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NATSPEC Governor Seminars 2009. Becoming outstanding – governance support for quality improvement in ISCs Sue Preece HMI. Spring 2009. Objectives of the session. Present four key characteristics of effective governance and link these to the articles of governance
NATSPEC Governor Seminars 2009 Becoming outstanding – governance support for quality improvement in ISCs Sue Preece HMI Spring 2009
Objectives of the session • Present four key characteristics of effective governance and link these to the articles of governance • Provide guidance on how inspectors might look for evidence of these characteristics pre- and during inspection
Characteristics of effective governance • Strong emphasis on setting a clear strategic purpose and direction • Governors have appropriate experience, skills and personal qualities • Relationships between governors and senior managers are effective • Unrelenting focus on achieving the highest standards
Rationale for governance • Determining the educational character and mission • Governing body membership • Role in appointing the principal and other senior post-holders • Oversight of the college’s activities
Clear strategic purpose and direction • Regularly reviewed in relation to the community the college serves • Appropriate mission and values • Clear aims and objectives • Focus on excellence and inclusion • Staff and stakeholders understand their roles and responsibilities
Governors skills and personal qualities. • Broad range to underpin the strategic direction • Shared values and ethos • Commitment to training • High aspirations and expectations
Relationships with senior managers • Appoint effective senior post holders • The respective roles and responsibilities of the chair and principal are clear • Developing the capacity and skills of managers at all levels is a priority • Governors have the skills to challenge senior and other managers • Governors are well-informed
Achieving the highest standards • Model of governance ensures that all are involved in monitoring the quality of the learners’ experience • Clarity of purpose for all meetings • How success will be measured is clear • Governors have an accurate and realistic understanding of the college’s strengths and areas for improvement
College Inspection Handbook 08/09 Leadership and Management • the effectiveness with which governors and other supervisory boards discharge their responsibilities • how effectively performance is monitored and improved through quality assurance and self-assessment • how well equality of opportunity is promoted and discrimination tackled so that all learners achieve their potential
College Inspection Handbook 08/09 Strengthened evaluation statements for capacity to improve • the extent to which governors have the appropriate expertise to fulfil their duties and ask challenging questions of senior managers to raise or maintain high standards & positive learner experiences and outcomes • the extent to which the college has a robust strategic plan and business objectives • whether or not the management structure of the college is appropriate with clear roles and responsibilities to enable the college to move forward with its mission and key priorities
College Inspection Handbook 08/09 Strengthened evaluation statements for capacity to improve • whether the college is financially stable and financial management is sufficiently robust to support the college’s planned development and improvements • the progress the college has made in making improvements since the last inspection
Pre-inspection • Pre-inspection commentary (PIC) • College’s self-assessment report • Last inspection, monitoring visit and any survey reports • LSC provider briefing • Information about learner achievements and progress • College web-site • Preliminary hypotheses • Areas for exploration
During inspection • Read documentation • Strategic and development plans • Minutes of board meetings and accompanying papers • Meetings • The chair and/or other governors • Chairs of key committees and other governors • Liaise with the NPFA
During inspection- evidence from documents • Are the mission and values of the college inclusive and relevant? • What arrangements do governors have for monitoring the achievement of strategic objectives? • Are there robust plans in place to sustain high standards or to improve where necessary? • Board papers • Why- What- Recommendations- Follow-up.
During inspection- meetings • How have governors, staff and key stakeholders been involved in developing the strategic plan? • How are governors selected and are they representative? • Are there effective arrangements to ensure that governors have the skills to be able to challenge senior managers? • Do governors have an accurate understanding of the strengths of the college and are they clear about what action is taking place to secure improvement? • What arrangements are there for consulting with learners and key stakeholders? • How effectively does the Governing body monitor and judge its own performance?
NATSPEC Governor Seminars 2009 Becoming outstanding – governance support for quality improvement in ISCs Sue Preece HMI Spring 2009