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Acquisition of Verb-Subject Structures in L2: Word Order at Interface

This research delves into L2 acquisition of verb-subject structures, highlighting learners' sensitivity to discourse status in L2 but challenges in syntactic encoding. The study examines data from L1 Spanish/Italian speakers learning English and L1 English/Greek speakers learning Spanish, emphasizing the importance of the lexicon-syntax, syntax-discourse, and syntax-phonology interfaces in understanding word order acquisition.

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Acquisition of Verb-Subject Structures in L2: Word Order at Interface

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  1. Word Order at the lexicon-syntax, syntax-discourse and syntax-phonology interfaces: L2 Acquisition of Verb-Subject Structures. GOING ROMANCE 2007 University of Amsterdam Cristobal Lozano Universidad de Granada Amaya Mendikoetxea, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid http://www.uam.es/woslac

  2. AIM OF THE PRESENTATION • To show that: • (i) Learners of Romance (L1 English/Greek – L2 Spanish) as well as Romance learners of English (L1 Spanish/Italian – L2 English) are sensitive to discourse status(focus) in L2, BUT • (ii) they show residual (yet persistent) problemswhen encoding information status syntactically. • A full account of word order acquisition needs to take into account properties at three interfaces: lexicon-syntax, syntax-discourse and syntax-phonology. • V(erb) S(ubject) structures • Experimental data of L2 Spanish (Lozano 2006a, 2006b), • Corpus analysis studies in L2 English.(Lozano & Mendikoetxea, forthcoming) of

  3. Word Order L1 Spanish/Italian (1) Postverbal subjects are produced freely with all verb classes (1) a. Ha telefoneadoMaría al presidente. (transitive). Has phoned Mary the president b. Ha habladoJuan. (unergative) c. Ha llegadoJuan (unaccusative) has spoken Juan . has arrived Juan • Inversion as ‘focalisation’: • preverbal subjects are topics (given information) • and postverbal subjects are focus (new information) (Belletti 2001, 2004, Zubizarreta 1998) (2) ¿Quién ha llegado/hablado? (Sp) (3) Chi è arrivato/parlato? (It) Who has arrived/spoken? i. Ha llegado/hablado Juan i. É arrivato/ A parlato Gianni ii. #Juan ha llegado/hablado ii. # Gianni é arrivato/a parlato

  4. Word Order L1 Spanish/Italian (2) • Neutral (non-focus) contexts: Discourse-initial (4) a. Una mujergritó (unerg) (5) a. # Una mujerllegó.(unacc) b. #/Gritóuna mujer. b. Llegóuna mujer ‘A woman shouted’ ‘A woman arrived.’ • Empirical studies on Spanish native speakers show that verb choice may determine word order (Hertel 2003, Lozano 2003, 2006a, b, see also Pinto 1999) : • Neutral: SV (unerg) – VS (unacc) [lexicon-syntax] • Narrow focus contexts: VS (unerg, unacc) [syntax-discourse]

  5. Lexicon-syntax: Unaccusative Hypothesis Greek: like Spa. English: strictly SV (no surface syntactic effects)

  6. A: ¿Quién gritó? ‘Who sho uted?’ B: Gritó María ‘Shouted Maria’ Syntax-discourse: Narrow focus Greek & Eng: pres focus in situ: SV(pres. focus subject checked in Spec,TP)

  7. 1) Experimental study: English L1/Greek L1- Spanish L2VS in L2 • Lexicon-Syntax (Unacc. Hypothesis): • English-speaking learners of Spanish are sensitive to the syntactic effects of the Unacc. Hypothesis from early stages of development: SV with unergatives but VS with unaccusatives (De Miguel, 1993; Hertel, 2000, 2003; Hertel & Pérez-Leroux, 1999). • Syntax-Discourse: under-researched area: • Hertel (2003): presentationally focused subjects in final position are acquired late in L2 Spa. Same finding for L2 Italian (Belletti & Leonini, 2004). • Ocampo (1990) and Camacho (1999): L2 Spa acquisition of distinct word orders to mark focus is acquired late or perhaps never acquired in native-like fashion.

  8. Method (Lozano 2006a, 2006b) • Instrument: • Contextualised acceptability judgement test (Hertel, 2000) Translation

  9. Results: neutral contexts(Unaccusative Hypothesis) Unergatives (SV) Unaccusatives (VS) sig sig sig sig sig sig Convergence with natives (native-like knowledge)

  10. Results: focused contexts(Presentational focus at syntax-discourse interface) ¿Quién gritó / llegó? “Who shouted / arrived?” Unergatives (VS) Unaccusatives (VS) sig n.s. n.s. sig n.s. n.s. (just) Divergence with natives (subtype: optionality)

  11. Conclusion of Experimental Study syntax discourse • Features at the syntax-discourse interface are persistently problematic for advanced learners (e.g. work by Sorace, Tsimpli. Montrul = pragmatic deficit). • Lozano (2006a, 2006b): • There is no reasons to think that learners are not sensitive to the topic/focus distinction, as it is present in L1 (in fact, it is universal). • Learners are sensitive to discourse status but are unable to encode it syntactically with the pragmatically most adequate word order: discourse before syntax (syntactic deficit) • In line with findings by Domínguez and Arche (2007): • Availability of optional forms can be accounted for by a purely syntactic deficit, which indicates an intermediate stage where grammar restructuring on the basis of apparently ambiguous input occurs

  12. Corpus StudyItalian/Spanish L1-English L2 • Main question: What are the conditions under which learners produce inverted subjects (VS structures), regardless of problems to do with syntactic encoding (grammaticality)? ENGLISH and SPANISH/ITALIAN differ in devices employed for constituent ordering: English ‘fixed’ order is determined by lexico-syntactic properties and Spanish/Italian ‘free’ order is determined by information structure, syntax-discourse properties.

  13. Word Order in L1 English (1) Fixed SV(O) order- Restricted use of postverbal subjects: (a) XP V S (Inversion structures with an opening adverbial) (6) a. [On one long wall] hunga row of Van Goghs. [FICT] b. [Then] camethe turning point of the match. [NEWS] c. [Within the general waste type shown in these figures] existsa wide variation. [ACAD] [Biber et al. 1999: 912-3] (b) There-constructions (7) a. Somewhere deep inside [there] arosea desperate hope that he would embrace her [FICT ] b. In all such relations [there] existsa set of mutual obligations in the instrumental and economic fields [ACAD] c. [There] camea roar of pure delight as…. [FICT] [Biber et al. 1999: 945]

  14. Word order in L1 English (VS order) • Lexicon-syntax interface (Levin & Rappaport-Hovav, etc): • Unaccusative Hypothesis (Burzio 1986, etc) [existence and appearance] (8) *There sang four girls at the opera. [unergative verb] (9)There arrived four girls at the station. [unaccusative verb] • Syntax-discourse interface (Biber et al, Birner 1994, etc): • Postverbal material tends to be focus/relatively unfamiliar information, while preverbal material links S to previous discourse. (10) We have complimentary soft drinks and coffee. Also complimentary is red and white wine. • Syntax-Phonological Form (PF) interface (Arnold et al 2000, etc) • Heavy material is sentence-final (Principle of End-Weight, Quirk et al. 1972) – general processing mechanism (reducing processing burden) (11) One Sunday morning the warm sun came up and - pop!- out of the egg came a tiny and very hungry caterpillar. [Eric Carle, The very hungry caterpillar, London: Penguin] Subjects which are focus, long and complex tend to occur postverbally in those structures which allow them (unaccusative Vs).

  15. Word Order L1 Spanish/Italian (VS order) • Lexicon-syntax interface No restrictions: postverbal subjects occur with all verb classes • Syntax-discourse interface Postverbal subjects in Spanish and Italian are focus • Syntax-Phonological Form (PF) interface Heavy subjects show a tendency to be postposed – a universal language processing mechanism: placing complex elements at the end of a sentence reduces the processing burden (J. Hawkins 1994). Subjects which are focus, long and complex tend to occur postverbally, with no restrictions at the lexicon-syntax interface.

  16. The phenomenon in SLA Production of postverbal subjects in L2 English (Zobl 1989, Rutherford 1989, Oshita 2004) • L1 Spanish/Italian/Arabic – L2 English: (12) …it arrived the day of his departure… (13) And then at last comes the great day. (14) In every country exist criminals (15) …after a few minutes arrive the girlfriend with his family too. • Only with unaccusativeverbs (never with unergatives). • Unaccusatives: arrive, happen, exist, come, appear, live… • Unergatives: cry, speak, sing, walk ... • Explanation: lexicon-syntax interface (Unaccusative Hypothesis)

  17. The psychological reality of the Unaccusative Hypothesis • Previous studies: • L2 learners discriminate argument structure of unaccusative vs unergative Vs • they use this as a guiding principle to construct L2 mental grammars. • However: • they have difficulty in determining the range of appropriate syntactic realizations of the distinction • this difficulty can persist into near-native levels of proficiency (see R. Hawkins 2001: 5.4). CRUCIAL DIFFERENCE: these previous studies focused on ERRORS, thus emphasising the differences between native and non-native structures. By contrast, our study emphasises the similarities between native and non-native structures.

  18. Hypotheses GENERAL HYPOTHESIS: Conditions licensing VS in L2 Eng are the same as those in Native Eng, DESPITE differences in syntactic encoding. • H1 [LEXICON]: Lexicon-syntax interface: • Postverbal subjects with unaccusatives (never with unergatives) • H2 [WEIGHT]: Syntax-PF interface: • Postverbal subjects: heavy(but preverbal light) • H3 [FOCUS]: Syntax-Discourse interface: • Postverbal subjects: focus (but preverbal topic)

  19. METHOD (1) • Based on Levin (1993) and Levin & Rappaport-Hovav (1995): • Unergatives: cough, cry, shout, speak, walk, dance… • [TOTAL: 41] • Unaccusatives: exist, live, appear, emerge, happen, arrive… • [TOTAL: 32] METHOD (1) • Based on Levin (1993) and Levin & Rappaport-Hovav (1995): • Unergatives: cough, cry, shout, speak, walk, dance… • [TOTAL: 41] • Unaccusatives: exist, live, appear, emerge, happen, arrive… • [TOTAL: 32] METHOD (1) • Based on Levin (1993) and Levin & Rappaport-Hovav (1995): • Unergatives: cough, cry, shout, speak, walk, dance… • [TOTAL: 41] • Unaccusatives: exist, live, appear, emerge, happen, arrive… • [TOTAL: 32]

  20. Method (2) • Learner corpus: L1 Spa – L2 Eng; L1 Ital – L2 Eng • ICLE (Granger et al. 2002) (Problem: proficiency level?) • WordSmith v. 4.0 (Scott 2004) •  Concordance queries can be performed automatically with WordSmith, by targetting specific verbs BUT there is a lot of manual work (filtering out unusable data, coding data in Excel, analysing data in SPSS, etc).

  21. H1 results: syntax-lexicon

  22. H1: Unaccusative: grammatical vs ungrammatical VS GRAMM. 35% Spa 47% Ital • Locative inversion: (16) In the main plot appear the main characters: Volpone and Mosca. • There-insertion: (17) There exist positive means of earning money. • AdvP-insertion: (19) …and here emerges the problem. • * it-insertion: (20) *…it still live some farmers who have field and farmhouses. • * Ø-insertion: (21) …*because exist the science technology and the industrialisation. • * XP-insertion: (22) *In 1760 occurs the restoration of Charles II in England. UNGRAM. 65% Spa 53% Ital

  23. H2 results: syntax-phonology

  24. Examples H2: syntax-phonology SV: typically LIGHT (Pronoun, D + N) (23)a. …but they may appear everywhere. b. …since the day eventually came… c. …these people should exist, … VS: typically HEAVY (postmodification) (24) a. Against this society drama emergedan opposition headed by Oscar Wilde and Bernard Shaw. b. … exists yet in Spaina group of people who are supposed to be professional soldiers. c. It is almost disappearingthe use of writing nice letters to friends.

  25. H3: syntax-discourse Discourse status (topic/focus) has to be measured manually by establishing theoretical criteria and then by checking the context (or even the essay) manually

  26. Examples H3: syntax-discourse VS: FOCUS (25) a. …there also exists a wide variety of optional channels which have to be paid. b. So arised the Saint Inquisition. c. In 1880 it begun the experiments whose result was the appearance of the television some years later. SV: typically TOPIC (26) a. I use the Internet … I find windows … if they press on any of these windows … these windowscannot appear because a child could enter easily… b. …the world of drugs: mafias … problems with mafias finished … dangerous people making money … no reason why these people should exist.

  27. Conclusion of corpus study V S S V Unacc Focus Interfaces: Lexicon-syntax Syntax-discourse Syntax-phonology Heavy Topic Unacc Light

  28. General conclusions • L1 English-L2 Spanish: learners are sensitive to discourse status but are unable to encode it syntactically with the pragmatically most adequate word order. • L2 Spanish/Italian – L1 English: learners are sensitive to discourse status (and weight effects) but show persistent problems in the syntactic encoding of the construction and overuse the construction. Examples • *In the evolution of the human species it would disappearthe capacity of thought in a near future. (spm04006) • *Instead I think that existfactors which, on long term, can predispose human mind to that crime …(itrl1010)

  29. General conclusions • Our studies support a substantial body of research that considers the Unaccusative Hypothesis to be psychologically real in L2: L2 learners are aware of the argument structure distinction between unaccusative and unergative Vs and use this as a guiding principle to construct L2 mental grammars. BUT • Unaccusativity is a necessary but not a sufficient condition for the acceptability and/or the production of VS structures in the non-native grammars of both Spanish L2 learners and English L2 learners. • Properties operating at both the syntax-discourse and the syntax-phonology interfaces, relevant for a variety of word order phenomena in L1 (see e,g, Arnold et al. 2000), also play a crucial role in constituent ordering in L2.

  30. Thank you!!!

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