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Nato Workshop on Visualisation of Massive Military Multimedia Datasets IST-020/WS-002 6 th - 9 th June 2000 DREV, Quebec, Canada. Objectives. Bring together the visualisation researchers with military users Discuss and assess: Military problems Current techniques/approaches

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  1. Nato Workshop onVisualisation of Massive Military Multimedia DatasetsIST-020/WS-0026th - 9th June 2000DREV, Quebec, Canada

  2. Objectives • Bring together the visualisation researchers with military users • Discuss and assess: • Military problems • Current techniques/approaches • Future directions • Bases of the NATO IST-021/TG007 Visualisation of Massive Multimedia Military Datasets

  3. Liaison with TTCP C3I Action Group on Visualisation (AGVis)

  4. Nato IST-013/TG-002Visualization of Massive Military Datasets Explore methods for presenting to human users the implications of the contents of large, complex and varying military-relevant datasets of diverse kinds Aim

  5. IST-013/TG-002Reference Model for Visualisation Showing the reciprocal relationship between (a) the human's understanding and the dataspace in the computer, and (b) the human's visualisation and the engines in the computer that operate on the dataspace.

  6. Significant Issues • What should be shown: - relates to the task requirements - relates to the user requirements - relates to engine capabilities • What can be shown:- affected by time/resource constraints- also relates to the task and situation

  7. Workshop Format Each session • Presentations of military problems • Panel discussions on: • Current approaches • Potential solutions • Way forward • Chairman: manning the session • Session Recorder: records the discussions Outputs • Nato Workshop Proceedings • Part 2 of the IST-13/TG002 ‘Human Factors, Applications and Technologies’ Report

  8. Have Fun

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