% and Strongly Disagree = 6% Neutral = 28%
Enabling power of technology • Through the Apps for learning • Dollar Dash • NIE mGeo • NIE mVideo • NIE Well Said
Enabling technology Games for learning
Conclusion “If we teach today as we taught yesterday, we rob our children of tomorrow.” John Dewey