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“ The Future Ain’t What It Used to Be ” 26 Cultural Trends Changing America. Cultural Trends Transforming Your Life, Your Job, Your Work, Your World. Presented by: Joseph P. Herrity Owner/Trainer/Consultant Preferred Visions, LLC West Des Moines, Iowa 50265
“ The Future Ain’t What It Used to Be ” 26 Cultural Trends Changing America Cultural Trends Transforming Your Life, Your Job, Your Work, Your World Presented by: Joseph P. Herrity Owner/Trainer/Consultant Preferred Visions, LLC West Des Moines, Iowa 50265 515-225-3650 l joeherrity@msn.com
“ The Future Ain’t What It Used to Be ” 26 Cultural Trends Changing America Cultural Trends Transforming Your Life, Your Job, Your Work, Your World Information presented in this presentation was secured from the USA Today, Newsweek, the Des Moines Register, the Pew Research Center, and numerous other assorted publications, trade journals as well as internet research conducted by Preferred Visions, LLC. The information used in this presentation is not a complete profile or treatise on the subject of cultural trends going in America today. The information was gathered specifically for the audience this presentation is being shared with in the hopes of creating a better understanding of trend knowledge needed for better programming and planning purposes.
Cultural Trends in America “What seems nasty, painful, evil, can become a source of beauty, joy, and strength, if faced with an open mind. Every moment is a golden one for him who has the vision to recognize it as such.” Henry Miller (1891 -1980) Author, Writer Beginning Perspective
Cultural Trends #1 in America Record immigration creates unparalleled racial and ethnic diversity. Hispanics overtake blacks as the largest minority. The federal government lets people identify themselves as of more than one race. SINKS, DINKS, Gen-X’s, Gen-Y’s, Baby Boomers, Millennial, etc. American culture gets Latinized. There's a backlash -- the English-as-an-official language movement. Diversity
Cultural Trends # 2 in America More women in the workplace. More poor women on the job, off welfare. The income gap between the sexes narrows -- in 2005, women earned $.77 cents for every dollar men make. Equal pay for equal work. Title IX. Mainstreaming the disabled. Fighting for Equity
Cultural Trends # 3 in America The oldest of 79 million baby boomers turn 65 this year. Twenty-five years ago, the oldest were 40. Cost of health care multiplies. People have multiple careers. More life stages – intergenerational living - from three generations to six (tweeners, 20-somethings, middle-age, young old, old, oldest old). Migration from North to South; cold to warmth; rust to sunbelts. Millions living longer
Cultural Trends # 4 in America Globalization takes hold. NAFTA in this country. European Union reorganization and influence. Rise of India, China, and Brazil emerge as economic powerhouses. Outsourcing. Living in other countries and still remain American citizens, e.g. Mexico, Ireland, Italy, and Costa Rica. It's a small world after all
Cultural Trends # 5 in America Going Green Movement. The worry over climate change becomes so widespread that average folks discuss their carbon footprint. The Kyoto Accord. The shrinking polar ice cap, melting glaciers and rise in ocean levels. Monster hurricanes. Killer Tornado’s. Tsunami’s. El Niño, La Niña. The Destruction of the Amazon Forest and River. Global warming
Cultural Trends # 6 in America Same-sex marriage, all but 41 states ban it. Iowa approved it - 3 Supreme Court Justices voted off the bench. Civil unions. Matthew Shepard. Ellen DeGeneres and other stars come out. Tea party movement again gay rights. Military says, "Don't ask, don't tell." Gay rights gain ground Talk show host and comedian Ellen DeGeneres. By Chris Pizzello, AP
Cultural Trends # 7 in America Fear of terrorism changes our lives, the way we live, how we travel, and how we live. Stranger Danger Syndrome. Color-coded threat levels. We take off our shoes at airports. X-ray and body scanner machines peek under our clothes. No-fly lists. Columbine memories. 911 Tower Bombings. Bird Flu Pandemic. Amber alerts, America's Most Wanted. Crime rates drop. Increase in Home security systems. Personal safety. Car panic alarms. Washington DC Snipers. Are we safe?
Cultural Trends # 8 in America In 1982, cigarettes were allowed almost everywhere. First, they were banned in offices; then restaurants; public places (e.g. shopping malls) and now your car maybe next. No longer socially acceptable practice or behavior. Most states and schools districts prohibit them on school or public grounds and in official cars. Nicotine patch. Nicotine gum.Hypnosis to stop smoking. Snuffing out smoking?
Cultural Trends # 9 in America Fat kids-Fat adults. New dietary guidelines-lean meats; more vegetables Ban on trans fats in packaged foods sold. Push for exercise, walking, and a more healthy lifestyle. More Sugar in our diets. Diabetes rates soar. The Biggest Loser on TV. Lipitor and cholesterol levels. Increase sales in weight management foods and supplements. Obesity crisis
Cultural Trends # 10 in America Cell phones – Druid’s, Blackberries, Smart phones. The revolutionary switch from cassettes and VHS to CDs and DVDs to cloud storage. The Internet opens the floodgates. MySpace.com. Facebook. Blogs. It's all about customization and personalization. Shop and watch TV programs when you want (Amazon.com, TiVo). Download the song or movie you want and listen to it when you want (iPod, MP3s). Capture every moment and play it for a worldwide audience (Youtube.com, camera phones, reality TV). Kindles and Nooks. Tech creates cult of 'me'
Cultural Trends # 11 in America Americans want elbow room. Land is cheaper away from cities. Sprawl accelerates. Exurbs. Extreme commutes. Traffic congestion worsens. Rural areas surrounding urban areas grow. The smart growth movement -- getting people to eat up less open space and reduce driving -- takes off. Spreading out
Cultural Trends # 12 in America Bigger is better. McMansions. SUVs. Minivans. Mega churches. Wal-Mart, Targets, Lowe’s, Home Depot, and other big-box stores. Megaplex theaters. Hardees's Monster Thickburger (1,420 calories). Supersized drinks. Costco and Sam Club stores – buying in bulk. Supersizing
Cultural Trends # 13 in America It's not just for granola-crunching tree huggers anymore. There's a waiting list for hybrid cars. Curbside recycling. Low-flow toilets and showers. Organic foods in most supermarkets. Solar and wind power. Green office buildings. Battles over energy drilling, water, and nuclear waste. Conservation of resources in all areas. Going green
Cultural Trends # 14 in America Reagan Revolution. Bill Clinton. George Bush. Barack Obama. Rush Limbaugh, Al Franken. Shawn Hannity. Bill O’Reilly. The Culture War Battle.Red and blue states. Conservatives vs. Liberals. Rich vs. Poor. Middle Class reshaping. Those who have it vs. those who don’t. Entitlement benefits vs. work. Social Security and Medicare benefit plans changing. Political polarization. A nation divided
Cultural Trends # 15 in America Enjoying fancy perks no longer takes Bill Gates' fortune. Average person can enjoy $4 cups of coffee at Starbucks. Bottled water, feast on Godiva chocolates, gourmet popcorn. Heated car seats, GPS guidance systems, tire pressure monitors. Multiple TV’s in American homes. Satellite or cable TV vs. local TV. Multi function digital devices for home, office, and personal use. More choice in food stores, clothing, vacations,travel, etc. Luxury goes mainstream
Cultural Trends # 16 in America Mom and Dad both work. Children's overbooked schedules. Demise of the family dinner time. Boomerang kids. Helicopter parents. Unconventional families (gay parents, step parents, single parents). Blended families. Cultural differences of what a family means by ethnic culture….e.g. Asian family vs. Hispanic family The end of Ozzie and Harriet families
Cultural Trends # 17 in America Let's get physical. South Beach. Atkins. Weight Watchers. Vitamin and food supplements. Kickboxing. Tae-bo. Thighmaster. Pilates. BowFlex. Lean and trim is in; being overweight is dangerous to your health. For results, see No. 9 Looking younger and recapturing youth.The new 60 ! Diet, exercise, and looking younger boom
Cultural Trends # 18 in America Coastal counties from Texas to New England grow by about 1,300 people a day. The "new" Sun Belt explodes. Phoenix, Las Vegas, Charlotte and many cities in Florida become major metropolitan centers by older generation. The new “U” – shape of America. Slight outward migration from Sunbelt to Rustbelt cities by younger generation to raise a family with better schools and less crime. On the Move . . .
Cultural Trends # 19 in America Prozac. Paxil. Xanax. Zoloft. Ritalin. Adderall. Lack of sleep and increase sleep disorder due to stress and anxiety. The need to do more with less. Rushing here to get there. Trying to work smarter; longer; and differently. Multi-tasking. Job security is related to performance. Risk of downsizing and losing job. No upward mobility. No new hires. Many people unemployed and willing to work for less money for the same job. High stress and anxiety society
Cultural Trends # 20 in America Debit cards. Credit cards. ATMs around the world. Gift cards for purchases. On-line banking. Access to financial information on line. The growth of on-line stock brokers. Electronic gambling and betting. Wire transfers. Pay Pal. “https” security on internet for buying anything off the web. Government tracking of $10,000 transactions and more in banking. Electronic cashmanagement
Cultural Trends # 21 in America More adults choosing to live by themselves. Young men are marrying later in life. Marriage and child bearing is delayed. Men die sooner than men. Women live longer than men. More widows. Most women prefer to remain single and have no spouse after a death. Living alone
Cultural Trends # 22 in America Pressure to get into elite universities spawns rise of test-prep industry and high school résumés crammed with activities. High school drop-out rate in affluent areas declining; major increases in drop-out rate in urban areas. College loan $$$ harder to secure and obtain. College costs soar -- and so does college debt. More women than men in college.College is the new minimum for jobs; no longer is high school diploma good enough. No jobs after graduation. College stress grows
Cultural Trends # 23 in America Gentleman clubs for executives. Hooters. Paris Hilton. Britney Spears. Wardrobe malfunction. Wet T-shirt contests. Girls Gone Wild series. Online pornography - Craig’s list. Viagra. Erectile dysfunction ads. Desperate House Wives. Sex in the City. Playboy Channel. Cinemax. Sextexting by teens on cell phones. Sex and Sexualization in America
Cultural Trends # 24 in America State lotteries. Casinos. Riverboat gambling. Horse racing. Dog tracks. Slot machines at racetracks. Internet gambling. Sports betting online. States bet on Gambling
Cultural Trends # 25 in America You look marvelous, darling !! The need to look younger than we are. Wrinkle cream remover. Cosmetic surgery (from breast implants and nose jobs to stomach bands and liposuction to face lifts). Botox. Dermabrasion. Teeth whitening. Lasik eye surgery. Extreme Makeover onTV. High protection sun tan lotion. Fake sun tan’s in a bottle. See trend number #17. Makeovers for the masses
Cultural Trends # 26 in America For a narrow majority of Americans (55%), the current recession brought a mix of hardships, usually in combination: a spell of unemployment, missed mortgage or rent payments, shrinking paychecks and shattered household budgets, according to a recent survey by the Pew Research Center's Social & Demographic Trends project. But for the other 45% of the country, the recession was largely free of such difficulties. One Recession, Two Americas
Cultural Trends # 26 in America These two groups differ in their demographic makeup. About seven-in-ten retirees and other older adults largely held their own during the recession, while an equally lopsided majority of 20-somethings did not. Where you live also is associated with how well you fared during hard times: Easterners are significantly more likely than residents of the South, West or Midwest to havesurvived the recession. One Recession, Two Americas (part II)
Cultural Trends in America “Sometimes the situation is only a problem because it is looked at in a certain way. Looked at in another way, the right course of action may be so obvious that the problem no longer exists.” Edward de Bono Perspective Summary