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Understanding Dynamic Arrays in Programming: Features and Implementation

Learn about the benefits and drawbacks of dynamic arrays, how they enable flexibility in memory allocation, and how to implement them in programming for efficient data management.

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Understanding Dynamic Arrays in Programming: Features and Implementation

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  1. CS 261 Winter 2010 Dynamic Array Introduction (aka Vector, ArrayList)

  2. Arrays, Pro and Con • Simple Arrays have nice feature that they are randomly accessible - can quickly get to any element • Dark side - size must be fixed when created. • Often you don’t know much much space you need until you are done

  3. Dynamic Array (Vector, ArrayList) • Dynamic Array (Java Vector, ArrayList, same thing, different API) get around this by encapsulating a partially filled array. • Hide memory management details behind a simple API • Is still randomly accessible, but now it grows as necessary

  4. Partially Filled Array

  5. Size vs Capacity • The size is the “logical” size - The number of elements. What the programmer thinks. Managed by an internal data value. • The capacity is the size of the physical array. Number of elements it can hold.

  6. Adding an element • Adding an element to end is sometimes easy. Just increase the (logical) size, and put new value at end. • But what happens when the size reaches the capacity? • Must reallocate new data array - but this detail is hidden from user.

  7. Reallocation and copy

  8. Adding to Middle • Adding an element to middle can also force reallocation (if the current size is equal to capacity) • But will ALWAYS require elements to moved up to make space • Is therefore O(n) worst case

  9. Picture of Adding to Middle Must use a loop to make space for new value. Careful! Loop from top down

  10. Removing an Element • Removing an Element will also require “sliding over” to delete the value • Therefore is O(n) worst case

  11. Picture of Remove Element Remove also requires loop. This time should it be from top or bottom?

  12. Element Types • How to make a general purpose container class? • We define element type as symbolic preprocessor constant. Default double. • Requires recompiling source for new element types. Not elegant, but workable.

  13. Interface file #ifndef DyArray_H #define DyArray_H # ifndef EleType # define EleType double # endif # ifndef LT # define LT(a, b) (a < b) # endif # ifndef EQ # define EQ(a, b) (a == b) # endif

  14. Interface, continued struct dyArray { EleType * data; int size; int capacity; }; /* prototypes */ void dyArrayInit (struct dyArray *v, int initCap); void dyArrayFree (struct dyArray *v); void dyArrayAdd (struct dyArray *v, EleType d); EleType dyArrayGet (struct dyArray *v, int index); EleType dyarraySet (struct dyArray *v, int index, EleType newValue); int dyArraySize (struct dyArray *v);

  15. dyArrayInit - initialization void dyArrayInit (struct dyArray * v, int initCap) { assert (initCap >= 0); v->capacity = initCap; v->size = 0; v->data = (double *) malloc(v->capacity * sizeof(EleType)); assert (v->data != 0); }

  16. dyArrayFree - clean up Void dyArrayFree (struct dyArray * v) { free (v->data); v->capacity = 0; v->size = 0; }

  17. Size int dyArraySize (struct dyArray * da) { return da->size; }

  18. Add a new Element void dyArrayAdd (struct dyArray * da, EleType newValue) { if (da->size >= da->capacity) _dyArrayDoubleCapacity(da); da->data[da->size] = newValue; da->size += 1; }

  19. Double the Capacity void _dyArrayDoubleCapacity (struct dyArray * da) { EleType * oldbuffer = da->data; int oldsize = da->size; int i; dyArrayInit (da, 2 * da->capacity); for (i = 0; i < oldsize; i++) da->data[i] = oldbuffer[i]; da->size = oldsize; free(oldbuffer); }

  20. Lets build something • How about building a Stack (worksheet 16)? What do you need to do to: void dyArrayPush(struct dyArray *d, EleType n) EleType dyArrayTop(struct dyArray *d) void dyArrayPop (struct dyArray *d) int dyArrayIsEmpty (struct dyArray *d)

  21. What about a BAG? • Already have add. How to do int dyArrayContains (struct dyArray *d, EleType e) • What about remove?

  22. What about remove? • Make more useful tool by writing two routines Void dyArrayRemove (struct dyArray *d, EleType e) Void dyArrayRemoveAt (struct dyArray *d, int index) Think about breaking tasks down into useful pieces

  23. Remove At requires extra work • RemoveAt requires you to “slide” the elements down. Think: from the top, or from the bottom?

  24. What about addAt ? • We don’t need dyArrayAddAt for the bag (order doesn’t matter), but it is a nice complement to removeAt • And we will us it later when we talk about the advantages of keeping a collection in order

  25. Your chance • Worksheet time. Finish implementation of simple get and set, including reallocation. Next do the stack. Then move on to remove to complete the Bag. • Note that your implementation will be used in programming assignment 2. • I’m not going to collect, but you will need this for the programming assignment.

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