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Comprehensive Guide to Soft Tissue Injuries

Understand athletic training-related injuries like abrasions, amputations, avulsions, contrecoup, contusions, incisions, lacerations, punctures, and nerve injuries.

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Comprehensive Guide to Soft Tissue Injuries

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  1. Soft tissueInjuries Athletictraining

  2. Abrasion A wound consisting of superficial damage to the skin.

  3. Amputation The removal of a body extremity by trauma or surgery.

  4. Avulsion The forcible tearing away of a body part by trauma or surgery.

  5. Contrecoup When the head strikes a fixed object, the coup injury occurs at the site of impact and the contrecoup injury occurs at the opposite side.

  6. Contusion A bruise, or contusion, is caused when blood vessels are damaged or broken as the result of a blow to the skin

  7. Incision A cut into a body tissue or organ, especially one made during surgery.

  8. Laceration Irregular tear-like wounds caused by some blunt trauma.

  9. Puncture A puncture wound is caused by an object piercing the skin and creating a small hole.

  10. NerveInjury

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