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Life Cycle Data Management System for Japanese construction field

Life Cycle Data Management System for Japanese construction field. Agenda. Introduction Current Issues of Information Sharing Solutions of Issues by LCDM System Fundamental Requisites of LCDM System Developing Steps of LCDM System Image of How LCDM System Works

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Life Cycle Data Management System for Japanese construction field

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  1. Life Cycle Data Management System for Japanese construction field

  2. Agenda • Introduction • Current Issues of Information Sharing • Solutions of Issues by LCDM System • Fundamental Requisites of LCDM System • Developing Steps of LCDM System • Image of How LCDM System Works • System Configuration of LCDM System • Data Handled by LCDM System • Behavior of LCDM System • Service offered by LCDM System • LCDM Forum

  3. 1.Introduction • LCDM is:General concept of data sharing and system collaboration all through the construction lifecycle, not only execution process, but also maintenance process of completed objects. • *LCDM: Life Cycle Data Management • Goals are:To develop specification of data standards and information infrastructure, on which standardized data are registered, updated, and made effective use of, in order to promote data standards and make information investment efficient.

  4. eGovernment CALS/EC eLand eCommerce eLocalGovernment × × × × IT Infra C IT Infra D IT Infra B IT Infra A 2. Current Issues of Information Sharing • Digitalization of paper base does not make business restructuring go a long way. • IT development and standardization are dealt with separately in different fields, so that data linking is not smooth.

  5. eGov CALS/EC eLand eCommerce eLocalGov 3. Solution of Issues by LCDM System(1/2) • Provide information circulation infrastructure, and realize data-linking and system-linking all thorough life-cycle. Utilizing System LCDM System LCDM Information Circulation Infrastructure LCDM Information Circulation Infrastructure (Register, Search, Linking)

  6. 3. Solutions of Issues by LCDM System(2/2) • For the circulation of data, the first thing is circulation of data standards in the form of data models. • Then, plan to circulate data based upon circulating standards. • And then, solve the problems involved in system-linking. Solution of Problem in Linking of Deferent Communities Data Circulation Prospective Priority of Problem Solution Data Standard Circulation Data Circulation Emergent Register Search Acquistion Data Standard Circulation Utilizing Systems Data Standard Circulation Register Search Acquisition Solution of Problem in System-Linking Register Search Acquisition Solution of Problems in Data Solution of Problems in Data Standard

  7. 4. Fundamental Requisites of LCDM System Prospect Data Standard Circulation Harmony and Linking between Different Organizations and Communities • Register/Manage/Search Data Standards • Wide Data Standards Circulation • The Mutual Use of Data and System Offered by Different Organizations and Communities Data Circulation Term and Classification Linking • Register/Manage/Search LCDM Data Location and Administrative Information • The Mutual Utilization of Data Offered by Different Organizations • Assimilation of Terms and Usages between Different Data Standards Requisites for Practical Use Data Circulation by System-Linking • Mechanism of System-Linking • Register/Manage/Search Administrative Information • The Mutual Utilization of Data and Data Standard Offered by Different Organizations • Charge • Management of Rights • Security • etc.

  8. 5. Developing Steps of LCDM System Step 3 Data Circulation Between Various Data Specifications Increase of Introduction Merit Step 2 Computer System Linking More Advanced Function and Data Circulation Step 1 Circulation of Data Step 0 Circulation of Data Specifications Function Attainment Level

  9. 6. Image of How LCDM System Works Admin Info Admin Info New Use of Data with One’s Own Data Admin Info Acquisition Citizen ・Satellite Picture Data Creating Commercial Company Distribute Data ・Rd. Data ・River Data 【System Developer】 Develop New Service! Identify Data ・National Rd. Data ・Prefectural Rd. Data ・Traffic Control Information 【Data User】 New User of Data by Combining New Data and One’s Own Data! 管理情報 管理情報 Admin Info LCDM Admin Info Admin Info Admin Info Standard Requisite Interface National Rd. Data Interface Liver Data Prefectural Rd. Info. National Office Acquisition Prefectural Rd. Info. Traffic Control Info. Satellite Picture Data Saling Commercial Company Local Gov. B 【Data Provider】 Register New Data Based on Data Standard! 【Data Standard Creator】 Wide Use of Data Standard! Real-Time Renewal Local Gov. A Construction Plan Using Information from Neighboring Local Gov.

  10. Data Providing System Data Providing System Data Providing System LCDM Adopter LCDM Adopter LCDM Adopter 7.System Configuration of LCDM System Data Standard Search/Acquisition Data Standard Creator Data Search/Acquisition 図 X.X システム構成図 • LCDM Registry User • LCDM Portal LCDM Information Circulation Infrastructure User System LCDM Portal

  11. 8. Data Handled by LCDM System(1/3) • LCDM Data Standard • Definition • The definition of items in Data and description form of Data • Before it is registered in LCDM Registry, it has to be authorized by Examination Authority • Requisite • It has to meet LCDM Data Standard Agreement • It has to be authorized by Examination Authority for LCDM Registry • LCDM Data • Definition • The Data based on LCDM Data Standard • Requisite • They have to be created according to LCDM Data Standard • They have to be provided by Data Providing System, and to be searched and acquired thorough LCDM Portal.

  12. 8. Data Handled by LCDM System(2/3) Main Metadata handled by LCDM Information Circulation Infrastructure • LCDM Data Standard Metadata • They have to be used to create LCDM Data Standard • LCDM Portal Metadata • They have to be used to search for LCDM Portal • LCDM Adopter Metadata • They have to be used to search for LCDM Adaptor and acquire Information • LCDM Metadata • They have to be used to search for LCDM Data provided by LCDM Adaptor

  13. LCDM Data LCDM Data Standard データ データ データ データ 8. Data Handled by LCDM System(3/3) LCDM Registry Registry Service Metadata Data Standard Metadata Registry Admin Info Correspond Correspond Correspond LCDM Registry UI Access Interface Data Std. Search Service Data Std. Acquire Service … • LCDM Data Std. Creator • LCDM Data Creator LCDM Adaptor Metadata LCDM Portal Metadata LCDM Metadata Portal Search Service Adopter Search Service Adopter Acquire Service…. [Copy] [Copy] LCDM Portal Metadata LCDM Metadata Correspond Correspond Correspond LCDM Portal UI Access Interface Data Search Service Data Acquire Service …. [Copy] LCDM Adaptor Metadata • Data User(User System) LCDM Portal LCDM Adaptor

  14. 9. Behavior of LCDM System(1/3) • The Two Phase in LCDM System • Register Phase The Registration and Maintenance Management of Information for circulation of Data Standards and Data • Search Phase It provides Users with Data Search and Data Acquisition Service

  15. 9. Behavior of LCDM System(2/3) • Register Phase Data Standard Creator Register the Data Standard Metadata LCDM Registry Data Std. Metadata Register LCDM Data Standard LCDM Data Standard Register LCDM Adaptor Metadata LCDM Portal Metadata LCDM Information Circulation Infrastructure LCD Portal Metadata Registration LCDM Adopter Metadata LCDM Metadata Register LCDM Metadata LCDM Portal LCDM Adopter Developer LCDM Portal Metadata (Copy) Develop LCDM Adopter Metadata (Copy) LCDM Adaptor Develop LCDM Metadata (Copy) LCDM Portal Developer Data Providing System LCDM Data

  16. 9. Behavior of LCDM System(3/3) • Search Phase LCDM Registry Data Standard Metadata LCDM Data Standard LCDM Portal Metadata LCDM Adopter Metadata LCDM Information Circulation Infrastructure LCDM metadata LCDM Portal(1) LCDM Portal Data (Copy) LCDM Data Search and Acquire LCDM Data Search and Acquisition LCDM Adaptor Data (Copy) LCDM Meta Data (Copy) User/User System LCDM Adopter Data Providing System LCDM Data

  17. 10. Service Offered by LCDM System(1/2) • LCDM Registry

  18. 10. Service Offered by LCDM System(2/2) LCDM Portal LCDM Adopter

  19. 11. LCDM Forum(1/5) • LCDM Forum • Non-profit task force led by private companies • Construction industry, IT industry, and public sector members • Goal • Deploy information infrastructure to construction IT field • Realize data sharing and system collaboration all through the construction life-cycle

  20. 11. LCDM Forum(2/5) Main activities of LCDM Forum • Develop specification of LCDM information infrastructure on which information resources circulate. • Create new business models and opportunities for construction industry • Promote LCDM concept as information infrastructure • Propose new standards to international standardization bodies in cooperation with task forces and organizations all over the world.

  21. 11. LCDM Forum(3/5) General Meeting Chair Board of Directors Advisory Group Secretary Steering Committee BusinessFrameworkSubcommittee TechnicalSubcommittee PromotionOffice Reference Model WG Legal and System TF User WG Common Agreement WG Registry Study WG Portal and Adopter Study WG

  22. 11. LCDM Forum(4/5) Goals of Technical SC • Requirement analysis of LCDM system • Design of • LCDM Data Specification rule • LCDM Metadata schema • Basic function design of LCDM system • Main Attainments • LCDM System Requisite Definitions (Draft);End of Jul. 2005 • LCDM Concept Guides(1st Ed.);End of Jan. 2006 • LCDM System Requisite Definitions(1st Ed.);End of Jan. 2006 • LCDM Meta Data Specifications(1st Ed.);End of Jul. 2006 • LCDM System Function Specifications(1st Ed.);End of Jan. 2007

  23. 11. LCDM Forum(5/5) Goals of BusinessFramework SC • Expansion of demand on LCDM information infrastructure • Giving effects of introduction • Creation of profit use scenes • Developing new business on construction field

  24. Contact Us Secretary of LCDM Forum3-21-1 Nihombashi Hamacho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 103-8430, Japan info@lcdm-forum.jp http://www.lcdm-forum.jp

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