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All About Me. By: Mrs. Wright’s Class June 2014. All About Me. B e r l y n Raya Eld. M e a n d M y F a m i l y. My name is Berlyn and I have a brother. He is 5. My dad works to make money. He is 31. My mom is 29 and she waches my brother and my dog. She is going to get a gob
All About Me By: Mrs. Wright’s Class June 2014
All About Me Berlyn Raya Eld
MeandMyFamily My name is Berlyn and I have a brother. He is 5. My dad works to make money. He is 31. My mom is 29 and she waches my brother and my dog. She is going to get a gob soon.
My Teachers My teachers are Mrs. Wright and Mrs. Junio. They are nice and kind. They can teach. Mrs. Wright is 37 and I am 7. Mrs. Wrights favorite animal is monkeys. Bothof my teachers names are Michelle! I love 1 grade!
My Firends My friends are Cooper, Colton, Jackson, Leah, Zoie, and Ava. I like to see them at school. One time me and Leah made a book. Me, Ava, and Zoie go to the same girl scouts! Did you know that Cooper, Colton and Jackson live in the same neighborhood.
All About Me Cyr Ampion
Me and My Family My name is CJ and I am 7. I like to whach the fireflys. I eat lucky charms and love baskitball. I always work with my grandda .My sister is 7 just like me. She loves to write, draw, paint, and play.
My Teachers My teacher Mrs. Wright teaches me new things Her favorite color is blue and she has two sons. Mrs. Junio has 9 chicks all together. Shes a TA and her favorite color is green.
My Friends Nathan, Ryan, Leah, Joseph, and Tucker are my best friends. Leah is fast at running. I play soccer with Tucker. My favorite thing to do is being there friends.
AllAboutMe Ava Bridgers
Meandmyfamily HimynameisAvaandIam 7yearsold.Rachelis3 yearsold.Momanddad love meandmysister.Ilove myfamily.
MyTeachers MyteachersareMrs.Wright andMrs.Junio.Theyhelp mealot.Theybothlike pizza.Ilovemyteachersthey arenice.Theyworkharda lot.Ilovethem.
Me AndMyBffs MybffsareCassidy, Elizabeth,Mia,Kinsley,and Berlyn.Cassidylikes makeovers.Elizabethhas threesistersandshelikes dogs.Mialikesfrozen. KinsleylikesBarbie.Berlyn iscool.
All About Me NathanBurton
Me and My Famly I am seven years old. I play baseball at womble park. I have 2 sisters named Emma and Abbe. Sometimes she likes to throw gliter. I have a dog and her name is cassy she has a bed to sleep in.
My teachers Mrs. Wrights faveret coler is blue. Her faverit almaml is a monky. Mrs. Junios faveret coler is green and she likes chiken. Her favrit disert is flan.
My Friends My friends are Joseph, Liam, and Kaden. Kaden is funny. Me and Liam play on the playground. Me and Joseph like to play at school. We are the bests friends forever.
AllAboutMe Melanie Perez
Me and My Family My name is Melanie and I am 7 year old. My dog’s name is Leah. I have a brother. My brother’s name is Mayco.
MyTeachers Mrs. Wright is nice. Mrs. Wright and Mrs. Junio are helpful. Mrs.Junio is 35 years old. Mrs.wright is 37.
MyFriends My friends names are Elizabeth , Mia, Leah, Ryan, Berlyn, Kinsley. They play with me and we have fun. We have fun playing tag.
All About Me Ryan Clingaman
Me and My Family My name is Ryan I am 7 yar old. My birthday is Setebre 24th. My brother is 10 and his bathday is Optoveer 6.
My frend My frend is Tucker. Me and Tucker like to play together. He is 7 and his favrit caler is green.
My Teachers Mrs. Wright and Mrs. Junio there both heple foll. They have the same birthdays. Their birthdays are December 30th and there both nice.
All About Me JosephCrusoe
Me and My Family My name is Joseph and I am 6. I like to eat pizza! I like to ride my bike and play soccer. I have 1 dog and 1 Cat! I like to draw and write about Iron man.
My teacher Mrs. Wright is 37. She loves Cines food, crystal light Coke, and Juice. Her favorite animal is a monkey! December 30th is her birthday. She likes to teach Reading and she was born in Texas.
My Friends Me and Nate play a lot and we love it. We have meetings every Tuesday , Wednesday and Friday. It is really fun. We play football a little. We play with CJ. They are my 2 best friends.
All About Me Sarah Evans
My name is Sarah. My faverit food is chsbrgrs and I like to juprope. My dad likes to go to the club house and he likes to take me to golf. My Mom likes to stae at the house and my sistr likes to play and woch tv.
My friends I have friends and their names are Mia and Kisly. We like to play fairys outside togetter. We play different things everyday. They both like to draw. Kisly and Mia’s favor muovy is frozen. names are Mai and
MyTeachers Mrs. Wright’s faerit culler is blue. Her birthday is Desumber 30th. Chiney food is her favorite food. Mrs. Junio’s favorite culler is green and she has one kid. Her birthday is Desumber 30th too.
All About Me JacksonSevrferreia
Me and my famliy My name is Jackson . I am 7 years old . My Dad teaches a baseball team. My baseball team name is red wings . My brother Teams name is the raze. My mom likes to cook.
My Teachers Mrs. Wright and Mrs. Junio are my 1st grad Teachers. In this class we went to two fieldtrips. Mrs. Wright and Mrs. Junio’s Birthday is December 30th. Mrs. Wright is 37 years old. Mrs. Junio is 34 years old. Mrs. Wright likes chineys food. Mrs. Junio likes melons and she has baby chicks.
My Friends My friends are Ayden, Ryan Bryce, Houston, Joseph, Nathan, and Cassidy. We like to chase Ryan and we like to play soccer.
All About Me MiaValeriaDeAmat
Me and My Famliy My name is Mia and I’m 6 year’s old. I like pizza, stake, and to drink soda. My favorite movies are frozen and the Lego movie. I have 1 little sister and a puppy. His name is Yaco. My favorite color is blue. My mom’s name is Cynthia and my dad’s name is Edratho.
MyTeacher My teachers name is Mrs. Wright and Mrs. Junio. My teacher is smart and nice. My teacher works a lot! My teachers likes ice cream. Mrs. Wright likes to teach.
My Friends My best friends are Kinsley, Sarah, Cassidy, Ava, Elizabeth. We like to play frozen, hide and seek, and Lego friends. My friends are funny.
AllAboutMe Bryce
Me and My Family My name is Bryce. I like to play Football at wobble park and ride my bike. My sister’s name is Taryn and she is 2. I like to play with my sister and mom. I love them.
MyTecahers Mrs. Wright gives us checks. Mrs. Junio and Mrs. Wright is intelligent. Mrs Junio has a daughter. Mrs. Wright likes orange juice,coke,cristel light. Mrs. Juino was born in new jurzey.
My Friends My friends are Houston, Ayden, Justis, Tucker, and Ryan. They are funny and fast. I like racing with them. They can make me laugh really hard. They are the best friends I ever had.
All About Me Tucker Haddock
Me and my famley My name is Tucker. My fravrit coler is green and I like to ride my bike. I have a brother and he likes to play football. I have a turdel, a cat, 6 chichs, and two dogs that borck all night. I have a Camow bedroom.
My Teachers Mrs. Wright and Mrs. Junio are nice. They are smart and they help us Spell. She works a lot. Mrs.Junio has chiks too.
My best frend is Ryan My best friend is Ryan. I play with him. He is fun to play with. I want him to come over one day because it will be fun that day. I play legos with him.
All About Me Leah Hunter