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TRADITIONAL VALUES AND ETHNIC TOPICSINPOLAND Traditionsin Poland; 2013-09-27; Małgorzata Jędrzejewska
In our school we learn about traditions of our region (Wielkopolska), the country and Europe. For the last 2 years pupils have worked on project: Wielkopolska - our small country. They visited museums, played street games and outdoor games. They studied history and learned about famous characters from Wielkopolska.Our school cooperates with High School od Tourism and Management in Poznań. Traditionsin Poland; 2013-09-27; Małgorzata Jędrzejewska
For twenty years our school has organisedthelocaldialectcompetition. We callit „Pyra”(potato),becausepotatoesarebasicfoodinour region. Children and teenagers from manyschools take part in it. They dress up and say funny dialoguesin this language. The most funny scene wins! Traditionsin Poland; 2013-09-27; Małgorzata Jędrzejewska
For three yearsourschool has been one of the organisersof the TraditionalPolish Folk Songcompetition"Kukułeczka" (cuckoo). Participants prepare two songs, one from Wielkopolska region, and the secondfromotherregions of Poland. The juryassessed: the skills, preparation and artistic expression. Winners of the first places in each category receive the statue of the cuckoo, small gifts and a diploma. Traditionsin Poland; 2013-09-27; Małgorzata Jędrzejewska
AnotherPolishtraditioncelebratedinourschoolistheChristmassinging.AnotherPolishtraditioncelebratedinourschoolistheChristmassinging. Every year, on24thDecember, children and young people dress up as different characters (such a goat or angel). They do this in order to begin the carol singing. They go from house to house, singing Christmas carols and they are given small gifts. It's a very old tradition that has survived until today. Traditionsin Poland; 2013-09-27; Małgorzata Jędrzejewska
Christmasisalsothe time of numerousstageperformances. Every year our school organisesChristmas play that shows events from the day when Jesus was born. The class that prepares the playlearns Christmas carols, dresses as typical characters and thentheyperformin front of thewholeschool.The characters usually are: • Jesus and Mary • Joseph - The three kings - angels Traditionsin Poland; 2013-09-27; Małgorzata Jędrzejewska
The most famous Polishmyth the oneabout 3 brothers: Lech, Czech and Rus. It tells us that Lechchose the Polish land as a good place for his people and created our first capital city Gniezno(only 50kmaway from our school). We learn more legends.For example theWaweldragon and King Popiel legends. How do we work with Polish legends? • we write essays • read • watch images • watch movies Traditionsin Poland; 2013-09-27; Małgorzata Jędrzejewska
TheyoungeststudentsalsolearnPolishlegends, but theactivitiesaredifferent: • Theylisten to thestoriesread for them by teachers • Theywatchanimatedfilms • Thentheycolourpictures and talk abouttheevents. As thechildrengrowolder, theylearnreadingskills on theselegends. Sometimesprofesionalactorsvisitedourschool. Theypresentshowsaboutthelegends. Childrenlikethemvery much. Traditionsin Poland; 2013-09-27; Małgorzata Jędrzejewska
The legend of TwoGoats • Everydayatnoontouristsin Poznań canseetwomechanicalgoatsbuttingeachother, the display ispreceded by thestriking of theclock and playingthetraditionalmelody. • Thetwogoats’ fighthaveitsoriginin a legend: • Oncea youngcook was preparing a dinner for city authorities, • Unfortunatelyheburnt a roastdeer, • He was terrified and ran to thenearbymeadow and stole twogoats, heintended to roastthem for dinner • Thetwogoatswereclever, theyescaped to thetower of the Town Hall and stated to fight • Peoplewhowatchedthem, includingthe city authoritiesenjoyedthe show, so theyoungcook and thegoatswerepardoned • Poznań decided to havetwomechanicalgoats as their symbol • Todayitis one of the most famoustouristattractions. Traditionsin Poland; 2013-09-27; Małgorzata Jędrzejewska
TraditionalPolish folk art • In thepicturesyoucansee • richly decorated folk’s dresses – thedoll • jewellery contained corals and ambers, • the flowers bouquet made with blotting paper and wool, • paper cut-outs Traditionsin Poland; 2013-09-27; Małgorzata Jędrzejewska
*European Day is organized every year. It's always on 21st March. It's the first day of Spring when we always have a lot of fun. *Each class in my school has to present a country: - information about it (presented by speakers) - posters (information about location, culture, famous people) - food (prepared by studentsthemselves) * This event is a very good idea because we have a break from our school routineand spend time with friends laughing and learning in the same time. Traditionsin Poland; 2013-09-27; Małgorzata Jędrzejewska
Thanks for yourattention Prepared by students of secondaryschoolin Tulce and theirteacher. Traditionsin Poland; 2013-09-27; Małgorzata Jędrzejewska