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Dynamic Structure of Micro Scale Rainfall Rate Fields.

Dynamic Structure of Micro Scale Rainfall Rate Fields. Application to Millimetre Wave Radio Communications C. Enjamio, E. Vilar Microwave Telecommunication Systems Research Group Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering University of Portsmouth. Distance (hm). Distance (hm).

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Dynamic Structure of Micro Scale Rainfall Rate Fields.

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  1. Dynamic Structure of Micro Scale Rainfall Rate Fields. Application to Millimetre Wave Radio Communications C. Enjamio, E. Vilar Microwave Telecommunication Systems Research Group Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering University of Portsmouth

  2. Distance (hm) Distance (hm) The Rain Gauge Network and its Relevance to this Research

  3. Spatial Organisation of Rain Intensities • Before the development of a model based on the rain cell concept we must answer the following questions: • Is the rainfall rate structured in rain cells? • In which proportion? • Does this structure depend on the rainfall intensity or the season? • Answer to these questions • Analysis of the rain events over three years

  4. Rain Cell Motion Analysis

  5. Rain Cell Motion Analysis

  6. Spatial Structure of Rain IntensitiesRain Cell Dimensions Radius (Km) 0.1 1.4 0.5 2.7 0.9 8.35

  7. Histogram Maximum Intensity Reached Inside a Rain Cell

  8. CDF Maximum Intensity Reached Inside a Rain Cell

  9. Spatial Structure of Rain IntensitiesRain Cell Dimensions

  10. Conclusions • There is experimental evidence that rainfall rate exhibits a cell structure when the precipitation rate exceeds some 18 mm/h. However, cell structure can also appear in summer when R barely exceeds 6 mm/h; in other words, the occurrence is also seasonal dependent • The average radial dimension of a cell appears to be just under 3000 metres. However, once the 18 mm/h threshold has been exceeded, radii of cells can range from 1 Km to 5 Km approximately (derived from the Joint Histogram Rmax/ Radius)

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