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Fathers, men and childcare Early Years Forum

Fathers, men and childcare Early Years Forum. Thom Crabbe Working with Fathers 2005. Background to Daycare Trust’s work. Core Daycare Trust issues Childcare Workforce & Equalities National Childcare Week, June 2003 Unprecedented interest and coverage (on going)

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Fathers, men and childcare Early Years Forum

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  1. Fathers, men and childcare Early Years Forum Thom Crabbe Working with Fathers 2005

  2. Background to Daycare Trust’s work • Core Daycare Trust issues • Childcare Workforce & Equalities • National Childcare Week, June 2003 • Unprecedented interest and coverage (on going) • MORI Survey/Famous Fathers/Men’s work?/He who cares wins • Building support and trust of Sure Start Unit • National Recruitment Event, March 2004 • Work in Strategic Contract 2004/05,05/06 • Committed and determined • Delivery team and contacts

  3. Quick reminder of the issues • 1-2%, despite a 6% target by 2004 • Established attitudes of : men and boys, mums and dads, workers, employers, training colleges, careers services… our society. • Low status, low pay, poor prospects • “Not a job for a man”

  4. But… • Some examples of success/progress, men in childcare champions • Changing nature of work and careers in the sector • Social attitudes may be changing • Increasing discussion of gender dimensions of work and care • Basic need for an expanding workforce

  5. Our methods • Built on significant interest at national recruitment event • LAs invited to express interest – 50 did so 38 in fuller detail • Development of resources and materials • 8 local consultancy pilot projects underway • Birmingham, Telford & Worcs, Herts & Beds, West Yorks ( Wakefield, Bradford, Calderdale, Kirklees), York, North East (G’head, Durham, Stockton, Darlington, N’umberland) West London ( Ealing, H&F,Richmond, Hounslow), Rotherham

  6. Key strands of our work so far • Local action plans • General and focussed awareness raising • Public messages, influencing key audiences men,employers, training providers • Specific focus on generating and processing male enquirers • Advertising, male only tasters and into training, tracking (and supporting) enquirers

  7. Support to male workers • Mentoring, peer group, routine support, working with female colleagues,’gender talk’ and resilience • Changing expectations of work in the sector • Work with school careers services, Connexions, LSC, work experience • Case studies, role models, career pathways • Extending existing work with fathers and men • Building on positive experience and tradition • Making it a core issue • Building conviction and skills in LA teams • Rotherham £150k LSC funding over three years

  8. Next steps • Continuing to make progress with local projects, following up into 2005/06 • Revising resources and materials from experience for wider use • Dissemination via regional workshops, write ups and additional local work • Future campaigning work to maintain momentum • Working with other organisations PLA, Fathers Direct, EOC • Men in Childcare Network

  9. Fathers and childcare • A tradition of involvement to be built on • Father-friendly childcare • Choosing childcare • Fathers,mothers and the economics of childcare • Fathers - less comfortable with male childcarers ?

  10. Issues for discussion • Is more men working in childcare a good thing, and why ? • How might work with fathers better assist the recruitment of male childcare workers ? • What practical steps could be made to make childcare more father-friendly ? • How we do influence future attitudes of boys to fatherhood and working with children ?

  11. Thank you For further information and discussion please contact tcrabbe@daycaretrust.org.uk 020 7840 3350 x 208

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