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ACSM MEETING. A Centre for Resource Mobilization by Louise Baker, Stop TB Secretariat. Get FAST FACTS for TB Advocacy here. PANOS launches new RM Tool. Download it HERE!. World Bank launches study into economic benefits of TB control. Use it NOW for RM!. US Congress doubles
ACSM MEETING A Centre for Resource Mobilization by Louise Baker, Stop TB Secretariat
Get FAST FACTS for TB Advocacy here.. PANOS launches new RM Tool. Download it HERE! World Bank launches study into economic benefits of TB control. Use it NOW for RM! US Congress doubles TB funding. What does This mean for YOU? ICRC seek TB funding In Asia. How can you Get involved? ESSENTIAL DOCUMENTS ACHIEVE KEY MESSAGES INFORMATION EXCHANGE HOME PLAN FIND GETTING STARTED WELCOME TO THE ACSM WORKING GROUP CENTRE FOR RESOURCE MOBILIZATION. The ACSM WG aims to ensure TB free communities through the mobilization of economic, community and political resources, by promoting ACSM activities for TB control at global and national levels. The total global funding gap for 2007 for TB control was at least $4billion. HOT TOPICS • This Centre has been created to provide effective assistance to all those involved in TB resource mobilization.This Centre will provide a step by step guide to mobilize resources by guiding you through, step by step, the three key stages for resource mobilization: PLAN, FIND and ACHIEVE. More than just a guide, you will also be able to find at the Centre for Resource Mobilization: • A guide to the essential TB documents • An extensive resource library to cater for all your resource mobilization needs • A "Hot Topic" section publicising the key developments in TB Resource Mobilization • A range of specially designed resource mobilization tools within each of the three sections • An information exchange in which you can upload, exchange and read RM advice from all partners • Links to the most important resource mobilization websites • Email alerts on any news and events • Information database which will link you to other Resource Mobilizes in your own country. • We wish you the best of luck in your Resource Mobilization efforts… PLAN ACHIEVE FIND This section is where you start from. It will help you work out your resource mobilization needs, develop a plan and help you to work in partnership with others. Now you know what you need, this section will help you to find funding opportunities from a wide range of sources. This section will help you develop the best methods to achieve your goals. It will provide help on advocacy, writing grant proposals, establishing winning resource mobilization relationships.
ESSENTIAL DOCUMENTS ACHIEVE KEY MESSAGES INFORMATION EXCHANGE HOME PLAN FIND PLAN Effective planning is essential for any resource mobilization efforts. As a starting point, you should take steps to work out exactly what your financial needs are and what the strengths and weaknesses of your organization are. WELCOME TO THE ACSM WORKING GROUP CENTRE FOR RESOURCE MOBILIZATION. The ACSM Working Group is and does… Mobilizing Resources for TB is critical if we are to reach the Millennium Development Goal Targets. This Centre has been created to provide effective assistance to all those involved in TB resource mobilization. We hope this Centre for Resource Mobilization will be of great use to you and your colleagues. CENTRE FOR RESOURCE MOBILZATION (this will give an overview of the website) This centre will provide a step by step guide to mobilize resources by providing advice and assistance for the three key Steps.. We will bring resource mobilizers together by linking up users of the website… You will be receiving emails on any updated information on Resource Mobilization. Any ideas or input you have on Tb resource mobilzation please contact us by emailing here.. Work Out What You Need Working out exactly what your resource mobilization needs should be your first task. Key questions to answer include: what resources do you have? What resources do you need? When do you need them? What from should the resources take? Download the specially designed planning template to assist you in this process: Tools The Budget Planning Tool has been specially developed by the Stop TB department of the WHO and will help assist you in the process of working out your financial needs. HOT TOPICS Get FAST FACTS for TB Advocacy here.. NEEDS ASSESSMENT PLANNING SHEET PANOS launches new RM Tool. Download it HERE! BUDGET PLANNING TOOL World Bank launches study into economic benefits of TB control. Use it NOW for RM! Know Your Strengths Assessing the internal strengths and weaknesses of your organization will help you develop a focused and How many staff with expertise do you have? Who do you know? How many of your own resources can you make available. Download the specially designed planning template to assist you in this process: Tools Strategic planning is a tool to enable organizations to assess their organizational strengths and weaknesses. It was developed by Campaigns University Health Network PLAN GOALS FIND FUNDING ACHIEVE GOALS US Congress doubles TB funding. What does This mean for YOU? ICRC seek TB funding In Asia. How can you Get involved? This section is where you start from. It will help you: work out your resource mobilization needs, develop a plan and help you to work in partnership with others. Now you know what you need, this section will help you to find funding opportunities from a wide range of sources. This section will help you mobilize resources. It will provide help on advocacy, wiring grant proposals, establishing winning relationships and fundraising. INTERNAL ASSESSMENT PLANNING SHEET STRATEGIC PLANNING TOOL
ESSENTIAL DOCUMENTS ACHIEVE KEY MESSAGES INFORMATION EXCHANGE HOME HOME PLAN FIND FIND FUNDING International Institutional Sources WELCOME TO THE ACSM WORKING GROUP CENTRE FOR RESOURCE MOBILIZATION. The ACSM Working Group is and does… Mobilizing Resources for TB is critical if we are to reach the Millennium Development Goal Targets. This Centre has been created to provide effective assistance to all those involved in TB resource mobilization. We hope this Centre for Resource Mobilization will be of great use to you and your colleagues. CENTRE FOR RESOURCE MOBILZATION (this will give an overview of the website) This centre will provide a step by step guide to mobilize resources by providing advice and assistance for the three key Steps.. We will bring resource mobilizers together by linking up users of the website… You will be receiving emails on any updated information on Resource Mobilization. Any ideas or input you have on Tb resource mobilzation please contact us by emailing here.. International Donor Agencies Resource mobilization can be carried out from many different sources. All funding sources have different needs. Know your donor whether an international organization, a local business or an individual! Once you have found the right funding sources for you, turn to the ACHIEVE section to find out the best methods of realizing your goals! HOT TOPICS HOT TOPICS Global Fund Development Banks Get FAST FACTS for TB Advocacy here.. Charitable and Philanthropic Foundations Corporate Sector PANOS launches new RM Tool. Download it HERE! National and Local Government World Bank launches study into economic benefits of TB control. Use it NOW for RM! Fundraising Community PLAN GOALS FIND FUNDING ACHIEVE GOALS US Congress doubles TB funding. What does This mean for YOU? Individual ICRC seek TB funding In Asia. How can you Get involved? Internet This section is where you start from. It will help you: work out your resource mobilization needs, develop a plan and help you to work in partnership with others. Now you know what you need, this section will help you to find funding opportunities from a wide range of sources. This section will help you mobilize resources. It will provide help on advocacy, wiring grant proposals, establishing winning relationships and fundraising. Self Generated and Earned Income Find Other Sources
ESSENTIAL DOCUMENTS ACHIEVE KEY MESSAGES INFORMATION EXCHANGE PLAN FIND HOME HOME CHARITABLE AND PHILANTHROPIC FOUNDATIONS Foundations are organizations established to provide philanthropic support to charitable bodies and individuals. They vary in size, and in philanthropic and geographic areas of interest. They range from the very large international organizations, such as the Bill and Melinda Gate's Foundation, to very small local trusts. Each specializes in providing support for a particular type of work in a geographic area. WELCOME TO THE ACSM WORKING GROUP CENTRE FOR RESOURCE MOBILIZATION. The ACSM Working Group is and does… Mobilizing Resources for TB is critical if we are to reach the Millennium Development Goal Targets. This Centre has been created to provide effective assistance to all those involved in TB resource mobilization. We hope this Centre for Resource Mobilization will be of great use to you and your colleagues. CENTRE FOR RESOURCE MOBILZATION (this will give an overview of the website) This centre will provide a step by step guide to mobilize resources by providing advice and assistance for the three key Steps.. We will bring resource mobilizers together by linking up users of the website… You will be receiving emails on any updated information on Resource Mobilization. Any ideas or input you have on Tb resource mobilzation please contact us by emailing here.. Target Foundations Each foundation has its own priorities, policies and ways of considering applications. Matching the right foundation to your needs is crucial. Undertaking research is therefore a vital task and this Foundation research guide will show you an effective way of researching foundations. Search for Foundations A number of useful websites exist to help you search foundations: The Foundation Centre (USA) http://fdncenter.org Directories, research European Foundation Centre (Brussels) www.efc.be Directories, reference The Japan Foundation Centre, www.jfc.or.jp Information on Japanese Foundations The Japan Foundation Centre for Global Partnership, www.cgp.org Information on support Funders on Line (Europe), www.fundersonline.org Information about different funders Directory of Social Change (UK), www.dsc.org.uk Directories and research Fundraising UK Ltd, www.fundraising.co.uk Information, directories Charities Aid Foundation, www.CAFonline.org Information, directories Directory of Australian Associations, www.infoaust.com Information about Australian not-for-profit organizations Fondation de France, http://www.fdf.org/ Information about the French foundation sector International Foundation Directory, www.europapublications.co.uk Information on 2200 foundations from 100 Countries HOT TOPICS Get FAST FACTS for TB Advocacy here.. NEEDS ASSESSMENT PLANNING SHEET PANOS launches new RM Tool. Download it HERE! World Bank launches study into economic benefits of TB control. Use it NOW for RM! PLAN GOALS FIND FUNDING ACHIEVE GOALS US Congress doubles TB funding. What does This mean for YOU? Foundations and TB Many of our foundation partners are generously contributing significant amounts of resources to TB control. Read some of the examples here: ICRC seek TB funding In Asia. How can you Get involved? This section is where you start from. It will help you: work out your resource mobilization needs, develop a plan and help you to work in partnership with others. Now you know what you need, this section will help you to find funding opportunities from a wide range of sources. This section will help you mobilize resources. It will provide help on advocacy, wiring grant proposals, establishing winning relationships and fundraising. Open Society Institute Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Rockefeller Foundation
ESSENTIAL DOCUMENTS ACHIEVE KEY MESSAGES INFORMATION EXCHANGE PLAN FIND HOME ACHIEVE Now you know what you need and where you can get it from, it is now time to think about the best methods for achieving your goals. We believe that a three pronged approach of advocacy, networking and writing successful grant proposals will maximise your chances of success… WELCOME TO THE ACSM WORKING GROUP CENTRE FOR RESOURCE MOBILIZATION. The ACSM Working Group is and does… Mobilizing Resources for TB is critical if we are to reach the Millennium Development Goal Targets. This Centre has been created to provide effective assistance to all those involved in TB resource mobilization. We hope this Centre for Resource Mobilization will be of great use to you and your colleagues. CENTRE FOR RESOURCE MOBILZATION (this will give an overview of the website) This centre will provide a step by step guide to mobilize resources by providing advice and assistance for the three key Steps.. We will bring resource mobilizers together by linking up users of the website… You will be receiving emails on any updated information on Resource Mobilization. Any ideas or input you have on Tb resource mobilzation please contact us by emailing here.. HOT TOPICS • ADVOCATE EFFECTIVELY • Here you will find advice on assistance on how to advocate effectively. To be successful at resource mobilization you have to develop a strong case and know how best to communicate your ideas. Get FAST FACTS for TB Advocacy here.. ESTABLISH STRONG NETWORKS An organization can find strength in numbers, as well as strength in diversity Acting in partnership with other resource mobilizes could be a key element of your resource mobilization strategy. Similarly, establishing thriving and productive relationships with potential sources of funds is an effective way of yielding successful results. Enter this section to find focused advice and tools on building strong networks. PANOS launches new RM Tool. Download it HERE! World Bank launches study into economic benefits of TB control. Use it NOW for RM! • WRITE WINNING GRANT PROPOSALS • Many sources of funding will ask you to write a grant proposal. This section will provide you with all you need in order to write winning grant proposals. PLAN GOALS FIND FUNDING ACHIEVE GOALS US Congress doubles TB funding. What does This mean for YOU? ICRC seek TB funding In Asia. How can you Get involved? This section is where you start from. It will help you: work out your resource mobilization needs, develop a plan and help you to work in partnership with others. Now you know what you need, this section will help you to find funding opportunities from a wide range of sources. This section will help you mobilize resources. It will provide help on advocacy, wiring grant proposals, establishing winning relationships and fundraising.