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Rounding Whole Number & Decimals

Rounding Whole Number & Decimals. Rounding & Estimating. In our everyday lives we do not always need exact numbers or exact calculations. We often use estimations that we get by rounding off numbers. A marine biologist estimates that there are 3 000 000 jack-fish in a lake

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Rounding Whole Number & Decimals

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Rounding Whole Number & Decimals

  2. Rounding & Estimating • In our everyday lives we do not always need exact numbers or exact calculations. • We often use estimations that we get by rounding off numbers

  3. A marine biologist estimates that there are 3 000 000 jack-fish in a lake You estimate that your total grocery bill will be $75 before you get to the check out You parents estimate your vacation expenses before you go on vacation as shown on the next slide Examples

  4. Expected Vacation Expenses for a One Week Period TOTAL = $1750 (approximately) It would be impossible to calculate the actual cost before the trip, so you use estimates.

  5. To Round… (write this as a note in your notebook!) • Look at the digit to the right of the place to which you are rounding • If the digit is 5 or greater, add 1 to the place digit • If the digit is less than 5, leave the place digit as is • Change all the digits to the right of the place digit to 0.

  6. Round to nearest hundred • Is the number in the tens column 5 or greater? • Yes • Change the 3 in the hundreds column to a 4 and the remaining numbers become 0s. • 1 342 400.0000 or 1 342 400

  7. Practice • http://www.funbrain.com/tens/index.html • Practice • http://www.aaastudy.com/

  8. Today’s Work

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