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George Albert “Dick” Stevens in his Drayman Uniform A Drayman was a driver of a dray, low, flat-bed wagon and was used to delivery off all kinds of goods. Grandpa Dick delivered goods from the Railroad depot to all over St. Edward, Nebraska.
George Albert “Dick” Stevensin his Drayman UniformA Drayman was a driver of a dray, low, flat-bed wagon and was used to delivery off all kinds of goods. Grandpa Dick delivered goods from the Railroad depot to all over St. Edward, Nebraska
George Albert “Dick” Stevens with his Drayman Wagon picking up dry goods at the Railroad Freight Depot in St. Edward, Nebraska.The two Dray horse’s were Kitty and Nellie. The Dog’s name was Major.
L-R: Alonzo Smith, Mary Jane (Stevens) Smith, Vincent Ferguson Stevens and Almyra Pearl (Mann) Stevens. Alonzo and Vincent were both members of Company A, 13th Iowa Infantry Volunteers during the Civil War and Members of the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR). Alonzo lost his right arm during the Battle of Shiloh or Pittsburgh Landing. Vincent was known as “Limber Jim” during his time at the Confederate Andersonville Prison Camp (1864-1865). This photo was taken around 1900 in Linn County, Iowa.
L-R: Sarah (Whitlatch) Stevens and her Husband Amos Scott Stevens. This photo would be around the early 1880’s in Boone County, Nebraska
L-R: Isaac Stevens, a Hartman or Reeves grandson and Elise (Haines) StevensI believe this photo was taken up in Humboldt County, Iowa
Josiah S. Hartman and his wife Hulda Jane (Stevens) Hartman.Hulda was the sister of Amos Scott and Vincent F. Stevens
Kenneth Stevens with two of his horses on the Nance Farm – abt 1940’s
Kenneth and Corporal (Technical) Forest (Fid) Stevens, abt 1943. Photo taken at Grandma Dick Stevens Home in St. Edward, Nebraska U.S. Army Corporal (Technical) Forest (Fid) Stevens, abt 1943. Photo taken at Grandma Dick Stevens Home in St. Edward, Nebraska
Mrs. Edith (Condreay) Cruise and Mrs. Clarisa (Cruise) Stevens out at the Guy Cruise Farm place southwest of St. Edward.
I believe this is William Henry Cruise, father of Guy Leroy Cruise. Don’t know where the photo was taken
L-R: Uncle Carl Brown, Uncle Dick Cruise, Aunt Henrietta Cruise, Aunt Ida Cruise, Aunt Beck Brown and William Cruise Sr. Date: July 31, 1929