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Romanian – Tuscany Region Cooperation initiatives on Innovation and Economic Development. MANUNET - Walking towards an European regionally based research area on new processes and flexible intelligent manufacturing systems Programme: ERANET
Romanian – Tuscany RegionCooperation initiatives on Innovation and Economic Development SECOND ITALIAN--ROMANIAN BIILATERAL WORKSHOP BOLOGNA, MAY 7TH 2008
MANUNET - Walking towards an European regionally based research area on new processes and flexible intelligent manufacturing systems Programme:ERANET Objectives: Durable cooperation by means of the execution of the MANUNET model of yearly Coordinated Calls Romanian Partner: The National Centre for Programme Management (NCPM) ARISE ARISE - A Regional Innovation strategy for the South East of Romania Programme:FP6- INNOVATION Objectives: Outline an innovative regional policy and insert it in a wider policy for regional development, with the aim of directing development towards an urban systemRomanianPartner: ADRSE - Agentia Pentru Dezvoltare Regionala Sud-Est Romania (Lead partner) SECOND ITALIAN--ROMANIAN BIILATERAL WORKSHOP BOLOGNA, MAY 7TH 2008
ERNEST - European Research NEtwork on Sustainable Tourism Programme: ERANET Objectives: Sustainable development of the tourism sector through coordination and collaboration among regional research programmes RomanianPartner: ADRSE - Agentia Pentru Dezvoltare Regionala Sud-Est Romania District + – Developing industrial strategies through innovative clusters and technologies Programme:INTERREG IV C Objectives: Development of links between scientific and economic contests; creation of new model of assistance for new enterprises trough measures of spin-out; promotion of capitalisation of good practices Romanian Partner:Centru Brasov DISTRICT + ARISE AgroAir ERNEST ERIK ACTION Erik Action -European Regions Knowledge based Innovation Network Programme: INTERREG IV C Objectives: Upgrade the Innovation capacity of Existing Enterprises Romanian Partner: ADRSE - Agentia Pentru Dezvoltare Regionala Sud-Est Romania AgroAir-Developing Regional strategies and action plans to reduce CO2 emissions by the agricultural and forestry sectors in Europe. Programme:FP7 Capacities Objectives: To develop strategies and action plans to contribute to reducing CO2 emissions through sustainable sources of renewable energiesRomanian Partner: ADRSE - Agentia Pentru Dezvoltare Regionala Sud-Est Romania Danubius University from Galati The Institute of Research-Development for Aquatic Ecology SECOND ITALIAN--ROMANIAN BIILATERAL WORKSHOP BOLOGNA, MAY 7TH 2008
ERIK ACTION Upgrade the Innovation capacity of Existing Enterprises through INTERREG IVC SECOND ITALIAN--ROMANIAN BIILATERAL WORKSHOP BOLOGNA, MAY 7TH 2008
Project Origins Born from the ERIK / ERIK+ Network (European Regions Knowledge Based Innovation Network): • 51 regions, 4 TWGs, 3 international conferences, 11 study visits, 8 workshops, 1 web site, publications and newsletter, database with 60 GPs, methodology to analyse and compare innovation policies.ERIK Network SWOT analysis: • ERIK had been successful in standard networking and exchange but it was time to move to concrete actions focusing on specific theme. SECOND ITALIAN--ROMANIAN BIILATERAL WORKSHOP BOLOGNA, MAY 7TH 2008
Project Theme:Upgrading Innovation Capacity in Existing Firms Project theme comes from in-depth analysis of partners’ strengths / needs:• Addressing problem of limited competitiveness and innovation capacity/investment in European enterprises• Guiding culture, human resources and management capabilities towards innovation• Concentrating not developing a comprehensive innovation support system: innovation/business strategy, knowledge management, innovation finance, HR management and training models and an innovation friendly environment SECOND ITALIAN--ROMANIAN BIILATERAL WORKSHOP BOLOGNA, MAY 7TH 2008
Project Partners:why were they chosen? 11 regions, 10 European countries, involving ROP Managing Authorities: • All partners identified innovation as a key priority in regional development and confirmed the importance of the project theme • Partners identified common needs, but vary in knowledge, economic strength and governance, a gap which ERIK ACTION will go some way to bridgingCooperation with Romania – South East Romania Development Agency: • Desire to build on positive experience in previous projects • SE RDA considers ERIK ACTION as best follow-up RIS project • Support from Ministry of Development, Public Works and Housing (Managing Authority for ROP 2007 – 2013) SECOND ITALIAN--ROMANIAN BIILATERAL WORKSHOP BOLOGNA, MAY 7TH 2008
Project Partners Småland med Öarna (SE) Niederösterreich (AT) Flanders (BE) Bretagne (F) Banska Bystrica (SK) South East Romania (RO) Emilia Romagna (I) Toscana (I) Western Macedonia (GR) Alentejo (PT) SECOND ITALIAN--ROMANIAN BIILATERAL WORKSHOP BOLOGNA, MAY 7TH 2008 Andalusia (ES)
Actions Proposed: Work Packages 3 interrelated Components lasting the 24 month project duration:• Professional project management and coordination with tool support (component 1)• Comprehensive communication and dissemination activities (component 2)• Many-sided exchange and training activities for inter-regional transfer of GPs into EU Structural Funds mainstream programmes (Component 3) SECOND ITALIAN--ROMANIAN BIILATERAL WORKSHOP BOLOGNA, MAY 7TH 2008
Actions Proposed: Transfer Action Plans 11 regional transfer action plans will be developed and promoted through the following transfer methodology: • Mutual presentation of GPs and building the foundations (undertaken through initial documentation and training sessions) • Matching GPs and regional needs (undertaken through transfer matching session) • Deep GP analysis and mechanism for concrete transfer (undertaken through transfer workshops, study visits and staff exchanges) • Action plan completion supported by transfer help desks • production of mainstreaming guide to document transfer preparation process SECOND ITALIAN--ROMANIAN BIILATERAL WORKSHOP BOLOGNA, MAY 7TH 2008
Examples of Good Practices The ERIK ACTION theme allows for Good Practices promoting financial and non financial support to SMEs in terms of innovation capacity. Some GPs already identified:• Fabrica Ethica – Regione Toscana – promoting CSR as an example of innovation in organisation, processes and behaviour;• Trainee in Time – LTC (Småland) – university graduates carrying out 6 month internships in local SMEs to promote innovative activities. SECOND ITALIAN--ROMANIAN BIILATERAL WORKSHOP BOLOGNA, MAY 7TH 2008
Expected Results • 55 staff members with increased capacity (awareness / knowledge / skills) resulting from interregional experience exchange• 11 good practices transferred (minimum 1 per action plan)• 11 improved regional policies (through transfer action plans)• 60 million euro of mainstream funds (Cohesion /ERDF / ESF) made available for GP implementation according regional action plans• 11 inter-regional partnerships with long-term perspective• 5 “Objective Convergence” regions with improved regional innovation policy• 8 further regions involved in project activities SECOND ITALIAN--ROMANIAN BIILATERAL WORKSHOP BOLOGNA, MAY 7TH 2008
Thank you for you attentionERIK ACTION CONTACTS Simone Sorbisimone.sorbi@regione.toscana.it Nadia Crivellinadia.crivelli@regione.toscana.itJessica Huntingfordhuntingford@regionicentroitalia.orgPaolo Frosinipaolo.frosini@regione.toscana.it SECOND ITALIAN--ROMANIAN BIILATERAL WORKSHOP BOLOGNA, MAY 7TH 2008