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Kick Off Meeting. Toledo 29th April 2005. Agenda 28/04/2005. 17:30 Presentation on proposal for Detailed Plan for the first eight months period. 18:00 Discussion and agreement on workplan. 19:30 Closure. Agenda 29/04/05. 9:00 Welcome and presentation of all participants (2 min each)
Kick Off Meeting Toledo 29th April 2005
Agenda 28/04/2005 17:30 Presentation on proposal for Detailed Plan for the first eight months period. 18:00 Discussion and agreement on workplan. 19:30 Closure.
Agenda 29/04/05 9:00 Welcome and presentation of all participants (2 min each) 9:30 Presentation/discussion of Draft workplan (INNOPOLE). 11:30 Coffee Break 12:00 Detailed Plan for the first eight months period. Discussion, definition of individual tasks and responsibilities. • WP1 - Establish Network - information exchange platform • WP2 - Data collect. & Analysis of Regional, National RTD strategies. • WP3 - Create Consensus on Regional Strategies for Collaborative Working in Agrifood networked businesses. • WP4 - Dissemination & Networking • WP5 - Project Management & Coordination 14:00 Lunch 15:30 Detailed Plan for the first eight months period (continued) 16:30 Additional Issues (Financial issues, Contractual issues, Coordination to other Roadmap projects, EOI monitoring, VI Framework Programme Issues, etc) 17:30 Wrap-up. Conclusions. Definition of date & place for the next meeting. 18:00 Closure.
Kick Off Meeting Welcome and Presentation 2 minutes each
Project objectives Review. Project Workpackages & workplan. Fernando Ubieta
Project ObjectivesAnnex I • Design and refine a proposal for RTD roadmap through shared knowledge, policy consensus and peer validation workshops. • Generate a sensible implementation model agreed by a number of EU regions/Nations to perform, in 5 years, the selected research activities in support including potential ERA Pilot joint activities to be implemented by a group of regions/nations in a short term. • Design, implement and run a sustainable network as a collaboration platform to implement future activities • Facilitate coordination and exchange of knowledge of actual RTD work performed in the domain subject to the project in different projects AMI@Netfood intends to cooperate with.
Project ObjectivesObjective 1 & 2 • Design and refine a proposal for RTD roadmap (SRA) through shared knowledge, policy consensus and peer validation workshops. • Define ONE proposal for RTD roadmap (SRA) agreed by minimum 10 EU national or regional Policy Makers. • Develop at least 14 validation/awareness workshops. • Generate a sensible implementation model including potential ERA Pilot joint activities to be implemented by a group of regions/nations. • One proposal for a Technology Platform or Integrated Project agreed by at least 7-8 EU nations/regions (call 5 or 7th FP). • Propose FIVE different potential joint activities (ERA Pilots).
Project ObjectivesObjective 3 & 4 • Design, implement and run a sustainable collaboration network. • Design and run a knowledge exchange platform grouping at least: 40 RTD partners, 100 Industrial partners and 25 Policy Makers from at least 14 regions/nations. • Facilitate coordination and exchange of knowledge with other projects AMI@Netfood intends to cooperate with. • Establish Active Cooperation Channels with at least FIVE related EU projects. • Dissemination, THREE newsletters to at least 750 & Participate in THREE International workshops.
The AMI@NetfoodDomain Keywords • Information Society Technologies • AMI technologies • Applications and services for collaborative working Applicable to AGRIFOOD and RURAL DEVELOPMENT.
OUR Objective • To define a strategy to develop a sectoral approach for future EU/Regional/National RTD Policy in the area of ICTs applicable to Agrifood and Rural development • To implement it in a form of a more ambitious project as IP (call 5) or ETP. • HOW • Produce EXCELLENT project results (SRA, Era PILOT). • Make EU commission and EU constituency aware of such results (actively disseminate). • Demonstrate EC that we have the potential and capacity to lead the task. Thus Create a strong public-private constituency supporting the results. • Extend the consortium with all necessary actors that will add value to the IP. • Prepare a sound proposal for an IP.
How to do this? First task is to achieve all stated Technical objectives (deliverables) in time, quality, cost (NO SECOND CHANCE). The tasks to be developed are simple but all have to be developed on time and with high quality. To be proactive demonstrating that our project has succeeded in the task and has sound knowledge on the issue. Achieve a big constituency (Public Governments & Private Key Players)
How to do this? Give evidence of IP management capabilities. All partners will have to work in the same direction. All same objectives. We should not admit any deviation – neither on deadlines, nor on task performance. The ones that do not provide the minimum required quality and effort might be out of the project.
How to do this? Extend the consortium with all necessary actors that will add value to the IP. AMI@netfood will receive quite a high number of interested parties (in fact a number of them have already approached us). We will have to first consolidate a strong Core Group and after that extend the consortium with VALUABLE PARTNERS (not any partner). Prepare a sound proposal for an IP. Start as soon as possible, using results and feedback adapting our views to updated EC requirements (5th Call for proposals under 6th FP)
Finally We are all in the same boat. Competition will be very high but we have an excellent competitive position. We need to work together in one and only one direction not accepting any deviation. SRA Integrated Project Call 5 ETP
Work plan 1st April 2005
WP1 - Establish Network - information exchange platform Jaime Buelta
WP1 - Objectives • WP responsible: INNOPOLE • Partners Involved: ALL. • Define what is the common understanding of the domain for different participants in the design of RTD policies in different EU countries and regions. • Identify, contact and select the adequate Organizations and representatives responsible for the design of RTD policies at each target Region/Country. • Design information exchange model and tools adequate to the potential network members who will in a medium term support network sustainability
WP1 - Workpackage planning • T1.1 Review agri-food & ICT domain key players in EU regions/nations. INNOPOLE • T1.2 Define and design information exchange models and tools. ATB • T1.3 Evaluate and select network nodes from FP5 roadmaps and FP6 running projects and ERA pilots. DEMOCENTRE • T1.4 Design of data collection methodology. CIMRU • T1.5 Questionnaire design for distribution, web based questionnaire design. WIRELESSINFO • T1.6 Definition of on the field activities. INNOPOLE
Workplan D1.3
Organizations in DB • Project partners will identify at each participating country (and some additional ones) key representatives belonging to Organizations with responsibility in the design of RTD policies, contact them and contribute to the creation of a database of who is who in the EU. • In total 40 RTD partners, 100 Industrial partners and 25 Policy Makers from at least 14 regions/nations. • All partners propose: 10-20 Industry (big), 5-10 RTD, 5-10 Policy Makers. Domain is Agri-food, ICT & Rural.
WP1 - Actions • T.1.2. Define and Design Information Exchange Models and Tools • Portal: • Repository for Data Collection and Analysis (re-use of AFORO Repository) • Collaborative Environment (TWIKI Tool) • This task will be developed in paralell with T1.4 (CIMRU), T1.5 (WIRELESSINFO) and WP3 (DEMOCENTER).
Kick Off Meeting WP2 - Data collect & Analysis of National RTD strategies. Tech. Indepedent Dragan Stokic
WP2 - Objectives WP Responsible: ATB Partners involved: All • Objectives: • to identify the potential demand of additional Research and development activities on ICT technologies and collaborative tools that will lead to the incorporation of AMI technologies into industries and organisations belonging to the extended Agri-food / Rural sector. • collecting data, information and knowledge, related to agri-food sector, from previous RTD activities and programmes and collecting the needs according to different agri-food / Rural sectors.
WP2 - Objectives • Objectives: • structuring the data within the repository which enables multiple layers of analysis, allowing for the development of multiple versions of current states and multiple future visions. • analysing and synthesising the collected data from actual regional or national RTD strategies with the first hand experiences of the policy makers as identified in WP1 to give a clear expression of the AS-IS and TO-BE states. • identifying current and future legal constraints
Knowledge Acquisition (WP2) Model Storage (WP2) Model Discussion & Consensus (WP3) Risk Analysis (WP3) Roadmap – Consolidated PolicyStrategy Statement Methodology Technology Visions - Questionnaries (WP1) Collaborative Environment WP1
WP2 - Workpackage planning Tasks: T2.1 Collect, collate and synthesise information by country/region T2.2 Identify the current and future legal, regulatory and standards constraints including food safety issues.
WP2 - Workpackage planning Deliverables D2.1 Month 9: Identification of RTD strategies in the target regions and data validation D2.2 Month 12: Inventory of identified constraints by sector (EU relevant, current and future legal, regulatory and standards)
WP3 - Create consensus on Regional Strategies for Collaborative Working in Agrifood networked bussinesses Ingi Þór Finnsson
WP3 - Objectives • Objectives: Define a common policy RTD agenda in a form of a coordinated action Plan To provide a roadmap which reflects the business demands for Collaborative working and future technologies supported by ambient mobile intelligence for the agrifood industry & Rural domain. RTD Agenda has to - Reflect the needs of the business and its current and future standards and regulations from the perspective of networked businesses - Show future agri-food/Rural needs in comparison with potentially available ICT technologies. • Responsible: Nýherji
WP3 - Workpackage planning • T3.1 Identify the key defining parameters for the new collaborative working environments in agrifood. • T3.2 Design a common basis for policymaking and programme forming • T3.3 Validate by testing on peers (Workshop) • T3.4 Create consolidated common policy strategy statement • T3.5 Implementation models definition. • Main milestone – Generation of Common Policy Statement and operational IST technology implementation approaches (M13)