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Engineering Decentralized Autonomic Computing Systems. Jeff Kephart (kephart@us.ibm.com) IBM Thomas J Watson Research Center Hawthorne, NY. Building Effective Multivendor Autonomic Computing Systems ICAC 2006 panel. Moderator: Omer Rana (Cardiff University) Panelists
Engineering Decentralized Autonomic Computing Systems Jeff Kephart (kephart@us.ibm.com) IBM Thomas J Watson Research Center Hawthorne, NY SOAR 2010 keynote
Building Effective Multivendor Autonomic Computing SystemsICAC 2006 panel • Moderator: Omer Rana (Cardiff University) • Panelists • Steve White (IBM Research) • Julie McCann (Imperial College, London) • Mazin Yousif (Intel Research) • Jose Fortes (University of Florida) • Kumar Goswami (HP Labs) • Discussion • Multi-vendor systems are an unavoidable reality – we must cope • Standards are key to interoperability: web services (WS-*), policies, resource information (CIM); probably others too, for monitoring probes, types of events, semantic stack (OWL) … • Virtualization is key – layer of abstraction providing uniform access to resources • “We must identify key application scenarios, such as data centers and Grid-computing applications, that would enable wider adoption of multivendor autonomic systems.” Rana and Kephart, IEEE Distributed Systems Online, 2006
Brazier, Kephart, Parunak, and Huhns, Internet Computing, June 2009 Article resulted from brainstorming session at Agents for Autonomic Computing workshop, ICAC 2008 Autonomic Computing and Agents • AC definition • “Computing systems that manage themselves in accordance with high-level objectives from humans.” Kephart & Chess, IEEE Computer 2003 • Agents definition • “An encapsulated computer system, situated in some environment, and capable of flexible, autonomous action in that environment in order to meet its design objectives.” Jennings, et al, A Roadmap of Agent Research and Development, JAAMAS 1998 • Autonomic elements ~ agents • Autonomic systems ~ multi-agent systems • Mutual benefit for AC & Agents communities • AC is killer app for agents • Agents community has much to contribute to AC • Service-oriented computing may evolve into agent-oriented computing over time • Agents more proactive • Agent standards should grow from SOC standards
The focus of this talk • I start from two premises: • Autonomic systems are “Computing systems that manage themselves in accordance with high-level objectives from humans.” • Autonomic systems ~ multi-agent systems • Which leads to… • How do we get a (decentralized) Multi-Agent System to act in accordance with high-level objectives? • My thesis • Objectives should be expressed in terms of value • Value is an essential piece of information that must be processed, transformed, and communicated by agents
Outline • Autonomic Computing and Multi-Agent Systems • Utility Functions • As means for expressing high-level objectives • As means for managing to high-level objectives • Examples • Unity, and its commercialization • Power and performance objectives and tradeoffs • Applying utility concepts at the data center level • Challenges and conclusions
Possible State s1 a1 Possible State s2 Current State S a2 = Value(RT) Possible State s3 a3 Kephart and Walsh, Policy04 How to represent high-level policies? • Utility functions map any possible state of a system to a scalar value • They can be derived from • a service level agreement • preference elicitation techniques • simple templates, e.g. specify response time thresholds and “importance” levels • They are a very useful representation for high-level objectives • Value can be propagated and/or converted from service level parameters to resource control parameters
Transform l=0.01 U’(cpu, b; l) U’ cpu Backup rate b U(RT, RPO) How to manage with high-level policies? U • Elicit utility function U(S) expressed in terms of service attributes S • Obtain models of how each attribute Si depends on set of controllable parameters C and observable parameters O • Can express set of models as S(C, O) • E.g., RTgold(routing weights, request rate) • Models can be obtained, by experiment/learning, theory (queuing), … • Transform from service utility U(S) to resource utility U’ by substituting models • U(S) = U(S(C,O)) = U’(C,O) • Optimize resource utility. As observable O changes, set C to values that maximize U’(C,O) Recovery Point Objective Response Time
RT b*=2.05265 cpu*=8.58375 U*=75.8644 RT*=88.6853 b*=1.19931 cpu*=3.65144 U*=137.414 RT*=95.4449 b*=0.874575 cpu*=2.49134 U*=152.661 RT*=99.5775 cpu cpu cpu l=0.002 l=0.01 l=0.05 b b b Finding the optimal control parameters Util(RT, RPO) RPO The mapping from service level to low-level parameters is affected by observables (like l in this case), which in turn affects (cpu*, b*). NetUtil(cpu, b; l)
Outline • Autonomic Computing and Multi-Agent Systems • Utility Functions • As means for expressing high-level objectives • As means for managing to high-level objectives • Examples • Unity, and its commercialization • Power and performance objectives and tradeoffs • Applying utility concepts at the data center level • Challenges and conclusions
Unity Data Center Prototype: Experimental setup Maximize Total SLA Revenue Demand (HTTP req/sec) Demand (HTTP req/sec) Trade3 5 sec Trade3 Resource Arbiter Value(#srvrs) Value(#srvrs) Value(#srvrs) App Manager App Manager App Manager WebSphere 5.1 Value(RT) Value(#srvrs) WebSphere 5.1 Value(RT) DB2 DB2 Trade3 Trade3 Batch Server Server Server Server Server Server Server Server Chess, Segal, Whalley and White, Unity: Experiences with a Prototype Autonomic Computing System, ICAC 2004
Max Utility U(Ri) Number of servers Servers Servers Servers Servers Servers Servers The Unity Datacenter Prototype Decision problem: Allocate resources R* = argmaxRUi(Ri) Effectively maximizes Ui(Si) Resource Arbiter U1(R1) U2(R2) R*2 R*1 Application Manager Application Manager U1(S1) U2(S2) • Transformation of • service-level utility to • resource-level utility: • U(R) = maxCU(S(C,R)) Application Environment 1 Application Environment 2
Das et al., ICAC 2006 Commercializing Unity • Barriers are not just technical in nature • Strong legacy of successful product lines must be respected; otherwise • Difficult for the vendor • Risk alienating existing customer base • Solution: Infuse agency/autonomicity gradually into existing products • Demonstrate value incrementally at each step • We worked with colleagues at IBM Research and IBM Software Group to implement the Unity ideas in two commercial products: • Application Manager: IBM WebSphere Extended Deployment (WXD) • Resource Arbiter: IBM Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator (TIO)
Max Utility U(Ri) Number of servers Servers Servers Servers Servers Servers Servers Commercializing The Unity Datacenter Prototype Decision problem: Allocate resources R* = argmaxRUi(Ri) Effectively maximizes Ui(Si) Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator U1(R1) U2(R2) R*2 R*1 WebSphere Extended Deployment WebSphere Extended Deployment U1(S1) U2(S2) • Transformation of • service-level utility to • resource-level utility: • U(R) = maxCU(S(C,R)) Application Environment 1 Application Environment 2
If I give you n servers, how often will you exceed the response time goal? If I give you n servers, how valuable will that be? I need 300M CPU cycles/sec V(n) Coordinating two commercial products • TIO doesn’t use utility functions • Uses Probability of Breach • PoB: probability that SLA will be violated if n servers are given to an application Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator • WXD uses utility functions internally, but • Doesn’t communicate them externally • Doesn’t compute them for n other than current value • Reports “needed speed” to Objective Analyzer, which converts it to PoB Actual Desired WebSphere Extended Deployment U(S)
Original TIO 3.1 WXD 5.1 Objective Analyzer Utility-based Interactions between WXD and TIO: Step 1 Resource Allocations: n TIO 3.1 Policy Engine TIO Transform WebSphere XD Resource Needs in PoB(n) Resource Needs in Fitness(n) Resource Needs(speed) Utility(current n) • TIO cannot make well-founded resource allocation decisions • WS XD can’t articulate its needs to TIO • PoB not commensurate with utility
Intermediate TIO 3.1 Objective Analyzer WXD 6.0.2 Utility-based Interactions between WXD and TIO: Step 2 Resource Allocations: n TIO 3.1 Policy Engine TIO Transform WebSphere XD Resource Utility(n) Fitness(n) PoB(n) Utility(current n) • WS XD research team added ResourceUtil interface of WXD • We developed a good heuristic for converting ResourceUtil to PoB in Objective Analyzer • Interpolate discrete set of ResourceUtil points and map to PoB • This PoB better reflects WS XD’s needs
Objective Analyzer New Modified TIO 3.1 Modified WXD 6.0.2 Utility-based Interactions between WXD and TIO: Step 3 Resource Allocations: n TIO 3.1 Policy Engine WebSphere XD 1 Resource Utility(n) Resource Utility(n) Resource Utility(n) Utility(current n) • We modified TIO to use ResourceUtil(n) directly instead of PoB(n) • Most mathematically principled basis for TIO allocation decisions • It enables TIO to be in perfect synch with the goals defined by WS XD • Basic scheme can work, not just for XD, but for any other entity that may be requesting resource, provided that it can estimate its own utilities
Outline • Autonomic Computing and Multi-Agent Systems • Utility Functions • As means for expressing high-level objectives • As means for managing to high-level objectives • Examples • Unity, and its commercialization • Power and performance objectives and tradeoffs • Applying utility concepts at the data center level • Challenges and conclusions
Multi-agent management of performance and power • To manage performance and power objectives and tradeoffs, we have explored multiple variants on a theme • Two separate agents: one for performance, the other for power • Various control parameters, various coordination and communication mechanisms • Power controls: clock frequency & voltage, sleep modes, … • Performance controls: routing weights, number of servers, VM placement … • Coordination: unilateral with/without FYI, bilateral interaction, mediated, … • I show several examples ….
An inherent conflict! Kephart et al., ICAC 2007 Utility functions for performance-power tradeoffs • Performance agent • IBM WebSphere middleware adjusts load balancing, CPU application placement parameters ,etc to maximize performance • Power agent • Autonomic Management of Energy throttles CPU clock to slow down processor and save power Utility function formulation: Maximize U(perf, pwr) = U(perf) – a Pwr; Pwr < PwrMax
Perf data (subset) Perf Pwr Perf data Clock frequency Pwr data With frequency feedback Coordinating Multiple Autonomic Managers(Actually, only 2 or 3) Perf data (subset) Perf Pwr Pwr data Perf data No frequency feedback Kephart et al., Coordinating Multiple Autonomic Managers to Achieve Specified Power-Performance Tradeoffs, ICAC 2007
sperf spwr Performance Mgr Power Mgr • How might semi-autonomous power & performance agents interact? • Mediated through coordinator agent, or • Direct bi/multi-lateral interactions • Scenario (with mediation) • Performance manager observes subset sperf of system state, and controls application placement and load balancing weights • Power manager observes subset of spwr of system state, and controls on/off state of servers • Coordinator knows overall power-performance tradeoffs as expressed in joint utility function; queries performance, power agents for likely impact of n servers on to derive optimum n* Interaction between power and performance agents Coordinator n*on n*on UPP(RT, Pwr) What-if(non; Pwr)? What-if(non; RT)? RTest(non) Pwrest(non) I relinquish control of server i to you Placement P Routing weights wi On/Offi System System Kephart, Chan, Das, Levine, Tesauro, Rawson, Lefurgy. Coordinating Multiple Autonomic Managers to Achieve Specified Power-Performance Tradeoffs. ICAC 2007. (Emergent phenomena can occur when autonomic managers don’t communicate effectively.)
13 machines, single-CPU, 3.2GHz Intel Xeon, hyperthreading disabled, 4GB RAM Power-aware Application Placement Controller for WebSphere Node 1 A B Flow Controller (Pacifici et al. JSAC 2005) A High Importance 360ms Node 2 A B B Placement Controller Medium Importance 600ms Node 3 C C Low Importance 840ms (Karve et al., WWW 2006, Tang et al., WWW 2007) Node 4 C B Node 5 B WebSphere XD Node Group Idea. Enhance WebSphere’s Placement Controller to place apps on minimal number of nodes required to satisfy SLA. Uses utility functions, models and optimization. Number of clients Steinder, Whalley, Hanson, Kephart, Coordinated Management of Power Usage and Runtime Performance, NOMS 2008 Time (minutes)
Performance of sample Web application 4 nodes on 3 nodes on 2 nodes on 20% savings 40% savings Models, Optimization and Utility • There is a tradeoff between good response time and low power consumption • To resolve the tradeoff, we provide a utility function U(RT, Pwr) • We experimented with three spanning wide spectrum in power-saving preference • Performance manager (APC) computes • Best number of number of servers n* • Best application placement Placement*(n*) • For a given placement P on n nodes, APC uses offline, online models to compute • Estimated RT(P, n) • Estimated Pwr(P, n) • Estimated U(RT(P,n), Pwr(P,n)) = U’(P,n) • APC uses constraint optimization to determine (P*, n*) that maximizes U’(P,n)
Experimental results(3 different utility functions) 1. Always meet SLAs 2. Always maximize performance 3. Permit 10% performance degradation for 10% power savings Conclusion. Substantial power savings can be attained without violating the SLA.
WebSphere App. Server Das, Kephart, Lefurgy, Tesauro, Levine, Chan Autonomic Multi-agent Management of Power and Performance in Data Centers, AAMAS 2008 Coordinated Load Balancing and Powering Off Servers Customers typically purchase enough servers to handle peak workloads The average workload is often much less than peak (e.g. daily and weekly cycles) Can we intelligently power down servers when they’re not needed? WebSphere App. Server DB2 Load Generator HTTP Server WebSphere App. Server
SLA Baseline experiment Power (watts) Power Response time (msec) Response time # servers on # servers Thursday Friday Workload (# clients) Trade6 workload; NASA traffic Time (minutes)
SLA Avg Power Savings = 27% No SLA violation Models, optimization and utility • Here we use simple utility function • U(RT) = 1 if SLA satisfied • U(RT) = 0 if SLA not satisfied • U(RT, Pwr) = U(RT) – e Pwr • Offline, we measure & compute models • RT (n, l) • Pwr (n, l) • We substitute models into U to obtain • U’ (n, l) = U (RT (n, l), Pwr (n, l)) • We pre-compute policy • n*(l) = argmaxn U’ (n, l) • During the experiment, we plug a forecast of l into n*(l) • We then modify n* a bit • We add some extra because latencies entailed in turning servers back on can be several minutes • We apply some heuristics to ensure that we don’t turn servers on and off too often • We then turn on n* servers in the app tier Power (watts) Power Response time (msec) Response time # servers on # servers Thursday Friday Workload (# clients) Trade6 workload; NASA traffic Time (minutes)
Hanson et al.Autonomic Manager for Power, NOMS 2010 Power-Performance Commercialization • Cost functions for machines • Grant/refusal of request for control Hardware Mgr Agent Workload Mgr Agent Workload-related sensor data Hardware-related sensor data • Request/release of controlover machines Workload-mgmt commands to machines under WMgr’s control Hardware-mgmt commands to machines under HMgr’s control Managed elements (worker machines)
Outline • Autonomic Computing and Multi-Agent Systems • Utility Functions • As means for expressing high-level objectives • As means for managing to high-level objectives • Examples • Unity, and its commercialization • Power and performance objectives and tradeoffs • Applying utility concepts at the data center level • Challenges and conclusions
I want to process workload on that server I want to use that server to achieve 3-fold redundancy I want to leave that server in its present power state to reduce thermal stress Performance Mgr Data Center as a Multi-Agent System I want to increase the fan speed on that CRAC unit I want to perform valuable computational services I want to turn that server off to save power Power Manager Availability Manager Reliability Manager
Multi-agent Data Centers Monitoring and Control Cooling IT and Networks • Compute • Main Frames • Volume Servers • Blade Servers Ice H2O Utility Facility AlternativePower UPS Battery Network IT Security… Cooling Tower Coordinator Pumps Utility • Storage • SATA Disk • Tape • Blended Chiller Utility Computer Room Air Conditioners Utility,Rates, Incentives Substation Communicating Revenue Meter Compute • Network • Corporate Networks • VoIP • Integrated Blade/Switch Storage, Network $ In-row Powerand Cooling Central UPS • In-Row Power • Modular UPS • Rack Mount PDUs • In Row Cooling • Rear Door Heat Exchanger • Liquid Cooling Racks • Overhead Cooling Generator Power Distribution Units Parallel or Transfer Eqpt Raised Floor Medium Voltage>600VAC Eqpt Low Voltage600VAC Eqpt Power CHP Fuel Cell, MicroTurbine or Turbine DC Power
Lubin, Kephart, Das and Parkes. Expressive Power-Based Resource Allocation for Data Centers. IJCAI 2009. (Exploring market-based resource allocation for data centers.) MAS for Data Center ManagementResearch Challenges • Marketplace realities dictate de-centralized MAS solutions to energy management • Interaction among agents responsible for different dimensions of management • Interaction across layers of the stack • Architectural questions • What is the scope/boundary of the agents? Where are they situated? • What and how do they communicate? • Can a multi-agent approach work, using negotiating agents and mediators to manage performance, power, availability, reliability …? • Are markets and auctions effective coordination mechanisms when there are numerous agents and “goods”? • What are the goods in this case (e.g. one core in a multi-core system running in turbo mode) • We may need hierarchical markets that extend across multiple data centers • What happens when data center markets are coupled to the global economy? • Algorithmic (and other) challenges • Building/tuning deterministic and statistical what-if models on the fly • Avoiding undesirable emergent phenomena (IBM and HP Research have observed this!) • Eliciting preferences (tradeoffs between power, performance, …) • Beyond IT • There is much to be gained by coordinating workload placement, load balancing, etc. with facilities management, e.g. co-managing cooling and workload migration • Agents will represent PDUs, CRACs, chillers, etc., vastly increasing the size and variety of the MAS
Conclusions • Multi-agent systems offer a powerful paradigm for engineering decentralized autonomic computing systems • But impractical to build from scratch using standard agent tools • Humans should express objectives in terms of value (utility functions) • Value can then be propagated, processed, and transformed by the agents, and used to guide their internal decisions and their communication with other agents • Key technologies required to support this scheme include • Utility function elicitation • Learning • Modeling / what-if modeling • Optimization • Agent communication, mediation • There is lots of architectural work to do !
Research questions • What are the agent boundaries? • What interfaces and protocols do they use to communicate? • What information do the agents share? • When negotiating services • When provide/receiving services • How to compose agents into systems? • How do agents advertise their service? • Can we use planning algorithms to compose them to achieve a desired end goal? • How do we motivate agents to provide services to one another? • We need to build these systems and subject them to realistic workloads • How do we encourage the community to build AC systems? • Where do we get the realistic workloads?
Multi-agent systems and autonomic data centers • I envision data centers of the future as a complex ecosystem of interacting semi-autonomous entities – an autonomic, multi-agent system • Autonomic computing definition • “Computing systems that manage themselves in accordance with high-level objectives from humans.” Kephart and Chess, A Vision of Autonomic Computing, IEEE Computer, Jan. 2003 • Software agent definition • “An encapsulated computer system, situated in some environment, and capable of flexible, autonomous action in that environment in order to meet its design objectives.” Jennings, Sycara and Wooldridge, A Road Map of Agent Research and Development,JAAMAS 1998 • Multi-agent systems: collections of agents that interact with one another to achieve individual and/or system goals • Agents will • represent, or be embedded in, different products from different vendors • reside at many levels of the management stack • manipulate control knobs at all levels of the stack (from hardware/firmware up through middleware and facilities) • collectively manage the data center to specified objectives and constraints (some relating to power) • interact in intended and unintended ways with one another, and with other types of automated management processes directed towards maintaining high levels of performance, availability, reliability, security, etc. • This vision is a natural extrapolation of present-day facts and trends • Industry and academia are developing a multitude of control knobs and automated techniques to save energy • These will be incorporated into a multitude of management products from different vendors • They will operate simultaneously within and across multiple levels of the stack • Somehow, these products will need to work together effectively, requiring some cooperative interactions • Data centers are a “killer app” for multi-agent systems • Conversely, MAS architectural and algorithmic concepts are essential to energy-efficient, autonomic data centers