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The Fathers Touch Childcare Center. Parent Handbook. “were every child is special and unique” Valawaugn McCain - Director. The Fathers Touch Childcare Center. Parent’s and Guardian's,
The Fathers Touch Childcare Center ParentHandbook “were every child is special and unique” Valawaugn McCain - Director
The Fathers Touch Childcare Center Parent’s and Guardian's, I would like to thank you for taking an interest in The Fathers Touch child care center. We believe that it is not by chance that you are interested in our facility but that it is a divine appointment. We are a Christian based facility and we will engage in spiritual activities at the child care center throughout the day. I believe that children are not our Future, but our Today. I feel that all children are gifts from God and are in-trusted by God into our care. I hope you see that this childcare center is not as any other, but unique, giving each child the opportunity to show their creativity through play. We look forward to serving you in the future. Valawaugn McCain- Director- Owner
Mission Statement It is our belief here at The Fathers Touch Childcare Center that every child is a gift from God, special and unique. We offer childcare support and services to typical as well as special needs children that our facility can accommodate. We believe in caring for the needs of the whole child. We believe that children with developmental, physical, social and emotional needs can benefit in a learning environment with other children. We will strive to provide quality care were they can explore the world around them.
Philosophy The Fathers Touch Child care Center is a Christian based facility. We are dedicated to teaching all children. We welcome children of all nationalities and disabilities. Our desire is to give the children in our care the love, attention, and developmentally appropriate curriculum for their specific needs. We believe that we are one big family striving for one common goal, that our children have Christian values and be successful. We believe that it starts here. Children learn from the time they are born; we want to give them a positive out-look on life.
Program Policies Upon starting at the daycare these are the policies that will be enforced. All paperwork should be turned in prior to enrollment. Parent fees are due the first day your child comes to the center. If you have an infant you must bring on the first day at the center: one pack of pampers, one container of wipes, one extra can of milk, bottles labeled,(name and date) and a change of clothes. You are allowed to bring cover but it is not required. For toddlers you must bring a box of pampers or pull ups, one box of wipes, a blanket and two sets of clothes. *NOTE if your child needs to wear a tee shirt during the winter months please send extra tee shirts so that if he/she has an accident we will have another one. * ALL children must wear closed toe shoes, flip flops are not allowed, only closed toe sandals can be worn during the summer months. If in the event that your child is not appropriately dressed then your child will have to go back with you *NO EXCEPTIONS! If your child gets sick you will be contacted. By law every child must go outside. If your child cannot go outside then we ask that you keep your child home. If you have any question please Contact me at 910-379-9266
Operational Polices The childcare center will open up at 6:30am Monday- Friday and will close at 6:00pm. Children are to be picked up by 6:00pm if your child is not picked up on time then a late fee of $10.00 will be assed and one dollar every minute there after. All children must arrive before 9:00am * Note no one will be accepted after 9:00am unless your allotted time is in the afternoon or you have a physicians note stating the reason for the tardiness. *ALL CHILDREN MUST BE SIGNED IN AND OUT BY AN ADULT EVERYDAY FALIURE TO DO SO COULD RESULT IN TERMINATION. No outside food or drinks are allowed in the childcare facility unless approved by the director and it must be accompanied by a doctors note. THE CENTER WILL BE CLOSED NEW YEAR EVE AND NEW YEAR DAY CHRISTMAS EVE AND CHRISTMAS DAY THANKSGIVING DAY INCLEMENT WEATHER THE CENTER WILL BE CLOSED IF THE COUNTY IS CLOSED. PLEASE LOOK AT THE LOCAL NEWS FOR INFORMATION. *** I RESEVE THE RIGHT TO CHANGE OPERATIONAL POLICES. REVISED WRITTEN POLICY WILL BE GIVEN.
Center Goals • We will provide a safe and inviting environment in and outdoors for our children. • The children will explore and have new experiences that will promote physical, Social, and emotional development. • We will help children gain healthy and positive sense of self, identity and independence. • We will teach the children in our care how to express their feelings in constructive ways. • The children will practice good hand washing skills and pray before every meal. • We will teach proper nutrition and hygiene. • We will teach that every child is special and unique and we will respect and learn about different cultures. • We will teach that each one may look different but they are still important. • Most of all the children in our care will have fun!
A Child Lives What He Learns If a child lives with criticism, he learns to condemn. If a child lives with ridicule, he learns to be shy. If a child lives with hostility, he learns to fight. If a child lives with shame, he learns to feel guilty. If a child lives with tolerance, he learns to be patient. If a child lives with encouragement, he learns confidence. If a child lives with praise, he learns appreciation. If a child lives with fairness, he learns justice. If a child lives with security, he learns to have faith. If a child lives with approval, he learns to like himself. If a child lives with acceptance and friendship, he learns to find love in the world. ~author unknown A parent is a child’s first teacher we must teach: Love Respect Self Worth Patience Friendship Discipline Truthfulness And so much more! Be that parent that has a positive relationship with your little one and it will reap successful children and a life filled with joy!
Admission Policies • We offer services to children Birth to twelve years old. • If you are on the waiting list you will be contacted when a slot has opened. • We do not turn anyone away except if our facility cannot accommodate for the specific need. • All enrollment forms must be submitted prior to the first day of childcare. • We encourage you to plan to stay with your child for a half a day until the child is comfortable with you leaving. We want to make the transition easy for all our children. • We reserve the right to dismiss a child from our program if the child is unable to adjust after a reasonable amount of time. All measures and effort will be taken however to help the child adjust. • We ask that you have an updated address and phone number on file as well as updated names and numbers of family members that can pick up your child. ALL VISITORS MUST PRESENT AN ID WHEN PICKING UP YOUR CHILD • In compliance with the Civil Rights Acts of 1964, the center will not exclude any child on the basis of race, color, or national origin. • We believe in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) a law ensuring services to children with disabilities throughout the nation. IDEA governs how states and public agencies provide early intervention, special education and related services to more than 6.5 million eligible infants, toddlers, children and youth with disabilities. • Infants and toddlers with disabilities (birth-2) and their families receive early intervention services under IDEA Part C. Children and youth (ages 3-21) receive special education and related services under IDEA Part B.
Fee Schedule • For Parents that get paid by the month parent fee is due on the third of the month. • Parents that get paid twice a month payments are due on the first and the fifteenth of the month. • Parents that get paid weekly parent fee is due every Monday. • Late fee is ten dollars every week it is late. • Fees are subject to change a thirty day notice will be given before the change takes place.
Fee Chart • The Fathers Touch Childcare Center reserves the right to change fees at anytime, • and will notify you thirty days in advance before the change takes place. • Thank You, • Valawaugn McCain
Parent Obligations • To call when child is going to be absent or late. • Parent must leave written notice or call if someone else will be picking up your child. • Make arrangements for your child to be picked up if he/she is sick. • Child must come to the childcare center completely dressed • Extra clothing must be provided to the center in case of accident's. • No food or snacks can come to the childcare center unless director has authorized. • Parents must provide the necessary items for their child's care (pampers, pull ups, formula, wipes, etc.)
Child Abuse and Neglect Child abuse and neglect comes in many forms. If a care giver is suspects a parent of such abuse by law the childcare center must report the abuse. By no means will The Fathers Touch Childcare Center allow any staff member to abuse a child or neglect a child! Child abuse is real and all employees have to go through a Criminal Background check before they are hired.
Parent Conference and Meetings Please feel free to discuss your child's progress or concerns with your child's teacher. We do ask however, that it is in a private setting away from the other children and your child. We welcome any suggestions and questions you may have. If there is anything going on at home that is affecting your child, please let us know so we will be able to encourage your child and help is some way. If the teachers need to have a conference with you a note will be sent home requesting a conference.
Family Involvement At The Fathers Touch Childcare Center we want you to know that you are welcome to come and visit us anytime. All throughout the year we will have opportunities for you to get involved with the activities of the center. We have volunteer opportunities for you if your work schedule permits. Family is important to us so we would like to see your lovely face and I know just spending a little time out here will put a smile on your child's face. Please come join us!
Discipline Policy Children in our care will not be subject to any form of corporal punishment by any personnel or volunteer at the center this includes: • Shaking, pushing, pinching, slapping, biting, kicking, or spanking • No food will be withheld as a means of discipline. • No child will ever be disciplined for lapses in toilet training or for not sleeping at nap time. *All staff members have been instructed to abide by these rules. *** These are the steps that will be taken upon a child's mistaken behavior: • A Time out chair will be used as recommended by state guidelines. • The child will be placed in a separate supervised area. • Parents will be notified if the child's behavior dose not improve and the child continues with unruly behavior.
Policy Acceptance Statement I have read The Fathers Touch Childcare Center Parent Handbook and hereby agree to the polices and regulations stated therein. Parent/Guardian Signature__________________ Date_________________