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Cross-Border ODR Pilot. ODR should be nice and easy. This flower is a hypothetical example of one of many logos or trustmarks of different ADR/ODR interconnected programs. Buyer clicks on a website of a consumer center ( e.g . ECC-NET) or other recognized ODR provider ( e.g . BBB).
Cross-Border ODR Pilot ODR should be nice and easy This flower is a hypothetical example of one of many logos or trustmarksof different ADR/ODR interconnected programs Buyerclicks on a websiteofa consumer center (e.g. ECC-NET) orotherrecognized ODR provider (e.g. BBB) Buyerclicks on a websiteoftheseller 6 February 2012
Again, this is a hypothetical example of one of cross-border ODR platforms participating in the global ODR system. The purpose of the next few slides is to show how a cross-border ODR platform or application might look like. 6 February 2012
ODR language Initially, the cross-border ODR is workable for simple, narrowly defined fact-based claims and many e-commerce claims are like that. The system can be gradually extended in the future. 6 February 2012
Goods or Services Not Received Agreeddeliverydatewas on ___ [DATE], nothingwasreceived by thatdate. • Thesellermustdeliverthegoodsorservicesthat are described in thecontract. • Thebuyer has a right to receivethegoodsorservicesthat are described in thecontract. Item not received 6 February 2012
Zboží nebo služby nebyly poskytnuté Dohodnuté datum dodání bylo dne ___ [DATUM], a k tomuto dni nic nedošlo. • Prodávající musí dodat zboží nebo služby, popsané ve smlouvě. • Kupující má právo obdržet zboží nebo služby, popsané ve smlouvě. This slide illustrates how language issue can be resolved. It is possible to standardize the ODR process communication for simple, narrowly defined fact-based e-commerce claims and localize it in as many languages as possible. Zboží nedošlo 6 February 2012
E-Commerce Resolution Interchange (ECRI) Firstworking draft: “… Italsoenables full unlimitedparticipationintoredresssystemsforpersonswhomayhavedifficultycommunicatingeffectivelywithtextualcommunication. The use of ECRI will greatly facilitate participation through the reduction of barriers for certain populations. • ECRI License ….. • Furtherdevelopmentof ECRI … • ECRI • Claims in a Complaint” ECRI is a name of a proposed ODR communication quasi-standard. We have prepared first working draft of ECRI. ECRI should be finalized during the proposed pilot. Item not as described 6 February 2012
. 6 February 2012
Where the Complaint will go? ODR will include negotiation, mediation/arbitration decision enforcement To theseller and a consumer center or ODR provider ifbuyerclicks on a websiteof a consumer center or ODR provider . The center/ODR provider will forward complaint to a participating center/ODR provider in seller’s country.This provider willapproachtheseller so thattheselleraccepts ODR in this case To thesellerifbuyerclicks on a websiteoftheseller. Thatmeanstheseller has publiclyoptedfor ODR 6 February 2012
What do we need? Anatomy of a global ODR ODR programsparticipating in thecross-border ODR need to: • meetconsistentcriteria and operateundersimilarrules; • eitherbeaccreditedorreviewed by respectivenationalregulator(s) prior to theirparticipation; • ifpossiblebeassisted by interlinkedconsumercentersprovidingguidelines to consumers and outreach to domestic online sellers; • incorporatecommon ODR procedurallanguage/communication standard understandableto all ODR providers and consumercenters, in order to enableself-resolution as well as third-party mediation/arbitration; and • operateas an online platform, implementing thecommon ODR language and minimum common technology requirements. Item shipped 6 February 2012
Future global cross-border ODR systems must incorporate: • Minimum common ODR rules and standardsfor ODR providers and neutrals, i.e. resultsoftheworkof UNCITRAL Working Group III; • Cross-border ODR infrastructureinterconnectingall ODR stakeholders; and • A viableway to set up and implementthecommon ODR rules and cross-border ODR infrastructurewhileatthesametimesupportingthe establishment ofvarious ODR programs on a globalorregionalbasiscompeting and complementingoneanother. 6 February 2012
UNCITRAL Working Group III 6 February 2012
Cross-border ODR Exchange Architecture An ODR Exchange will be established to host Central Databases containing information necessary for the systemregionally/ worldwide Every case in the database will have its data structured in the same way, for instance: CentralDB Case ID: (8 integers)Complainant name: (60 characters)Complainant email: (60 characters)Respondent name: (60 characters)Respondent email: (60 characters)Transaction date: (date)Complaint date: (date)Website where complaint originated (URL)… Every case will also be classified with reason codes indicating the complaint type, the preferred resolution, the response and the offered resolution, making translation less of an issue Proposed ECRI Standard 56: Item Not Received58: Item Broken66: Item Not Authentic 72: Item Not as Described … 6 February 2012
Cross-border ODR Exchange Architecture ODR Exchange will include the following: - Necessary central databases (e.g. list of accredited ODR providers); - ODR communication standard (ECRI); - Minimum technology requirements on ODR providers (common technology protocol); - Application to operate the central databases; and - Implementation of the above issues provided as a service These are components of the ODR Data Exchange, one of the necessary instruments of a global ODR Item broken 6 February 2012
Cross-border ODR Exchange Architecture ODR Exchange Technology neutral standard data structureswillenablean ODR Provider to use itsownapplicationwhichinterconnectswithitsexisting case administrationsystem ODR Providercanalsoobtain such applicationfrom a third party provider, togetherwithquickupdatesof ECRI enhancementsand support services (software as a service) CentralDB ODR Provider seller buyer NationalConsumer Protection Authority Local Consumer Protection Agency 6 February 2012
Cross-border ODR Data Exchange Architecture ODR Exchange ODR Data Exchange will enable different ADR/ODR providers and participating consumer centers to keep their look-and-feel and still communicate with each other. It might also implement region-specific ODR programs (e.g. within EU) while keeping global interoperability. CentralDB ECC-NET forms and look-and-feel BBB forms and look-and-feel ODR Protocol seller buyer NationalConsumer Protection Center Global Trustmark 6 February 2012
Cross-border ODR Exchange Architecture ODR Exchange If the seller does not implement issued ODR awards, the national consumer authority can take enforcement actions; there is a prevailing view that the decisions should be enforceable under the New York Convention; in addition, they might be enforced via private enforcement intermediaries (e.g. payment channels) and the default of the merchant may also be published by the ODR Exchange Enforcement via NYC CentralCaseDB Private enforcement via payment channels, naming-shaming seller NationalConsumer Protection Authority 6 February 2012
Cross-border ODR Exchange Architecture ODR Exchange € € ODR Provider 1-n Seller 1-n ODR Exchange will not be handling any cases and will not market itself to consumers and/or online sellers. Users of ODR Exchange service (accredited ODR providers and consumer centers) will market its services publicly. Regional implementations of ODR Exchange can serve as a collection agent of regular small fees from online sellers for their use of the regional ODR logo (e.g. ECC-NET ODR), or an existing trustmark, or logo of an ODR provider (e.g. ADR.EU) to cover costs of case handling by regional or national ODR providers. In addition, ODR Exchange will contain principal information for buyers and sellers online (links to consumer centers, commonly structured statistics etc.) and can be connected with international public awareness campaigns. 6 February 2012
ODR Exchange Servicesof ODR Exchange willprovidethefollowing: • multi-lingual ODR applicationimplemented in a cloud and provided as a white label service to accredited ADR/ODR providers and consumercenters; • maintenance and operation of central databases of the cross-border ODR system (e.g. database of accredited ODR providers and neutralsorblack list ofsellerswhich do not implementissueddecisions); • providing consultations andimplementation services to ODR programs; and • maintenance of a global ODR communication standard and minimum technicalrequirements so that ODR providers are • .able to implementtheirownunique ODR solutionsconsistentwiththepublished • specification. 6 February 2012
ODR Exchange I. ODR providers/consumer centers will receive: - updated specifications; - maintenance of central databases; - consulting and implementation services - ready to be implemented cross-border ODR solution; II. ODR providers/consumer centers will: - localize communication standard and ODR Rules; - promote implementations of ODR Data Exchange to consumers and online sellers in their respective countries. Not paid 6 February 2012
ODR Exchange Pilot (www.odrexchange.com) ODR Exchange pilot started in January 2012. Our goal is to verify and discuss cross-border ODR system which is workable, very simple, and which can work without basic regard to detailed provisions of applicable law, specific national rules for the protection of consumers etc. ODR practitioners from many countries participate, including from USA and Canada (BBB), Latin America (ILCE), EU (ECC-NET), Korea etc. New entities are joining… First draft documents for discussion and comments were distributed this week. All pilot documents are available at www.odrexchange.com. 6 February 2012
Proposal to Pilot ODR Exchange Firststageofthe pilot will last fromJanuary to May 2012 and willincludethefollowing: • Verification and testing of the proposed functions of ODR Exchange application; • Finalizationofthe ODR communication standard and minimum technology requirements on ODR providers; • Clarification of costs involved for ODR providers with administering cross-border ODR disputes; • Necessity/desireabilityof some kind of coordination structure of the ODR stakeholders using ODR Data Exchange; - Contacts and discussions with payment channels and with associations of online sellers and large online sellers. EVERY PILOT PARTICIPANT WILL C COVER ITS OWN COSTS Discount 6 February 2012
Proposal to Pilot ODR Exchange Results of the first stage of the pilot will be announced during UNCITRAL meeting in May 2012. During the second stage of the Pilot (till October 2012) the ODR Exchange will be finalized. We expect ODR Exchange to be put into live operation in the fall of 2012. Replacement 6 February 2012
Cross-border ODR Pilot Thank you for your attention. Zbynek Loebl zloebl@odrexchange.com 6 February 2012