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Lancashire PE & Sport Framework. Context: Government Aim. Governments Aim All 5-16yr olds have access to 2 hours high quality PE and 3 hours sport beyond the curriculum and 16-19 year olds have 3 hours of sport outside the curriculum. Our Commitment……. Next Steps.
Context: Government Aim Governments Aim All 5-16yr olds have access to 2 hours high quality PE and 3 hours sport beyond the curriculum and 16-19 year olds have 3 hours of sport outside the curriculum
Next Steps • Launch PE & Sport Framework and Sport Unlimited – 5 November 2008, Burnley • Sporting Infrastructure Group to develop clear action plan and identify and agree key Indicators for measurement
Sport UnlimitedYear 2 Planning Process Lancashire Sport Partnership 26/09/08
PE and Sport Strategic Framework for Young People (5 Hour Sport Offer) HQ PE & Sport HQ Community Sport HQ Leadership & Volunteering HQ Pathways Sport Unlimited x 14 (Funded Programme) Sport Unlimited in Context
Reminder of the Vision “to ensure up to 900,000 children and young people in the 5 to 19 age range from the ‘semi sporty’ population segment take up an additional 2 hours of term time high quality sports activities ‘through attractive provision designed to stimulate and increase take up and sustain participation” 14
Sport Unlimited... Where it fits Extending Activities 15
The Trailblazers: Term One Findings • Huge political interest currently • c. 11,000 engaged • 60: 40 Male: Female • 70% retained, greater retention from girls • Majority ‘semi-sporty’ of which 75% retained • Two thirds 11-16 • Relatively low engagement with 16-19
Lancashire Year One: Delivery Plan • Planned through SPAA • c. £16,500 per SPAA • 33 providers signed up to deliver scheme- LA, SSP, Clubs, Youth Service, Leisure Trusts, FE Colleges, Charitable org • Engage- 11,218 Retain- 8,513 (75%) • Gender split- Boys 47.2% and Girls 52.8% • Secondary provision - 81.4% • Yr7 and 8 age groups representing-nearly 40% of participants over the whole plan
Lancashire Year One: Delivery Plan Sports- 36 different activities ranging from innovation sports such as climbing, trampolining, cheerleading, skateboarding, streetdance, ultimate frisbee to more traditional sports such as athletics, football, hockey and volleyball and adaptations derived from these traditional sports such as sportshall athletics, sepak takaw, futsal and extreme golf Settings- School sites, leisure centres, Club settings, youth clubs and private sector facilities. Some areas are also utilising the natural environment to deliver activities such as beaches, parks and forests. 18
Year 2- Key Considerations Integrated planning process- partnership approach/ match funding opportunities Involvement of NGBs in process Student voice- consultation with young people Range of settings- opportunities time and place sensitive to young people e.g. Friday and Saturday nights Broader range of providers- youth services 80% 11-19 focus of which 15% 16-19- use of FESCO network Flexibility around holiday delivery (all except summer) Innovation around signposting- use SSP networks 26/09/089
Key Considerations- first impressions • How can we ensure that Sport Unlimited in Lancashire hits these key priority areas? • 16-19- FESCOs, College enrichment programme • Engage with new providers- Jane Nolan, Clubs for Young People • Inclusion of NGBs in process- November joint planning session
Consultation • Large scale young people’s survey- what they want? • Young people’s focus groups- young ambassadors, connexions shadow board • ‘Air Space’ interviews/ demonstration road-shows? • Use findings to shape the programmes that are developed and how they can be promoted • CSP- Design survey and analyse findings • Partnership- support administration
Signposting- Developing a Resource Pack The resource pack could include: • Personalised invitations to young people based on survey findings • Course completion certificates for those achieving a 60% attendance rate • On-line discussion forum to share best practice amongst partners • ‘Empty-Belly’ posters based around the five key messages which can be edited to suit different activities • E-mail alerts to promote and communicate details of events and activities, and; • A prize draw giving participants the chance to win a Nintendo Wii, if they achieve an 80% attendance rate • Information on the Sporting Champions scheme, including a visit request form • Advice and guidance on how to work with the media and write press releases
Sport Unlimited Year 2- Funding and KPIs • April 2009- March 2010 = £302,400 • Engage- 23,120 • Retain- 16,425 • Develop ideas and further planning sessions to determine breakdown across Lancashire
Next Steps • Lancashire Sport to distribute Delivery Plan template and Survey for Young People- 20th October • Undertake local consultation and survey • Use findings to shape local delivery plan • 13th November- linking NGB to SU • 19th December- submit plans