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5 Optimum Techniques to Motivating Employees at the Workplace
Employee motivation is a Employee motivation is a powerful management tool for powerful management tool for getting optimal performances getting optimal performances from talented staff members. from talented staff members.
Financial advice is a demanding Financial advice is a demanding field, and it attracts highly field, and it attracts highly talented individuals that value talented individuals that value long long- -term success. term success.
Helping them understand ways of Helping them understand ways of winning that promote individual winning that promote individual and organizational goals can and organizational goals can pay big dividends. pay big dividends.
Encouraging Encouraging Creative Thinking Creative Thinking
It is a tried and true It is a tried and true management theory, that if one management theory, that if one treats staff members as if treats staff members as if they cannot solve problems, they cannot solve problems, they will not. they will not.
Expectations play a key role Expectations play a key role in performance and leadership in performance and leadership shapes expectations. shapes expectations.
Leadership that encourages and Leadership that encourages and rewards creative thinking will rewards creative thinking will yield more effort and progress yield more effort and progress based on asserting intelligence, based on asserting intelligence, of of using one's educational using one's educational background, and applying the background, and applying the lessons learned lessons learned from from their personal their personal experiences. experiences.
They They are probably the are probably the ingredients that made the ingredients that made the individual an attractive individual an attractive hire. Encouragement includes hire. Encouragement includes placing value on creative placing value on creative efforts and contributions. efforts and contributions.
Clear Communications Clear Communications
Employees feel more Employees feel more like of the organization and of the organization and place a higher value on place a higher value on organizational success when organizational success when they get clear communications. they get clear communications. like part part
Clear communications promote Clear communications promote the ideal of team efforts the ideal of team efforts wherein the individual gains wherein the individual gains satisfaction and rewards when satisfaction and rewards when the group accomplishes goals. the group accomplishes goals.
However, management has the However, management has the burden to define clearly the burden to define clearly the goals and ensure that the team goals and ensure that the team members get the messages. members get the messages.
In the modern workplace, In the modern workplace, communications take on added communications take on added importance due to the importance due to the possibility of remote possibility of remote locations and rapidly locations and rapidly changing business situations. changing business situations.
Leading By Example Leading By Example
The organization may have The organization may have senior managers or others who senior managers or others who offer an example that is ideal offer an example that is ideal for emulation and replication. for emulation and replication.
Similarly, there may be Similarly, there may be individual traits or individual traits or particular methods that seem particular methods that seem especially productive and especially productive and worthy of emulation. worthy of emulation.
Examples are powerful ways to Examples are powerful ways to create and extend the create and extend the combination of effort and combination of effort and actions that help the actions that help the organization move closer to organization move closer to achieving its goals. achieving its goals.
There have been many examples There have been many examples of leadership that works to of leadership that works to raise the level of raise the level of organizational achievement. organizational achievement.
For example, it can be as For example, it can be as little as everyone extending little as everyone extending their day by fifteen minutes their day by fifteen minutes to finish an important task. to finish an important task.
That small fifteen That small fifteen- -minute increase, when multiplied by the increase, when multiplied by the number of employees, can provide number of employees, can provide a remarkable and measurable a remarkable and measurable increase in productivity. increase in productivity. minute
Democratic Model Democratic Model
Managers describe it by many Managers describe it by many labels, such as an open door labels, such as an open door policy; however, by any policy; however, by any name, communications must be name, communications must be a two a two- -way street with way street with traffic in both directions. traffic in both directions.
Management has ultimate Management has ultimate decision decision- -making authority, and making authority, and it does no need to reinforce it does no need to reinforce the idea of control. the idea of control.
There is a far greater benefit There is a far greater benefit in providing clear and easy in providing clear and easy means for staff members to means for staff members to provide input and respond to provide input and respond to management decisions. management decisions.
Through open communications, Through open communications, the employee remains in the the employee remains in the decision decision- -making loop; this is making loop; this is particularly important when particularly important when management policies have an management policies have an impact that makes an impact that makes an employee's job more difficult. employee's job more difficult.
The two The two- -way communications way communications policy ensures that management policy ensures that management will hear the creative voices. will hear the creative voices.
Open communications insure Open communications insure that management gets input that management gets input from the personnel who may from the personnel who may have the best perspective on a have the best perspective on a given business function. given business function.
Delegate Delegate Meaningful Work Meaningful Work
None of the above suggestions None of the above suggestions will move the employee forward will move the employee forward without actual opportunities without actual opportunities to grow and shine. to grow and shine.
This delegation of important This delegation of important work is the fuel that work is the fuel that makes the employee engine run; makes the employee engine run; it is an opportunity it is an opportunity to make a difference. to make a difference.
Management must delegate Management must delegate work that will have an work that will have an impact if done well. impact if done well.
Speak with the experienced Speak with the experienced financial advisor recruiters financial advisor recruiters of Willis Consulting Inc. of Willis Consulting Inc.
Management often defines Management often defines talented people as those who talented people as those who welcome such challenges; welcome such challenges; conversely, difficult conversely, difficult challenges can develop skills challenges can develop skills and confidence to achieve in and confidence to achieve in pressure pressure- -filled environments. filled environments.
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Willis Consulting, Inc. Los Angeles Office: Corporate Headquarters 719 Yarmouth Road, Suite 203 Palos Verdes Estates, CA 90274 310-373-7400 PST Scottsdale Office 8970 E Raintree Drive Suite #300 Scottsdale AZ 85260 New York Office 244 5th Avenue, Suite 1855 New York NY 10001 212-726-2041 PST