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MOE/PIR Sub-team: Title 40/CCA LSS Initiative

MOE/PIR Sub-team: Title 40/CCA LSS Initiative. 30 Sep 08. Proposed Agenda. Sub-team member coordinates (names provided separately) Review of MOE and PIR statutory & regulatory language (Title 40/CCA, 3170, 5000) Assigned questions for sub-team to answer Some answers in SIPOC

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MOE/PIR Sub-team: Title 40/CCA LSS Initiative

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  1. MOE/PIR Sub-team: Title 40/CCA LSS Initiative 30 Sep 08

  2. Proposed Agenda • Sub-team member coordinates (names provided separately) • Review of MOE and PIR statutory & regulatory language (Title 40/CCA, 3170, 5000) • Assigned questions for sub-team to answer • Some answers in SIPOC • What are the going-in issues in MOEs and PIR • What is our deliverable? • How will we work (F2F, on line, time to meet) to answer the questions • IT-CoP screen shots • Next Steps

  3. MOE + PIR Sub-team

  4. Questions for Title 40/CCA Sub-teams • Who are the customers? What are their requirements? Are they measurable? How were the customer requirements determined? • What are the key success factors for requirement being achieved? What is a requirements defect (what can go wrong)? • What is the impact of requirement on the program, customer, and its relationship to acquisition process? • What is the process/work flow to determine compliance? • Who are the key stakeholders? How will they be involved in the project? Who should be on the team? • What have been the key lessons learned to date (if any)? What kinds of barriers/obstacles will need assistance to be removed? DATA • What are the top 3 issues experienced by those completing the requirement across the product life cycle? How often does the issue occur? • What entity/agency causes the issue? How often does the entity cause the same issue? • What effect does the issue have on the work being conducted (how is the issue felt?) • How long does it take to correct the issue?

  5. What is our deliverable? • Depends on the task • No conclusion but task is to answer the question

  6. SIPOC Map Suppliers Inputs Process Outputs Customers Review Phase 1 CBA doc Submit Comment KMDS Notifies POC Adjudicate comment Tel/email/ person JCIDS Components KMDS email KMDS SIPR Web site CCA compliant ICD DoD CIO/NII Components CBA Team Verify in approved ICD FCB WG Review Repeat in phase 2 Verify in CRM Input Metrics Process Metrics Output Metrics # Critical comments detected % CCA MOE Compliant ICD Input process is controlled by CJCSI 3170.01 % CCA compliant ICDs % of approved ICDs to MS B % MS B Programs Fielded % Evaluated successfully fielded Quality Adjudication time is driven by the level of effort % capability delivered on schedule Speed Total IT/NSS Cost overrun X DoD CIO/NII gov and contract FTEs Cost Improve CIO/NII pre-MS A CCA Compliance and Oversight Process

  7. Going-in MOE & PIR Issues • (brainstorm mode) • Education – most CBA teams don’t know that a PIR is needed • Most teams work within the small picture, not the big strategic pix • Need data on the % of programs that have a PIR plan and have conducted PIRs • Need PIR process and metrics • History on the “presumed” language in table E.4; could not figure it out so we threw in presumed. (Other AT&L views “ I am not going to subject my programs to a PIR”) • Discussion about the findings of the past 30 months regarding MOE’s

  8. How will we work (F2F, on line, time to meet) • MOE + PIR Sub-team page on IT-CoP: https://acc.dau.mil/CommunityBrowser.aspx?id=234715&lang=en-US • All will explore the IT-CoP but until it becomes useful, Len will send out an email to all sub-team members • When you enter the MOE+PIR page as a member, subscribe to it (bread crumbs in blue near the top of the page) and you will be notified of new materials and/or changes or answers to questions and so forth. The subscription can be edited any time.

  9. Action Items/Next Steps Review the MOE/BPR/PIR briefing Answer the questions Ed posed and post your responses on the sub-team page and/or email to all. Suspense COB Friday 3 October. All review Monday 6 Oct and discuss during the sub-team portion of meeting on the 7th. 11

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