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Exploring Earth's Diversity: Geography Basics and Themes

Learn about the study of everything on Earth, the 5 main themes of geography (Place, Location, Interaction, Regions, Movement), and the different branches of geography (Human and Physical). Understand spatial concepts, regions, and how people interact and adapt to their environment. Discover the importance of location and the exchange of goods and ideas in global movement.

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Exploring Earth's Diversity: Geography Basics and Themes

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  1. World Geography 5 Themes of Geography

  2. what is geography? • Who can tell me what is geography? • Geography is the study of everything on Earth!

  3. what is geography? With a partner, can you divide these items into 2 equal groups? What would you title each of your groups? • Rocks • People • Rainfall • Animals • Cities • Religions • Agriculture • Rivers • Languages • Deserts

  4. 2 Branches of Geography • Rocks • Rainfall • Animals • Rivers • Deserts • People • Cities • Religions • Agriculture • Languages Human Geography Physical Geography

  5. what is geography? • Geography is a spatial science • Spatial behavior of people • Spatial relationships between places • Spatial processes that create or maintain those behaviors and relationships

  6. Spatial, spatial, spatial still confused? -adjective 1. of or pertaining to space. 2. existing or occurring in space; having extension in space

  7. Spatial, spatial, spatial • OK, try this: • Slap the desk of your neighbor. • What happened in the room?

  8. Say Hello to PLIRM The 5 Themes of Geography Place Location Interaction (Human/Environment) Region Movement

  9. Five themes of geography: Place • Place: the distinctive and distinguishing physical and human characteristics of locales • Questions: What does ____ look like? Why? How is it different from ____?

  10. five themes of geography: Place • Every place has characteristics that are man-made as well as having those that nature provides. Examples of Physical or Natural include: weather, climate, natural vegetation, landforms, bodies of water, native animal life, etc. Examples of Human and Cultural include: jobs and economic activities, population distribution and density, religion, government, food, types of homes, education, history, language, etc.

  11. five themes of geography: Place • Every place is a place – we study the character and meaning of that place • We have a “Sense of Place” (ex: the feeling of home). • We have a “Perception of Place” (even if you’ve never been somewhere, you think you know what it’s like from TV, movies, others, pictures, etc.

  12. Five themes of geography: Location 2) Location: the meaning of absolute and relative position on the earth's surface • Vocab : Global Positioning Systems (GPS), scale, latitude and longitude, distance • Questions: Where is ____? Where is ____ relative to where I am?

  13. Relative and absolute location • Everyone Stand up! • Tell the person next to you: • Where you live? (not exact address of course… creepers!) • That is an example of Relative location!

  14. Location: Clear Falls High School • 29.5193716 degrees North • 95.014818 degrees West YOU ARE HERE Latitude and Longitude is absolute location!

  15. Five themes of geography: INTERACTION 3) Interaction (Human/Environment): This is how people ADAPT to their environment. EX: People that move to a cold climate would have to change their style by buying warmer clothes. Also…

  16. Five themes of geography: INTERACTION How people CHANGE the environment! EX: Building subdivisions on what was once a forest or building levees along rivers.

  17. Five themes of geography: Regions • Region- an area with one or more common features that make it different from surrounding areas.

  18. Five themes of geography: Regions A region can be a place united by PHYSICAL conditions. EX: A desert, forest, mountain range, plain, or a coast can be described as a region

  19. Five themes of geography: Regions A region can also be somewhere that is united by SIMILAR cultural traits. EX: A place that is largely populated by people of the Muslim religion would be considered a region.

  20. Can a place be included in more than one region?

  21. Five themes of geography: Movement 5) Movement: patterns and change in human spatial interaction on the earth EX: A family goes on vacation and leaves from Houston to go to Washington D.C., they must physically move there Or….. EX: You simply go to a friends house to hang out Also…..

  22. Five themes of geography: Movement Movement is the exchange of goods and ideas. Ex: UPS moves goods across the country without people actually coming into direct contact

  23. Worldwide Net Migration

  24. P L I R M

  25. PLIRM Day 2 Types of Regions

  26. Five themes of geography: Regions 4) Regions: how they form and change • Formal Regions • Regions defined by governmental or administrative boundaries (States, Countries, Cities) • Regions defined by similar characteristics (Corn Belt, Rocky Mountain region, Chinatown). • Functional Regions • Regions defined area organized around a NODE or focal point (newspaper service area, cell phone coverage area, subway). • Vernacular/Perceptual Regions • Regions defined by peoples perception of something existing based on people’s cultural identity (middle east, the south, or home.) • Skills: Synthesis, application • Questions: How has this spatial pattern developed? Will it continue to change?

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