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Title 40/CCA LSS Initiative. Working Team Meeting 2 Sep 08 (Updated 8 Sep 08 by T. Minor). AGENDA. Objectives: Define the Title 40/CCA Certification and Confirmation team’s project scope Identify the Process start and end → 85% COMPLETED Identify the process elements
Title 40/CCA LSS Initiative • Working Team Meeting • 2 Sep 08 • (Updated 8 Sep 08 by T. Minor)
AGENDA Objectives: Define the Title 40/CCA Certification and Confirmation team’s project scope Identify the Process start and end → 85% COMPLETED Identify the process elements SIPOC (suppliers, inputs, process, outputs, customers) → 95% COMPLETED Identify how we measure customer satisfaction Critical To Quality Metrics (Process Outcome/Output measures) → NOT STARTED Understand next steps Please make yourselves a team binder for materials and bring what we are working on with you. We will provide hardcopy updates, if not sent out electronically.
CCA LSS Project Schedule Top Design data collection DMAIC project kick-offs (DEFINE) Voice of the Customer Implement Scorecards Prioritize requirements Develop Scorecards Determine customers Identify known customer info Interviews and focus groups Analyze data Down Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Principal: POC: SME/Rep: GB/BB (Belts): <2 hrs/wk 4-8 hrs/wk 8-12 hrs/wk n/a <2 hrs/wk 4-8 hrs/wk 8-12 hrs/wk n/a <2 hrs/wk 4-6 hrs/wk 6-10 hrs/wk 10 hrs/wk <1 hr/wk 4 hrs/wk 4-8 hrs/wk 10 hrs/wk <1 hr/wk 2 hrs/wk 4 hrs/wk 10 hrs/wk <1 hr/wk 2 hrs/wk 4 hrs/wk 10 hrs/wk Up SIPOC Process mapping IMPROVE Kick-off Quick wins implemented Project ID training Quick wins ID’d CONTROL ANALYZE MEASURE Belts selected/ charters completed DMAIC project kick-offs (DEFINE) LSS Awareness SME’s Experience Project Scoping Bottom 2A Estimated hrs/wk may fluctuate based on final scope and strategic direction
Assumptions/Constraints • Resource Assumptions: • Project staff resources will be available when and as they are needed (i.e.., green, black, master black belts) • Required customer resources will be available when and as they are needed. • Access to subject matter experts (SMEs) will occur as needed • Scope Assumptions: • No change(s) in Title 40/CCA Certification and Confirmation statutory requirements • Certification and confirmation is dependent on compliance with Title 40/CCA requirements
_ ___ __ ______ In-and-Out Scoping Pricing Changes “Move-IT” courier • Brainstorm key issues/concerns/constraints/tasks • Write each on a post-it note • Draw a circle on a flipchart to indicateproject boundaries • Place the notes either inside or outside the circle’s boundaries to reflect whether the issue is within the team’s projected scope • Discuss and gain consensus • Report out to group Reduce paperwork Out of Scope (constraints) Use current technology Level workload IN SCOPE Out of Scope (constraints) Adding Resources Customer Changes
Scope Recap from 8/18 Meeting … IN SCOPE How SME's at component & OSD levels process their requirements How Component & OSD Subject matter Expert’s (SME's) process their individual CCA compliance elements (MAE) The need to identify & address requirements for compliance, review required documentation, and clearly demonstrate compliance The need to identify & address compliance elements, review required documentation, and clearly demonstrate compliance (MAE) Multiple reviews within the same organization Multiple reviews of a single CCA within the same organization (WM) Requirement for multiple CCA Certifications for a single program/block (i.e., MS A, MS B, FRPDR) (WM) Programs reviewed multiple times (i.e. at Milestones A, B and C/Full Rate Production) within the same organization (MAE) Understand criteria of CCA elements 6
Enforcement of CCA elements 1. Enforcement of CCA compliance elements (MAE) 2. Identifying CCA critical path documents (e.g., BPR, AoA, EA) (WM) • Review how process improvements may drive regulatory changes (e.g., DoDI 5000.02) 1. Review how CCA compliance process improvements may drive regulatory changes (e.g., DoDI 5000.02) • Reduce: (streamline) required documentation, redundancies, staffing time & signatory cycle time • Economic Analysis (EA), Analysis of Alternatives (AoA), Information Assurance (IA) Strategy Analysis and BPR must be conducted on the process and supporting systems to determine effects and ID project wins 1. Economic Analysis (EA), Analysis of alternatives (AOA), Information Assurance (IA) Strategy Analysis and Business process reengineering (BPR) to be conducted on the CCA Certification/confirmation processes and supporting systems to determine effects and identify project wins (MAE)
Scope Recap from 8/26 Meeting … Relationship to Title 40/CCA requirements must be evaluated (CJCSI 6212.01; Interoperability and Support; IT/NSS) Relationship of CCA elements to other policy areas (e.g. CJCSI 6212.01, Interoperability and Support, CJCSI 33170, JCIDS) (MAE) Title 40/CCA Component CIO roles & responsibilities CCA Certification/Confirmation process Component CIO Roles & Responsibilities (MAE) Review CJCSI 3170.01 (JCIDS) documents re how changes may impact Title 40/CCA Review to determine how various processes support DOD core/functions & verify that Acquisition processes follow DoD Enterprise Architecture Assess how CCA certification/Confirmation processes support DOD core/functions and DoD Enterprise Architecture (MAE) No known reason that acquisition process should follow the EA (WM) 8 8
Scope Recap from 8/26 Meeting … Mission needs & “must have" requirements identified 1. "Must Have" criteria identification (MAE) Use of Performance Measures and accountability standards 1. Criteria for Performance Measures and accountability (MAE) Understanding & knowledge of Title 40/CCA certification and confirmation process (i.e. members w/o knowledge should read the document) 1. Understanding & knowledge of actual Title 40/CCA certification and confirmation process requirements through review of the statutes, CCA compliance Certification/Confirmation assessment elements review and evaluation (MAE) Review CCA certification assessment questions 9 9
Scope Recap from 8/26 Meeting … OUT OF SCOPE Addressing how & if process owners reflect CCA requirements in their directives Making changes to Title 10/Title 40 Addressing annual guidance or training requirements for CCA preparers Addressing annual guidance or training requirements for CCA Compliance Certification/Confirmation submission preparers (MAE) Addressing BPR, AoA, EA, IA, ISP, etc. from the perspective of what the requirements for each of these are Addressing differences among DoD Services/Agencies (confirmation/certification) Changing JCIDS process (WM) Changing PPBE process (WM) 10 10
Project Scoping Issue:How to Determine Compliance Define: What does it mean to be in compliance with Title 40/CCA? Title 40/CCA Compliance as required by (DoDI 5000.2, Encl 4 – Table E4.T1) Support core functions Establish outcome-based performance measures (MOEs) Redesign the processes that the system supports (BPR) Determine no private or gov’t source can support the function Conduct an analysis of alternatives (AOA) Conduct an economic analysis (EA) Develop measures and accountability for program progress Ensure acquisition is consistent with the Global Information Grid (GIG) Ensure program has an information assurance (IA) strategy Ensure, to the maximum extent practicable, 1) modular contracting and 2) program implemented in phases Register systems in the DoD IT Portfolio Repository Define: What should be the extent of examination of each element to determine compliance? How to determine compliance for each element at different acquisition milestones – metric: ranges or minimums? Challenge: Determining/Defining the “Must Have” level of examination required & designing the process to assess and monitor compliance at a milestone. • “Scope defines the project boundaries, addressing what will and will not be explored” 11
Submit CCA Milestone Compliance Documents CCA/40 Process Flow – Layer 0 Milestone C Milestone B Milestone A A1.0 Perform CCA Compliance Analysis CCA Documents (Versions) & Milestone Event Memo (A, B, C) A2.0 Perform CCA Compliance Administration Resolve CCA Compliance Issues Perform Milestone Review Fail Pass D1 Non-Compliance Issue (s) CCA Certification Letter 1. Resolve all compliance issues 2. Repeat until completed Assumption: One common CCA Compliance & Certification process for all Milestones. 11 A
SIPOC CCA Compliance Pre MS A / MDD MSA MSB MSC FRP Performance Measures / MOEs Process Redesign AOA/EA GIG IA Process Concentration SIPOC Outputs Customer Suppliers Inputs Process OSD SMEs PMs Draft Documentation SME Review /Feedback Approved Documentation Component SMEs PEO War Fighter (Ultimate) Program Sponsor If Rejected 11 B
SIPOC CCA Certification (Administrative) Process Concentration SIPOC Outputs Customer Suppliers Inputs Process DOD CIO DOD CIO Office Congress Component CIO 11 C
11 D DoD 5000.2 Encl 4, E.4T1 6 3 4 5 DoD CIO certifies Title 40/CCA Compliance based on Component CIO input & document review DoD DCIO Coordinates/Prepares Certification Memo to Congress IAW (Sec. 8068) DoD CIO Certifies to Congress DoD CIO Notifies MDA of Title 40/CCA Compliance MAIS Certification Process – ‘AS IS’ 2 1 PM Develops Title 40/CCA Compliance Table Component CIOs Certify Title 40/CCA Compliance & Prepare Certification Memo to DoD CIO Acquisition Decision Memorandum 7 Congressional Defense Committees 8068 REPORT TO CONGRESS
Current Performance Desired Sigma Level Project Identification Approach Title 40/CCA LSS Initiative Suppliers Inputs Process Outputs Customers • _____ • _____ • _____ • _____ • _____ • _____ • _____ • _____ S P C Process Mappings Translating Voice of Customer into measurable requirements X X X Potential Projects LSS CPI Etc. Rapid Improvement Events Just Do-Its/ Quick wins
Identifying Your Customer • A customer is anyone who receives or uses the Outputs of a Process. • Internal Customers: “Process Partners” (VOB) • Stakeholders, departments, and/or employees within your organization or section of the government • They use your product/services or they transform yourInputs (products or service) into their Outputs. • External Customers: “End Users” (VOC) • Individuals or organizations outside your company or section of the government • They use what we produce or deliver. • They buy our product/service in its final form. • They are the reason we are in business. • “They are the reason your job exists”
What do customers want? QUALITY Product or Service Features, Attributes, Dimensions, Characteristics Relating to the Function of the Product or Service, Reliability, Availability, Taste, Effectiveness - Also Freedom from Defects, Rework or Scrap COST Prices to Consumer (Initial Plus Life Cycle), Repair Costs, Purchase Price, Financing Terms, Depreciation, Residual Value DELIVERY Lead Times, Delivery Times, Turnaround Times, Setup Times, Cycle Times, Delays SERVICE / SAFETY Service Requirements, After-Purchase Reliability, Parts Availability, Service, Warranties, Maintainability, Customer-Required Maintenance, Product Liability, Product/Service Safety CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY Ethical Business Conduct, Environmental Impact, Regulatory and Legal Compliance We are all challenged with understanding how our customers define and prioritize the various needs and expectations they have. It makes it even more challenging when they vary by products and/or service , and by customer segment/type.
Who are our Customers? Tile 40 /CCA Customers - Identified by the Title 40/CCA working team at the SIPOC work session conducted on 18 August Congress Congressional Defense Committee GAO The “War Fighter” (i.e.., COCOM, CNO) OMB DoD CIO and Component CIOs DoD Components requesting certifications & confirmations PEO PMs OGC IG Program Sponsors and PMs seeking milestone approval (Milestone Decision Authority (MDA)) Contracting Officers OGC DoD IG SMEs in 11 elements (OSD and Components) PA&E Comptroller GIG IA Private and government sources 19
SIPOC Example 1: PPBE Issue Process SIPOC Example 1: PPBE Issue Process PPBE Issue Process: Outputs Customers Suppliers Inputs Start Perform pre-work • DASDs • Congress • DAWG/3 start C2CIB • Components (DoD) • Prior Issues Accepted/ Rejected by ASD NII • Program Requirements Changes • Statute Define Issues ID potential issues Internal • Mr. Grimes • PA&E External • War fighter? • Issue Papers • Community Support • Money awarded to project End Confirm upload submitted Socialize & staff Issues Management Determination VOB VOC Quality Speed Cost Input Metrics Process Metrics Output Metrics # of issues, offsets and enhancements that are accepted for (1) program and (2) budget review ?Cost of resources to rework and produce issue papers • Rework time • Issues per year • Level of Effort • Timing of input • Total length of time req'd • Cycle Time • $ to develop/champion • USG/contractor costs FTE required to complete issues
SIPOC Example 2: Reducing Response Time for Congressional Inquiries Inputs Process Suppliers Customers Outputs WHS-CCD tasks NII NII Admin determines DASD Ofc NII Admin emails to DASD Ofc DASD Ofc forwards to Directorate • Congress Letters Responses ASD (NII) Congress AO drafts response; obtains coords AO forwards response to DASD Ofc & CR&A CR&A reviews & forwards to NII Admin CR&A forwards to NII Admin NII Admin forwards to PD NII ASD NII approves response PD NII forwards to ASD NII NII Admin delivers response to Congress Input Metrics Process Metrics Output Metrics Customer ASD(NII) Quality • Clarify of inquiry • Number of inquiries/week Response accuracy and tone % rework at each step Coordination Speed • # of process steps • Time to complete steps • Time to deliver response • Delay time between • Response cycle time w/in 7 days Response cycle time w/in x days ASD(NII) Congress Time to receive request 12 man hours/per month for reworks, $60 per hour of labor Cost 100% on time delivery (<20 days)
Identify Our Process Boundaries and Customers • What is the Start and End of the Title 40/CCA Certification & Confirmation Process? Title 40/CCA Certification and Confirmation Process Outputs Customer Suppliers Inputs Process Activity A1 Start Milestone A Milestone B Milestone C Activity An End
Identify Our Process Boundaries and Customers • Who are the Title 40/CCA Certification & Confirmation Process customers? • How do we measure their satisfaction with this process? Title 40/CCA Certification and Confirmation Process Outputs Customer Suppliers Inputs Process Activity A1 Start Milestone A Milestone B Milestone C Activity An End
SIPOC How-To’s & Instructions 1 What is the Process Name, Start & End Points? Suppliers Inputs Process Outputs Customers Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 2 • ? • ? • ? • ? • ? • ? • ? • ? • ? • ? • ? • ? 5 Start Who’s the Customer? What do we need to use? 4 6 3 How do we produce it? Who supplies it? What do they get? Step 7 Step 6 Step 5 End 7 Process Metrics How can we measure this? • Exercise Instructions • Review the Process Start and End points (previous exercise) • From the homework and others feedback identify the customers (C) • Write each on a post-it note • Place the notes on the appropriate VOB or VOC block • Identify the Outputs (O) the customers and the business produce • From the homework and others feedback identify how we measure (7)customer satisfaction • Identify teams/individuals to draft remaining SIPOC
Start – a decision is made (e.g., JROCM or ADM) Stop – CCA Certification or Confirmation signed by appropriate CIO Identify Our Process Boundaries and Customers CCA Certification and Confirmation Process Outputs Customer Suppliers Inputs Process Start JCIDS ICD (inc MOEs) JROC Functional Sponsor Required Capability MOEs 5000.02 User Team AoA Team 3 Pesky Questions AoA MDA Functional Sponsor EA APB Architecture IA Strategy Registration 5000.02 Multiple Program Manager MDA FAR Requirements Procurement law Contracting Officer Modular Contract MDA Congressional Defense Committees CCA All Outputs End MDA CCA Certification 25
AIR FORCE CCA COMPLIANCE PROCESS - Slide 1 Utilizing CCA and DoD and AF policies and instructions, the Air Force has designed a process to ensure that MAIS and MDAP (ACAT I) programs are in compliance with CCA. Confirmation of compliance with CCA has been defined by DoD as verifying compliance with the 11 key elements that are identified in DoDI 5000.2 (Enclosure 4). CCA compliance is the responsibility of the Chief of Warfighting Integration and Chief Information Officer (CIO) of the Air Force (SAF/XC). We recommend that, to ensure that obtaining CCA confirmation from the AF CIO’s office does not negatively impact program schedules, the acquisition team/program manager takes into consideration the time required to obtain CCA confirmation of compliance when developing the project schedule, preparing program documentation, and approaching program Milestones. PMs are encouraged to submit drafts of the CCA Compliance Report itself and supporting documentation to SAF/XCPP at least four months before the milestone review is scheduled to allow sufficient time for multiple review and revisions, if needed. A schedule should also be developed for specific documents that directly support CCA compliance, such as the Information Assurance Strategy (IAS) and the Information Support Plan (ISP). These documents usually take much longer to prepare than four months so an appropriate amount of time should be set aside for their preparation. IASs and ISPs can be submitted for review before the CCA Compliance Report is submitted, or they can be reviewed at the same time as the CCA Compliance Report. A single point of contact has been established in SAF/XCPP for CCA compliance. This results in the avoidance of multiple reviews and taskings on the same documents. The person who coordinates CCA Compliance Report reviews also coordinates the review of other CCA-related reviews (e.g. acquisition and milestones) and coordinates with those responsible for other certification processes, such as NDAA. When a program’s draft CCA Compliance Report is ready for review, the program’s PM should notify SAF/XCPP that a draft CCA Compliance Report will be forthcoming. Once notified, SAF/XCPP staff will set up a folder for that particular program in the CCA folder on the XC “X” Drive. That folder, accessible to our Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), will include all drafts of the CCA reports and all supporting documentation and correspondence (except for the ISP, which is located on a different site). That folder will also include sub-folders for all XC CCA activities related to the program including Acquisition Strategy Panels, Air Force Review Boards, etc.
AIR FORCE CCA COMPLIANCE PROCESS – Slide 2 After the program’s draft CCA Compliance Report is received by SAF/XCPP, XCPP will notify the SMEs that the documents are available for review. SAF/XCPP employs a consistent and repeatable review protocol that is conducted as quickly and comprehensively as possible (usually about two weeks for the review of a first draft CCA Compliance Report). All CCA Compliance Reports undergo a rigorous review process coordinated by SAF/XCPP that includes SMEs drawn from across XC (XCPPB, XCPPI, XCPA, XCT, and AFFMA), and AFCAA. The SMEs address resource and cost issues; information assurance; net-centricity, GIG compliance, and enterprise architecture; space; spectrum management; ISP compliance; and EITDR registration. As part of that process, XC also reviews the program’s ISP and IAS. We also ask other XC offices to review the report in case they have any XC equities in the program. The SMEs review the draft CCA Compliance Report and any accompanying documents in terms of the CCA compliance requirements that pertain to their area of expertise. They then provide to SAF/XCPP an item level assessment consisting of a brief narrative assessment and a recommended evaluation criteria (e.g., compliant, marginal, or non-compliant). If there are issues that require resolution, SAF/XCPP will coordinate and then send the collective SME item level assessments to the PM. SAF/XCPP will separately notify the program’s CCA POC when the IAS is approved by SAF/XCPPI. The desired outcome of the SAF/XC CCA review and approval process is a final CCA confirmation or certification assessment that recommends the program under review be formally confirmed or certified as CCA compliant. Therefore, we will conduct as many reviews of the draft CCA Compliance Report until all are satisfied that the document is ready for formal submission by the program to SAF/XC for approval, and for a subsequent formal and final review by SAF/XCPP. After an approved CCA Compliance Report has been prepared by XCPP, XCPP prepares a package for SAF/XC-2 that includes the CCA Compliance Report (including signature sheet), a PowerPoint presentation that describes and analyzes the CCA report, and a memorandum for XC-2’s signature that indicates his approval of the CCA Compliance Report. If approved, SAF/XC will transmit to the DoD CIO (1) a signed memorandum that states that the project is being developed in accordance with Subtitle III of Title 40/CCA and (2) the CCA Compliance Table (Table E.4.T1 from DoDI 5000.2). SAF/XC will also notify the Milestone Decision Authority (MDA) that the program is compliant with Title 40/CCA so that the MDA may render Milestone decisions and authorize contract awards.
PEO Acquisition Process Supports the following CCA Elements CCA Question 5 CCA Question 6 CCA Question 7 CCA Question 8 CCA Questions 9 CCA Question 10 CAE/CIO Documents Released to OSD As Appropriate OSD • *PEO Review Board • PEO, Chair • Logistics Operations Representative • Information Operations Representative • Customer Operations and Readiness • Representative • Human Resources Representative • Financial Operations Representative • DLA Support Services Representative • Joint Reserve Force Representative CDD, CPD Prepare Program Documentation Documentation Review APB Request MS Review ACAT IA • Coordinate with • functional expert • (internal/external) Request Pre-MS Review EA etc. Major Program CAE/CIO As Appropriate ACAT IIIA Program determined to be high risk, high interest, high cost CDD, CPD Document Internal Approval Prepare Program Documentation APB Request MS Review Pre-MS Review PEO Review Board* • CAE • CIO • Transformation • Executive Board (TEB) • Coordinate with • functional expert • Gain concurrence EA etc. Qtrly Review ACAT IIIB Milestone Review Program determined to be moderate to low risk, moderate interest, moderate cost • Change • Continue • Terminate Concerns Issues (Tailored) Program Status Reporting PEO and/or ACAT IIIC Lead Organization Program determined to be low risk, moderate to low interest, low cost Lead Organization Review Status of DLA Interest • Cost, Schedule, Performance • Assessment • Acquisition Process Compliance • Configuration Management • Portfolio Control and Evaluation • In Progress Reviews Current and Legacy Systems • Change • Continue • Terminate OSD Joint Programs DLA Rep(s) LCM Figure 1 CCA Question 2
Title 40/CCA Project Planning • Our project is complex and will require detailed project planning. • Project management can serve several functions: • At the most detailed level, project management can be used to organize and coordinate the team’s project work activities • At a task summary level, schedulesand deadlines can be reviewedby management • At the milestone level, progresscan be reviewed and multiple projects can be monitored by executives/sponsors/champions
Managing Risk • A proactive approach to identifying and managing change resistance is needed. • Resistance does not go away with time. • All aspects of complex change need to be managed to make progress. Consider what we Have and what is Missing Case for Change Vision Skills Incentives Resources Action Plan Change
Next Steps Next Meeting: 16 September (every Tuesday: 9 AM – 11 AM, CS4 - Room 310) Homework: TBD Action Item: TBD TBD Focus: TBD 33
Why we are here?…The Issue The Issue as agreed to by the Co-Sponsors … The Title 40/CCA Certification and Confirmation process, if done effectively, could be viewed by users as value added rather than burdensome and labor intensive.
DMAIC Summary In Plain Language DMAIC Methodology • Project Charter • CTQ’s • Process Map / SIPOC • What are you doing and why? • What is most important to achieve? • What part of the process is the focus? Scope Problem Define Define • Project Y Defined • Y Data Displayed • Data Collection Plan • Process Sigma • What is your project goal? • Baseline data (how bad is it?) • How will you measure your performance? • How are you performing today? Define Y Measure Measure How bad? • Identify X’s • Very Critical X’s • Refine Financial Benefits • Why does problem exist? • Which causes are most critical? • Benefits of improving the process? Causes Analyze Analyze Y=f(X’s) • Test potential solutions • Pick most effective solution and pilot • Validate cost savings—is it worth doing? • Identify & Test Solutions • Select Best Solution • Cost/Benefit Analysis Test Solutions Improve Improve • How do we sustain the gains? • Mistake proofing • Complete implementation plan • Evaluate risks • Change documentation and monitor • Develop Control Plan • Fully Implement Solution • Communicate Results • Close Project Sustain Control New SOP Control
Strategic Objectives Strategy/Tactics Key Processes Project Identification Mission Vision Critical to Success QUALITY / COST / DELIVERY Metrics Must be able to tell us if we are meeting objectives Prioritize initiatives according to their impact on the Mission Objectives that are most important to the achievement of our Strategic Objectives. Process Improvement Projects
SIPOC to Measurement Process Owner/ Team Customer Scorecards Process Dashboards On time Delivery ppm Critical Function Warranty Input Process Output Ia e Customer Productivity e e Ib Ya Yb Yi Xa Xb Xc Xi Outputs Inputs Ii Processes
1.0 Define Opportunities 1.0 Define Opportunities 2.0 Measure Performance 3.0 Analyze Opportunity 4.0 Improve Performance 5.0 Control Performance Objective Main Activities Potential Tools and Techniques Key Deliverables • Validate/Identify Business Opportunity • Validate/Develop Team Charter • Identify and Map Processes • Identify Quick Win and Refine Process • Translate VOC into CCRs • Develop Team Guidelines & Ground Rules To identify and/or validate the improvement opportunity, develop the business processes, define critical customer requirements, and prepare themselves to be an effective project team. • Team Charter • Action Plan • Process Maps • Quick Win Opportunities • Critical Customer Requirements • Prepared Team
Identify Quick- Wins QUICK WIN CRITERIA Easy to Implement: Making the change or improvement does not require a great deal of coordination, planning, or approvals outside of the team's scope. Fast to Implement: Making the change or improvement does not require a great deal of time. Cheap to Implement: The change or improvement does not require a large investment of capital, human resources, equipment or technology. Within the Team's Control: The team and its management are able to gain the support of the people needed to make the change. The scope of the change is within the team's ability to influence its implementation. Reversible: If I make a change it can it be reversed quickly, easily and without a lot of resources. Given the fact that the team does not fully understand theeffect and implications of making the quick win change, once made, you wantto be confident that the change can be reversed without dramaticramifications. This helps mitigate rework, unnecessary problems,organizational conflict, etc. Everyone Agrees: The team must agree that it meets ALL of the above criteria and it's worth while to do. If it takes the team more than a day to come to a conclusion it is not Quick or Cheap or Easy, etc...let it go and consider it in Improve. All 1 to 6 MUST BE TRUE for an improvement idea to be a quick win.
Conversion of the VOC to CTQ • Teams will often need to translate customer requirements from general, ambiguous, vague or emotional customer feedback or comments. Critical To Quality The specific, precise and measurable expectation which a customer has regarding a product or service. • Mower starts within two pulls on the cord • Mower starts with an effortless pull on the cord no exceeding 24” in length · Mower starts within two pulls on the cord · Mower starts with an effortless pull on the cord not exceeding 24” in length · Customer reaches correct person the first time within 30 · Every design feature needed is built into the package · The software is fully operational on the customer’s existing system
Measuring Critical to Quality (CTQ Example) Output Indicator • Decision delivery cycle time: From the first application information given by the customer to the customer receiving notice of approval or non-approval. • Number of times the customer had to provide more information after application submitted. • Actual delivery time of loan vs. promised approval time. • Number of promised loans that were not able to be obtained. CTQ • Decision is made within the 30 days after request is identified. • Application is accepted by bank the first time. How does the customer measure their requirement?
What you Want it to be.. What you Believe it is... What it Actuallyis... Process Mapping • Helps identify improvement opportunities Cut Waste & Remove Non-Value Added Activities
Process Mapping Guidelines • The Process Map should contain enough detail to enable effective analysis • It should illustrate both the work flow and the organizational interaction • It should use a common language • It should capture all paths, decisions, and rework loops • It should contain adequate detail • Too much detail is incomprehensible • Too little detail has no analytical value
No Yes Standard Process Mapping Symbols t# can be used on an arrow to denote a point in the process we will or can measure time
2.0 Measure Performance 2.0 Measure Performance 3.0 Analyze Opportunity 4.0 Improve Performance 5.0 Control Performance 1.0 Define Opportunities Objective Main Activities Potential Tools and Techniques Key Deliverables To identify critical measures that are necessary to evaluate the success meeting critical customer requirements and begin developing a methodology to effectively collect data to measure process performance. To understand the elements of the Lean Six Sigma calculation and establish baseline sigma for the processes the team is analyzing. • Identify Input, Process and Output Indicators • Develop Operational Definition & Measurement Plan • Plot and Analyze Data • Determine if Special Cause Exists • Determine Sigma Performance • Collect Other Baseline Performance Data • Input, Process and Output Indicators • Operational Definitions • Data Collection Formats and Plans • Baseline Lean Six Sigma Performance • Productive Team Atmosphere • Storyboard
Actions Actions Projects Actions Projects Actions Actions Projects Title 40/CCA LSS Approach…Defined Critical to Quality Metrics being the Key In order to define high-impact LSS improvement projects, and have short-term results the team will take a top-down bottom-up approach … Starting with Capturing Customer Wants & Needs Title 40/CCA Umbrella Opportunity Top Define Critical to Quality (CTQ) Metrics Up Voice of the Customer SME’s Experience Deliver Certifications & Confirmations On time Achieve Quality Commitment TBD Down Bottom Deliver the right IT Capabilities Meet the 11 CCA Requirements Provide Support to Critical Supplier MS A MS B MS C/ FRP TBD TBD TBD Actions Quick-wins…CPI Projects…Kaizen events…Just-do-it’s…LSS DMAIC Projects
Title 40/CCA …Umbrella LSS Charter Umbrella Problem/Goal Statement Umbrella Business Impact/Case Who/What: DoD CIO and AT&L What: The Title 40/CCA process is perceived as non-value added, with redundant inputs, documentation and oversight. Roles, responsibilities, and metrics are unclear, and the process is not consistently executed or linked to the organizational mission and goals. When: Since Title 40/CCA certification and confirmation requirement began in 2001and further validated by 2005 Assessment. Scope: The end-to-end Title 40/CCA certification and confirmation process across the DoD. Goal: Using Subject Matter Experts to provide VOC input, identify process and metric gaps and select potential sub-projects aligned with umbrella charter. Title 40/CCA non-compliance results in violation of federal law/regulation, program delays, cost increases, and ultimately delaying delivery of needed capabilities to the war-fighter. The Title 40/CCA Certification and Confirmation process, if done effectively, could be viewed by users as value added rather than burdensome and labor intensive. Homework Umbrella Team Proposed Way Ahead • Co-Sponsors: Mr. Wennergren & Dr. Spruill • Co-Process Owners: Ed Wingfield & Ric Sylvester • LSS Master Black Belt: Tomatra Minor • Core Team: 6 total from DoD CIO and AT&L • Extended Team: 20+ SMEs from different DoD groups 7/07 Kick-off 7/30 Title 40/CCA LSS Champion Awareness Training 8/18 Working team Kick-off (start collecting VOC and metrics data) 9/22 Identify quick wins and projects 10/6 Select and launch DMAIC projects
Title 40/CCA LSS Path to Success • Viewing the Title 40/CCA Transformation in a series of scoped generations, allows us to Aim at the Short Term desired state with a View of the Future desired state…..thus allowing us to make conscious decisions about what we will and won’t do each generation, and allow us to change the generations and plan of action as we know more about what we don’s know in our present state. Vision Objectives