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ELiTES WP2 kick-off

ELiTES WP2 kick-off. 02/05/2012. ELiTES – ET-LCGT Interferometric Telescope Exchange of Scientists WP2: thermal noise and cryogenics. WP1 – Cryogenics and Suspensions WP2 – Mirror thermal noise and cryogenics WP3 – Large- scale cryogenic infrastructure for LCGT and ET

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ELiTES WP2 kick-off

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ELiTESWP2 kick-off 02/05/2012

  2. ELiTES – ET-LCGT InterferometricTelescope Exchange of Scientists WP2: thermal noise and cryogenics WP1 – Cryogenics and Suspensions WP2 – Mirror thermal noise and cryogenics WP3 – Large-scalecryogenicinfrastructurefor LCGT and ET WP4 – Management

  3. ELiTES – ET-LCGT InterferometricTelescope Exchange of Scientists WP2: mirror thermal noise and cryogenics Milestones of ELiTES

  4. ELiTES – ET-LCGT InterferometricTelescope Exchange of Scientists WP2: mirror thermal noise and cryogenics Deliverables of WP2 Task 2.1 most urgent!

  5. ELiTES – ET-LCGT InterferometricTelescope Exchange of Scientists WP2: mirror thermal noise and cryogenics Groups /membersinvolved (fromproposal) U Tokyo: T. Suzuki, N. Kimura, K. Yamamoto, Y. Sakakibara, C. Dan U Roma: P. Puppo, F. Ricci U Jena: P. Seidel, R. Nawrodt, G. Hofmann, J. Komma U Glasgow: S. Rowan, P. Murray, (S. Reid), NN PhDstudent U Sannio: I. Pinto, V. Galdi, V. Pierro, R. de Salvo, M. Principe UWS: S. Reid

  6. ELiTES – ET-LCGT InterferometricTelescope Exchange of Scientists WP2: mirror thermal noise and cryogenics Proposedexchangewithinthefirstyear U Jena: 1 month ER U Sannio: 1 month ER U Roma: severalshortvisits (I assume WP1 – check with Ettore) U Tokyo: 6 months ESR to U Glasgow -> discussionat GWADW 2012 asnearly all pplinvolvedare present, definingcontent of work (samples, measurements, document, inner-European travelifneeded)

  7. ELiTES – ET-LCGT InterferometricTelescope Exchange of Scientists WP2: mirror thermal noise and cryogenics Upcomingevents / tools aim: monthlytelecontogive update fromeachgroup (proposalto find 1 commondatefor all WPs and rotate?) Weshouldusethe GWADW 2012 for f2f meeting(s) asmentioned in proposal! General Meeting in October. (Michele) toolsforexchange: mailinglists(PLEASE REGISTER!, keeptraffictoimportantcontent!) codifieddocumentsat ET page workareaat ET page

  8. ELiTES – ET-LCGT InterferometricTelescope Exchange of Scientists WP2: mirror thermal noise and cryogenics Tasks subscribetomailinglists all groups 6 monthsvisit U Tokyo – U Glasgow clarifycontent, dates Sheila, Stuart, Ronny, JP colleagues coordinatesapphirework links between WP1 and 2 Ettore, Kazuhiro, Ronny, Sheila, Stuart clarifytravel of next 2 yearsaccordingto WPs all groups organize f2f meetingat GWADW 2012 Ronny (invitationthroughmailinglist) organizenexttelecon Ronny (focus of content: task 2.1 – bulkmaterials, task 2.3 – sapphire )

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